Early Voting Irregularities Create Suspicion of Fraud

Reports of voting irregularity in precincts across the country are threatening to further undermine voter confidence in the legitimacy of election outcomes. There’s a simple solution.

Early Voter Numbers Confirming Enthusiasm Gap

The numbers coming out of the first few weeks of early voting confirms the enthusiasm gap that pollsters have been talking about for months.

The Election May Not End On Election Night

Thanks to races in as many six states that may be decided by absentee and write-in ballots, we may not know the outcome of the 2010 Elections for several weeks after Election Day.

Little Evidence Of Enthusiasm Gap In Early Nevada Voting

At least in Nevada, there appears to be little evidence of an enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats, which is potentially good news for Harry Reid.

Politicians and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

To the extent that these faux debates are a measure of competence to hold the office in question, Sharron Reid’s holding her own against the veteran incumbent demonstrated that she was up to the task. Or, at least, as up to it as Reid.

Worst. Debate. Ever. But, Advantage Angle

Last night’s one and only Nevada Senate Debate was an embarrassing affair all around, but it most likely sealed the electoral doom of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Voters See Democrats As More Extreme Than Republicans

More bad news for Democrats as a new poll shows that voters are more likely to consider them extreme than Republicans.

The Year of the (Odd) Candidate

Politicians are, by definition, a bit abnormal. However, this year we seem to have more than our fair share of the truly odd.

Harry Reid Considers It His Duty To Spend Your Grandchildren’s Money

Harry Reid think it’s his Constitutional duty spend other people’s money and bring it home to Nevada. His constituents seem to have other ideas this year.

More Polls (CT, NY & MO)

More numbers for campaign 2010–in this case, ones that show the maintenance of the status quo in several states.

Republican Rout in November?

Even with some key seats trending Democrat, Republicans are primed to take over both Houses of Congress come November 2.

Senate Fails To Invoke Cloture On Defense Bill, DADT Repeal

The effort to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell suffered a setback in the Senate today that likely delays any further moves on the issue until after the midterm elections.

McCain Filibuster Threat Puts “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal In Doubt

The prospect of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell before the November elections is in doubt thanks to a threatened filibuster led by Arizona’s John McCain.

What the GOP Just Won in Delaware: a Likely Loss in November

The Delaware GOP now has, according to Nate Silver, a 17% chance of winning the Senate seat.

72% of Americans Can’t Pick Chief Justice Out of Lineup

Even on a ridiculously easy multiple choice quiz, Americans don’t know the name of the Chief Justice or the Senate Majority Leader. So what?

Republican Backlash Hits Tea Party Endorsee Christine O’Donnell

The nation’s 2nd smallest state is becoming the biggest battleground between the Establishment GOP and Tea Party insurgents.

Charlie Cook: The Senate Is In Play

For most of the year, a GOP takeover in the Senate seemed beyond the realm of possibility. That’s no longer the case.

Back to the Nevada Polls

The Nevada Senate race is, in many ways, a three-way in which none of the above could be a spoiler for Angle.

Nevada Poll: Bad News for Reid, Worse News for Angle

The numbers still show an exceptionally close Senate race in Nevada. They also show that a different GOP nominee would have meant a very different scenario.

Tea Party Guide To D.C.: Avoid Green And Yellow Lines

The Tea Party is coming to Washington, D.C. on Saturday for a Glenn Beck rally and one travel guide is warning them to stay away from certain parts of the city. Subtle racism ? No, it’s common sense.

Politics And The “Ground Zero Mosque”

President Obama’s decision to speak out on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” has turned what was a hot-button cable news item into a political issue that even his fellow Democrats don’t want to deal with.

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

Worst Figures in American History

If you think Jimmy Carter is the Worst Figure in American History, you really need to read more.

Tea Party More Popular than Pelosi, but not the Democratic Party

Shockingly, the Tea Party as a generic movement is more popular than congressional leadership. Interestingly, the Democrats are still slightly more popular than the Tea Party and the Reps are in third.

Sharron Angle: America is Violating the First Commandment (and No, I Didn’t Mean Amendment).

Sharron Angle has moved on from Second Amendment solutions to First Commandment ones…

Why Sharron Angle Still Has A Chance

Despite her mis-steps, Sharron Angle still has a shot at beating Harry Reid in November

The Re-Invention Of Rand Paul

As the campaign in Kentucky heats up for the final sprint to November, Rand Paul seems to have succeeded in moving beyond many of the mis-steps that plagued him three months ago.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

So Much For “Recovery Summer”

The latest GDP numbers are nothing but bad news for Democrats.

Reid and Angle Neck-and-Neck in NV Polls

Angle is smartly focusing her commercials on the economy, and it is helping her numbers.

Senate Tables DISCLOSE Act, For Now

Thanks to a united Republican Caucus, the Senate failed to take up a deeply flawed campaign finance “reform” bill.