May Not Be Fixed By November 30th

With just over two weeks today, rumors are starting to float out that the efforts to fix the Federal Exchange website may not be done in time.

The Amazon Deal Won’t Save The USPS By Itself, But It’s A Start

Amazon’s new deal with the USPS offers a way out of the agency’s problems if only Congress would give up its last bit of control.

DoD Needs Real Strategic Review

“No More Baby Steps,” my first piece for Defense News, has posted.

State Department: Avoid Planet Earth, There Be Terrorists There

Al Qaeda may be up to something, so take no chances.

Postal Service to End At-Door Delivery

The US Postal Service is struggling to make delivery more efficient.

Obama’s Pivot To The Economy: More Of The Same

As expected, President Obama’s latest “pivot” to the economy is less than meets the eye.

If QDR Accomplishes Much, It’ll Be a First

My first piece for RealClearDefense, “Enough with the QDR Hype,” has published.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

Brazilian Protesters Turn Their Anger Toward Soccer

Even the national sport is arousing the anger of the protesters in Brazil.

Detroit’s Pre-Bankruptcy Negotiating Game May Not Be Working.

Detroit faces some immense problems. Papering over them with short term deals with creditors isn’t going to solve them.

Electric Cars Suck Less Than People Think

Popular Science is keeping the recent surge of stories on electric vehicles going with “8 Things You Should Know About Electric Cars.”

The New Normal Ain’t Normal

A generation of kids with massive student loans and no prospects is bad news for the status quo.

Driverless Cars A Threat To Personal Privacy?

Will drivers really be okay with Google tracking everywhere they go in their self-driving car?

Public Not Very Outraged By Defeat Of Background Checks Bill

The Senate’s rejection of the Manchin/Toomey background checks bill isn’t particularly outraging the general public, according to a new poll.

CIA Amazon Cloud

The CIA will soon be storing our nation’s most sensitive information with a private company.

Sheldon Adelson Violated Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The gambling mogul is self-reporting violations of the law against bribing foreign officials.

Yahoo Bans Telework

America Cramped By Defensiveness?

Is America’s focus on defense weakening the country?

US Programmer Outsourced Coding to China, Watched Cat Videos

A company’s best programmer was a Chinese man working for a fifth of what lesser employees earned. Alas, one of those employees was getting paid the other four-fifths.

Malik Obama Running for Kenya Governorship

Amusing in light of the birther nonsense:Obama half brother Malik seeks Kenya governor’s office.

Zero U.S. Troops In Afghanistan After 2014 A Possibility

The idea of completely pulling out of Afghanistan after 2014 is very compelling.

Oh Yes, This Will Solve Everything: Israel-Gaza Edition

The son of a former Israeli Prime Minister proposes an utterly insane idea.

The Incredible Shrinking Mitt Romney

Less than two weeks after he lost the election, the GOP is acting as if Mitt Romney never existed.

Republican Problems More Than Failure to Communicate

The Republican Party needs more than outreach to Hispanics to become a viable national party again.

New York Marathon Diverts Scarce Resources After Sandy

Mayor Bloomberg has decided to hold the New York Marathon Sunday even though millions are still without power and the city infrastructure is unable to cope with normal activity.

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

Government and Creating Jobs

Yes, government does create jobs.

Mitt Romney’s Path To Victory: Incredibly Narrow, And Perhaps Impossible To Navigate

As the final stretch of the campaign begins in earnest, Mitt Romney faces a very difficult task.

What The Heck Is Wrong With The Republican Party?

As its convention begins, one has to wonder what has happened to the Republican Party.

Is Government Inefficient?

A former Obama official says government should learn from business, but is private industry really more efficient?