Republicans Introduce Obamacare Replacement That Leaves Much To Be Desired

Whether you call it TrumpCare, RyanCare, or GOPCare, the Republican replacement for the PPACA isn’t very impressive.

Is the GOP Serious about Governing?

Can the GOP govern? Do they want to or know how to? (Does it matter?).

Repealing Obamacare Proving To Be Harder Than GOP Thought

Repeal and replace is likely to take longer than many Republicans thought it would, but that shouldn’t be surprising.

Trump Names Judge Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court

With a relatively smooth announcement, Donald Trump has named a solid and qualified conservative who will likely be confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

Firing Sally Yates Was Not A “Monday Night Massacre”

The Acting Attorney General was fired last night after announcing that she would refuse to defend President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. As a result she was fired. Contrary to some arguments, this was not improper.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

John Bolton Reportedly In Line For Number Two Spot At State Department

A controversial member of George W. Bush’s foreign policy team is up for a post in Donald Trump’s State Department.

Florence Henderson, Iconic Television Mom, Dies At 82

Rest In Peace, Mrs. Brady.

The Coal Industry Is Dying, And It Isn’t Coming Back

Canada is phasing out coal as a source of electricity production by 2030. The same thing will happen in the United States no matter how much politicians try to stop it.

Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Potential Trump Nominees

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is speaking out against several of President-Elect Trump’s proposed Cabinet nominees.

Republicans Maintain Control Of Senate

Defying the odds, Republicans held on in several traditionally Democratic states to keep control of the Senate.

2016 Congressional Election Predictions

My predictions for the House and Senate.

2016 Presidential Election Prediction

And the winner is……

Clinton Health Scare Raises Questions

Clinton stumbles and leaves an event early, leading to the news that her campaign has been withholding health information from the press.

Donald Trump Claims Nomination Of A Party That Remains Divided

Donald Trump completed his unlikely journey to the Republican Presidential Nomination last night, but he the party he now leads remains divided.

Donald Trump To Pick Mike Pence As Running Mate, Reports Say

If reports are correct, Indiana Governor Mike Pence will be Donald Trump’s choice for a running mate.

N.F.L. Coaching Legend Buddy Ryan Dies At 82

An N.F.L. defensive legend has passed away at the age of 82.

Senate Rejects Post-Orlando Gun Control Efforts

As expected, the Senate rejected four gun control measures introduced in the wake of the attack in Orlando.

Marco Rubio Reconsidering Decision Not To Run For Re-Election

Marco Rubio may be running for re-election to the Senate after all.

Senate Approves Bill Requiring Women To Register For The Draft

The Senate has passed an amendment to a military spending bill that would require women to register for the draft.

Republicans Suddenly Finding ‘Scheduling Conflicts’ That Preclude Showing Up In Cleveland

An increasing number of Republican politicians are finding reasons to skip the Republican National Convention.

Sanders And Clinton Split Victories, Clinton Has Nomination In Sight

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders split victories in Kentucky and Oregon last night, and Clinton is now less than 100 delegates away from an historic victory.

Clinton Hoping For Win In Kentucky To Blunt Sanders Momentum

Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee regardless of what happens in Kentucky and Oregon today, but her campaign is hoping for a win in Kentucky that puts an end to the repetitive stories about Bernie Sanders continuing to win primaries.

Sanders Wins West Virginia, Continues To Fall Behind In Delegate Race

Bernie Sanders won another primary last night, but he continues to fall behind in the race for delegates nonetheless.

Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, And The Future Of The Republican Party

Paul Ryan is declining to back Donald Trump for the time being, but other Republicans are making their own choices.

Sanders Wins Indiana Primary, But Hillary Clinton Continues To Advance In Delegate Fight

Bernie Sanders won the Indiana Primary last night, but Hillary Clinton continues to accrue the delegates she needs to become the Democratic nominee.

Hillary Clinton Sweeps Four Of Five Mid-Atlantic States, Edges Closer To Delegate Majority

Another big night for Hillary Clinton, and more bad news for Bernie Sanders.

Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights To 200,000 Ex-Felons

In a huge step forward for criminal justice reform, Virginia’s Governor has restored voting rights for some 200,000 people who have paid their debt to society.

At Least Some Republicans Are Still Fighting Against Marriage Equality

For most Americans, the debate over same-sex marriage is over and marriage equality has won. This would not, however, include the social conservatives who continue to have a much too vocal role in the Republican Party.

Democratic Delegate Math Makes Clear Bernie Sanders Has No Realistic Chance Of Winning

It’s time for Bernie Sanders and his supporters to face reality. He’s not going to be the Democratic nominee.

We Won’t Have Marco Rubio To Kick Around Anymore

Marco Rubio is ruling out a return to politics, at least for now.

Trump And Cruz Split ‘Super Saturday’ Wins While Rubio And Kasich Struggle To Stay Relevant

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz split the wins on ‘Super Saturday,’ while Marco Rubio and John Kasich continue to struggle for relevance in the 2016 race.

Voters Head To Polls And Caucuses In Five States On ‘Super Saturday’

They haven’t gotten much attention, but there are five contests today as the 2016 nomination process continues to move forward.

Donald Trump Pulls Out Of CPAC

Donald Trump canceled his speech at CPAC, but it’s unlikely to harm his campaign at all.

Solid Jobs Growth For February, But Shadows Remain Hovering Over The Economy

February’s Jobs Report was relatively positive, but there are still shadows hovering over the economy as we head further into the year.

Majority Of Americans Want The Senate To Consider An Obama Nominee To SCOTUS

Another poll shows that most Americans would prefer that the vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by President Obama than that it be left open for the next President to fill, but other factors make it unlikely the Senate will act.

Senate Republicans Vow No Hearings On Supreme Court Nominee From President Obama

Notwithstanding polling that indicates the American public disagrees with them, Senate Republicans emerged from a meeting today largely united on the idea of not giving any Supreme Court nominee named by President a hearing, or even the courtesy of a meeting.

Rand Paul Drops Out

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination.

From 17 Candidates, The Race For The GOP Nomination Is Effectively Down To Just Three

Six months ago, there were seventeen candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination. Now, the race is effectively down to three candidates.

Clinton, Sanders, Cruz And Carson Won Fourth Quarter 2015 Money Race

Fundraising in the final three months of 2015 largely reflected the state of the race itself, but some candidates are better positioned going forward than others.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Obama’s Lame Duck State Of The Union

President Obama’s final State Of The Union Address was largely a recognition of the fact that his time on the world stage is quickly coming to an end.

93% of America’s Counties Still Haven’t Recovered from Great Recession

The economy is booming. Except where it’s not.

Fox Business Network Announces Debate Lineup, With Paul And Fiorina Sent To Kid’s Table

Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina are the biggest losers in the lineup for the latest Republican debate on Thursday.

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Declares War On The Constitution

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore tells Probate Judges they should not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, in clear defiance of the law and his duties as an officer of the Court.

Rand Paul Says He Won’t Participate In The Next Debate If He Doesn’t Make The Main Stage

Rand Paul is throwing a bit of a temper tantrum. It’s not very Presidential.

Trump Tops Yet Another Poll

Donald Trump remains firmly at the top of of the GOP field in what is likely one of the last polls of the GOP race for 2015.