Congress Trying To Undercut Obama’s Iran Deal?

Some Members of Congress are talking about pushing a bill imposing new sanction on Iran despite the deal reached in Geneva yesterday.

Political Impact Of Filibuster Changes Will Be Minimal To Non-Existent

Yesterday’s change to the filibuster rule is likely to have little impact outside the beltway and the political chattering class.

Senate Goes (Partly) Nuclear, Limits Filibusters For Some Nominees

It wasn’t a Thermonuclear move, more like something the size of Hiroshima, but today the Senate took an historic move nonetheless.

Will Another Senate Showdown Over Filibusters Lead To The ‘Nuclear Option’?

After the GOP blocked a series of Obama judicial nominees, Democrats are again threatening to go nuclear on filibuster reform.

McConnell Fires A Shot Across The Bow Of The Tea Party

When it comes to the unfolding conflict inside the GOP, Mitch McConnell seems to have fired an opening shot.

With Republican Help, ENDA Passes Senate

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed the Senate yesterday but it’s unlikely to go much further.

Obama Hits Majority Disapproval

A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Obama’s performance and a whopping 70 percent think the country is moving in the wrong direction.

Obama, Democrats To Push Immigration Reform Next?

Immigration reform may be the next big battle on Capitol Hill, but it’s going to be far different from the one that just concluded.

Debt, Default, And International Faith In The American Government

Would you trust the men and women in this building?

House Republicans Waste A Day, Leaving Final Deal Up To The Senate

The House wasted a day yesterday, now it’s crunch time.

House To Pursue Its Own Shutdown/Debt Ceiling Bill, But That May Not Be Bad News [Update: Or, Maybe Not]

It looks like the House will be making its move before the Senate acts, but that may actually help resolve this faster.

Senate Nears Deal That Kicks The Can Down The Road, Accomplishes Little Else

The deal emerging out of the talks between Senator Reid and Senator McConnell is about what you’d expect, but it’s probably the best we can expect right now.

Our Fate Apparently Lies In The Hands Of McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Biden

Are these four men our last, best hope for a deal that will end the shutdown and avoid breaching the debt ceiling?

Reid/McConnell Talks Stalemated As Democrats Push For Sequester Changes

Talks between the two Senate leaders haven’t exactly gone so well.

Hopes For A Senate Deal Now Hinge On Harry Reid And Mitch McConnell

Harry and Mitch to the rescue?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Whack-A-Pol Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Radicals in Washington

If one considers oneself to be conservative, ask if the the actions of the GOP at the moment conform to that term..

GOP Getting Most Of The Blame For Government Shutdown

The first poll taken after the shutdown began has little good news for the Republican Party.

Defense Civilians Could Go Back to Work

The Defense Department might open for business while the rest of government remains shut down.

Shutdown Likely To Drag On For Extended Period

There’s no sign that the government shutdown will end any time soon.

Blaming Obama for Government Shutdown

Nick Gillespie advances the counterintuitive argument that President Obama is responsible for today’s government shutdown.

Poll: GOP Bears Biggest Political Risk In Shutdown

The GOP seems perfectly fine with risking a shutdown, even though polling shows they’d pay the biggest price for it.

Will The GOP Back Away From Using The Budget To Attack The PPACA?

Republicans don’t seem willing to let go of the Obamacare issue just yet. But, how long will that actually last?

Yep, Time To Prepare For The Shutdown

It’s now clear that, absent an unlikely miracle, there will be a government shutdown.

Ted Cruz Begins Filibuster That Isn’t Really A Filibuster

Ted Cruz is holding the Senate floor “until I can no longer speak,” but he still won’t be able to stop the Senate from going forward.

It Appears That Senate Republicans Have Already Lost The Obamacare Chess Match

Nobody has moved a piece yet, but the outcome of the Obamacare battle in the Senate seems foreordained.

Ted Cruz Admits His Plan To Defund Obamacare Won’t Succeed

Ted Cruz becomes a little more honest about his plan to “defund” Obamacare.

Vote Counts In Congress Not Looking Good For President Obama

With Congress coming back Monday, the prospective vote counts are decidedly against authorizing military force against Syria.

Boehner, Cantor, Pelosi All Support Obama On Syria Strikes

Not surprisingly, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle are lining up behind the President in the debate over Syria.