Senators Who Voted Against Manchin/Toomey Take A Hit In the Polls, But Does It Matter?

Several Senators who voted against the Manchin/Toomey background checks bill have suffered in the polls, but it’s unclear if that matters in the long run.

Hagel Will Be Confirmed, But The Hagel Battle Tells Us Much About The GOP

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed, but the campaign against him tells us much about the current state of Republican foreign policy

GOP Unlikely To Grab Senate This Year, But They’ll Have Another Shot In Two Years

The GOP’s hopes of taking over the Senate in 2012 have all but slipped away, but there is another option.

Revenge Of The RINOs?: Moderate Republicans In Congress Starting To Rebel

Moderate Republicans in the House are starting to become more assertive in voicing their frustrations with how Congress is operating.

Another Prominent Conservative Takes On The New Right

Michael Fumento becomes the latest prominent conservative to criticize what conservatism has become.

How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.

Richard Lugar: Tea Party Cost GOP Senate Control In 2010

Facing his own Tea Party challenge, Richard Lugar reminds Republicans of an uncomfortable truth.

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

GOP 2012 Race A Replay Of 2008 Democratic Race?

Will 2012 be the Republican version of the 2008 race between President Obama and Hillary Clinton?

State Of The Union Seating: Phony Theatrics For Pointless Theater

Bipartisan seating at the State Of The Union is a pointless act of political theater. Then again, so is the State Of The Union Address itself.

EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change

Frustrated that it couldn’t achieve desired environmental legislation despite huge majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Obama administration has decided to govern by executive fiat.

Joe Miller Won’t Go Away

Joe Miller lost the Alaska Senate election by more than 10,000 votes but he’s still fighting.

Joe Miller: From Alaska Maverick To Sore Loser

Nearly four weeks after Election Day, Alaska’s Joe Miller still won’t concede the inevitable.

Broder Misdiagnoses 2010 Election

David Broder, three weeks after the election, explains “What Murkowski’s write-in win says about the electorate.”

Repeal Of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell May Happen After All

Democrats are now confident that they have the votes in the Senate to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, but do they have enough time?

Meet The Tea Party’s Next Target

Maine’s Olympia Snowe appears to be the next target of the Tea Party movement, but she is also uniquely situated to retain her seat if she chooses to.

Murkowski and DeMint: Bygones

Lisa Murkowski is still miffed that Jim DeMint backed Republican Joe Miller against her in the general election.