Senate Tax Plan Will Include Provision To Eliminate Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

For some reason, Senate Republicans want to attach a bad health care reform idea onto an already controversial tax reform bill.

Decertifying The Iran Nuclear Deal Would Be A Foolish, Potentially Dangerous, Error

Reports are indicating that President Trump will decertify the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. This would be a foolish and potentially dangerous mistake.

Time To Ban Bump Stocks

The Las Vegas shooting provides a good opportunity to enact a common sense gun control law that even Second Amendment advocates agree is called for.

Tom Price, Trump’s HHS Secretary, Resigns Amid Private Jet Scandal

Trump loses his HHS Secretary amid a growing scandal involving the use of private and government jets by Cabinet officials.

Is Roy Moore’s Victory The Opening Battle In A Republican Civil War?

Roy Moore’s victory in Alabama is raising fears of a wider battle in the Republican Party heading into 2018.

Senate Cancels Vote On Graham-Cassidy Health Care Reform Bill

What was essentially the final effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is officially dead.

Latest Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Affordable Care Act Basically Dead

The latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act appears to be dead.

Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill Likely Dead As McCain Announces Opposition

The GOP’s effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears to suffer a fatal blow as Senator John McCain announced his opposition to what is the last gasp of that effort in the Senate.

Fate Of Latest Attempt To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare Remains Unclear

Senate Republicans have ten days to act on their last-ditch attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare, and it’s not at all clear if they have the votes to do so.

Senate Republicans Considering One Last Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

Senate Republicans are considering one more last-ditch effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

McConnell Open To Eliminating ‘Blue Slips’ For Judicial Nominees

The Senate appears ready to get rid of another procedural move designed to block judicial nominees.

Senate Rejects Amendment To Repeal AUMFs Authorizing The Bush-Obama-Trump Forever Wars

Once again, Congress is abdicating its Constitutional responsibilities.

Donald Trump And The Art Of The Bad Deal

Donald Trump made a deal with Democrats on spending and the debt ceiling, but it was an exceedingly bad one.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Under Investigation For Trip That Coincided With Eclipse

Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin’s trip to Kentucky that ‘just happened’ to coincide with last month’s eclipse is being investigated by the Treasury Department’s Inspector General.

Donald Trump Still Has Russia On His Brain, And He’s Still Trying To Limit Investigations

President Trump remains obsessed with the Russian investigation and continues to try to shut it down.

Trump Goes To Phoenix And Returns To Old Form

Donald Trump gave a campaign-style speech in Phoenix last night and reminded us of everything that’s wrong with him.

Senate Once Again Fails On Health Care Reform

Seven years of rhetoric on health care reform ended early this morning with a narrow vote on a bill that even Republicans didn’t really support.

Senate Votes To Proceed On Health Care Bill That Doesn’t Exist Yet

In a vote close enough to require the Vice-President to cast a tie-breaking vote, the Senate voted to proceed to debate on a health care bill even though nobody seems to know what bill they’ll ultimately be voting on.

Senate To Move Ahead On Health Care Reform Votes That Seem Unlikely To Succeed

The Senate isn’t giving up in its efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act, despite the fact that it seems clear that the votes aren’t there.

John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

Sad news about a Washington stalwart.

McConnell Pulls The Plug On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

With the defection of two more Senators, the latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act has gone down in flames.

Senate Health Care Debate Delayed Due To McCain Surgery

With the fate of the Senate health care reform bill hanging in the balance, the Senate will delay consideration of the bill due to the unexpected absence of one Senator.

Senate GOP Releases Revised Version Of Obamacare ‘Repeal And Replace’ Bill

Senate Republicans have introduced their latest version of a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Returns To Work No Closer To A Health Care Deal

The Senate is back from its recess, but no closer to a health care bill that has any realistic chance of passing.

States Resist Giving Data To Trump’s ‘Voter Integrity’ Commission

More than twenty states are resisting requests for data from a ‘voter integrity’ Commission built on President Trump’s lie that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.

Republican Health Care Chaos

The Senate left for vacation without a viable path forward on health care reform, and the road ahead seems treacherous and hard to navigate.

Senate GOP Delays Vote On Health Care Reform

A big setback for Republican efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare.

CBO Score Casts Even More Doubt On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

Once again, a bad CBO score is casting doubt on a Republican health care reform bill.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Faces Crucial Week, And Many Doubts

The Senate GOP health care reform care bill faces a crucial week, and things aren’t looking good.

Senate Republicans Release Health Care Plan That Could Already Be Dead On Arrival

Senate Republicans released their proposed health care plan this morning, but it could already be doomed.

It’s Looking More And More Like Congress Will Fail To “Repeal And Replace” Obamacare

Congress is running out of time in its effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act.

Trump Considering Reversing Obama Policy On Cuba

President Trump is reportedly considering at least partly reversing one of the great foreign policy successes of the Obama Presidency.

Congressional Budget Office Score Of Health Care Bill Is More Bad News For GOP

The latest CBO score for the American Health Care Act is bad news for Republicans.

Impeachment Talk Grows, But It’s Not Going To Happen Anytime Soon

Even with the revelations of the last three weeks, impeaching the President is still largely a fantasy.

Two Years After Obergefell, Public Support For Same-Sex Marriage Hits Another High

Two years after the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling, nearly two-thirds of Americans support the idea of legal marriage rights for gay and lesbian Americans.

Trump Administration Introduces Tax Plan, But Comes Up Short On Details

The Trump Administration is out with a tax plan, but it’s seriously lacking in details.

Trump Drops Demand For Border Wall Funding As Congress Tries To Avoid Government Shutdown

With a government shutdown looming at the end of the week, the Administration has appeared to back away from a demand that a government funding bill include money allocated for the President’s promised border wall.

Neil Gorsuch Confirmed As 113th Justice Of The Supreme Court

After a prolonged vacancy and a bitterly partisan confirmation process, Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed to succeed Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Senate Invokes ‘Nuclear Option’ As Gorsuch Nomination Heads To Final Vote

As expected, Senate Republicans invoked the so-called ‘nuclear option’ to move the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch forward to a final vote on Friday.

Senate Committee Advances Gorsuch Nomination As ‘Nuclear Option’ Becomes Inevitable

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch even as it became inevitable that Republicans would be forced to invoke the ‘nuclear option’ to confirm him to the Supreme Court.

Montenegro To Become Member Of NATO For No Good Reason

The tiny Balkan nation of Montenegro is set to become the latest member of the NATO alliance despite the fact that there is seemingly no good reason for it.

Trump Fails The Leadership Test

The failure of the AHCA shows that Donald Trump doesn’t know the slightest thing about leadership or how to be President.

House Republicans Struggling To Get Votes To Pass Obamacare Replacement Bill

With a vote tentatively scheduled for this evening, House Republicans appear to lack the votes to pass the American Health Care Act.

Senate Democrats Split On Strategy For Gorsuch Nomination

Senate Democrats are divided on how to approach the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, making it likely that he’ll be confirmed.

Congressional Budget Office Score Is Bad News For GOP’s American Health Care Act

The Congressional Budget Office delivered some bad news yesterday to House Republicans on their replacement for Obamacare.