Boehner Gives Obama Until Friday To Justify Libya Mission

The House GOP and the White House moved one step closer to a constitutional confrontation, but is it much ado about nothing?

Will Republicans Get Sane On The Debt Ceiling?

Wall Street says raise the debt ceiling. The Tea Party says no. What will the GOP do?

Happy Debt Limit Monday!

As of today, the United States is legally barred from borrowing money to finance its operations. Thanks for nothing, Congress.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The The Clash Of The Tight-uns Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

CBO: Obama-Boehner Adds $3.3 Billion to Deficit Rather than Saving $38 Billion

The Congressional Budget Office has come up with slightly different calculations of the savings created by the Obama-Boehner budget compromise.

Obama’s Solution To Deficit: Spending Cuts, Tax Increases, Few Specifics, But A Clear Roadmap For 2012

President Obama’s budget speech was light on specifics, but that’s because it was really the opening salvo of the 2012 campaign.

Stupidly, House GOP Appears To Take Taxes Off The Table In Future Budget Talks

The GOP seems to be telling President Obama that revenue increases are off the table. That’s a huge mistake.

Budget Deal Postmortem: Who Won?, Who Lost?, Does It Matter?

What, if anything, does the budget deal mean for the future?

In The End, It Really Was All About That Planned Parenthood Rider

As yesterday’s budget negotiations began, the GOP had a choice – appease the base, or make a deal. They made the right choice.

Dump Trash at Boehner’s Place

Why in the hell are Federal taxpayers footing the bill for residential trash collection in DC?

The Return of Hypocrisy as Parliamentary Procedure

Games legislators play…

Cynical Political Games, Military Pay, And Government Shutdowns

For the past day or so, America’s fighting men have been pawns in a cynical political game.

Government Shutdown Now Seems Inevitable

There are still three days left, but it’s looking less and less likely that a budget deal will be reached in time to avoid a government shutdown.

Make A Budget Deal, And Move On To The Bigger Fight

Rather than fighting over the remnants of the FY 2011 budget, the GOP should make a deal and get ready for the bigger, and more important, battle ahead.

John Boehner Doesn’t Want A Shutdown Next Week, But The Tea Party Does

The next week promises to be a battle between John Boehner and the Tea Party over whether or not compromise is a good idea.

NPR Defunding Bill Violated 72 Hour Rule

The NPR vote was nothing more than political theatrics–and it violated a GOP campaign promise to boot.

Boehner, House GOP About To Take A Huge Risk On Entitlement Reform?

Republicans are about to take a walk along the third-rail of American politics.

Obama Administration Will No Longer Defend DOMA In Court

Huge news in the marriage equality debate today as the Obama Administration has decided not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court anymore.

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

At Long Last, Congress Strips Funding For Second F-35 Engine

Thanks to the help of a group of Tea Party Freshman in the House. Congress has finally cut off funding for a second engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that the Pentagon never wanted.

Poll: Majority Of GOP Primary Voters Don’t Believe Obama Was Born In The U.S.

Four years after Barack Obama became a Presidential candidate, the birther myth not only persists, it seems to be becoming more prevalent. Why?