Trump’s New York Jury

Finding 12 impartial people in a high-profile trial is challenging.

Trump’s Jury

Is it even possible to find 12 impartial citizens to judge a figure so infamous?

Trump Could Be Indicted Next Week

The Manhattan DA could move as early as next week.

NYC Criminal Probe of Trump Appears Stalled

Manhattan’s new DA seems to think he has a weak case.

Manhattan DA Gets Trump Tax Records

The Supreme Court refused to block a lower court order.

A Lame Defense (Really, a Self Own)

Trump basically confirmed all but one aspect of the Atlantic story.

The Corruption of Justice

The AG is Trump’s lawyer, not ours.

Trump Pushing Out US Attorney Investigating Trump Associates

For the second time, the chief federal prosecutor for Manhattan has been fired.

Happy New Year And New Decade

It’s been quite a year, and quite a decade.

Judiciary Committee Hints It Could Move To Impeach Trump Again On Additional Grounds

In a new court filing, House Democrats hint they might move to impeach the President again if the evidence warrants such action.

House Judiciary Committee To Unveil Articles Of Impeachment

After a hearing that largely recapped the past month of hearings on Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee is set to unveil Articles of Impeachment today.

Republicans Afraid To Speak Out Against Trump Are As Bad The Trump Cultists

Those Republicans who recognize how bad President Trump is for he nation but are afraid to speak out against him are as bad as the true believers of Cult45.

Giuliani Sought Contracts With Ukrainian Government

The vultures keep circling above the head of “America’s Mayor.”

House Judiciary Committee To Begin Impeachment Hearings

The House Judiciary Committee is ready to begin its phase of impeachment hearings after Thanksgiving.

Justice Department Report Undermines GOP Conspiracy Theory On Russia Investigation

An internal Justice Department investigation fails to find any evidence of political bias in the Russia investigation.

Trump Associate And Confidante Roger Stone Convicted

One of Donald Trump”s closest associates has been convicted by a Federal jury.

Federal Court Deals Another Blow To Trump’s Efforts To Keep Tax Records Private

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dealt President Trump another setback in his effort to keep his financial records out of Congressional hands.

Rudy Giuliani Lawyers Up

Caught in the middle of the Ukraine scandal, the President”s lawyer has gotten his own lawyers.

Second Circuit Rejects Trump Effort To Block Tax Return Subpoena

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals handed President Trump a loss in his effort to prevent prosecutors in New York from getting copies of his tax returns.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

Congressman Elijah Cummings Dead At 68

An iconic and honorable Member of Congress has passed away.

Rudy Giuliani Under Criminal Investigation

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation by the same office he once headed as U.S. Attorney.

Trump Loses Another Legal Effort To Block Congressional Document Requests

President Trump loses another lawsuit against his ongoing efforts to stonewall Congress.

Trump Loses Lawsuit To Block Subpoena For His Tax Returns

A Federal Judge rejected the President’s effort to block a New York City prosecutor from obtaining copies of his tax returns.

Pursuing Impeachment Is A Moral Imperitive

The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. Donald Trump cannot be allowed to get away with his usurpation of power, his disdain for the law, or his continued policies that have damaged the country.

House Democrats Eye Narrowly Focused Impeachment Of Trump

House Democrats are reportedly looking at an impeachment process narrowly focused on the President’s efforts to obtain a quid pro quo from the President of Ukraine.

Trump Sues To Block New York Prosecutor From Seeing His Tax Returns

Donald Trump is suing the District Attorney in Manhattan to stop him from getting copies of Trump’s tax returns.

Congress To Investigate Payoffs To Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels

House Democrats are set to investigate the payoffs made to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

House Blocks Impeachment Resolution Directed At President Trump

House Democrats rejected an effort by a member of the progressive wing of the party to force an impeachment inquiry against the President.

House Judiciary Committee To Subpoena A Dozen People Close To Trump

The House Judiciary Committee has upped the ante in the showdown between the Trump Administration and Congress.

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach? That Is The Question

I continue to be opposed to impeachment of the President, but I’m slowly moving in that direction thanks primary to the Administration’s own actions.

Robert Mueller Declines To Clear Trump

For the first time since being appointed Special Counsel, Robert Mueller spoke to the media regarding his report on the Russia investigation. The news was not good for the President.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Former Stormy Daniels Lawyer Charged With Fraud, Other Charges

Michael Avenatti, the former attorney for Stormy Daniels who briefly flirted with the idea of running for President, has been charged with multiple counts of fraud and other charges, some of them in connection with his representation of Daniels herself.

Federal Judge Deals Trump Stonewalling Strategy Another Loss

President Trump’s stonewalling strategy suffered another legal setback in New York City yesterday.

Trump’s Stonewalling Increases Pressure On Democrats To Pursue Impeachment

As the Administration continues to stonewall legitimate requests from Congress for documents and witnesses, pressure is growing on Speaker Pelosi to authorize the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

Conservatism Has Become A Haven For Grifters And Frauds. No Wonder We Got Trump

At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.

Justin Amash Stands Alone As GOP Slavishly Backs Trump

Justin Amash spoke out against the President and Attorney General. Unsurprisingly this is not being received well by his fellow Republicans.

Prosecutors Spying on Navy SEAL Chief’s Defense Counsel

Disturbing news in the Eddie Gallagher case.

Is The American Public Persuadable On Impeachment? Maybe.

Right now, polling indicates that the American public is reluctant to support impeachment of the President but it’s possible that could change.

Donald Trump Jr. Subpoened By Senate Intelligence Committee

The President’s eldest son has been subpoenaed to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding Trump campaign contacts with Russia.

No Mitch McConnell, It’s Not “Case Closed”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared “case closed” on the Mueller Report and the Russia investigation. This is far from the truth.

What Is “Electability” Anyway?

There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?

Just Say No To Impeachment (For Now)

In the end, Impeachment is a political act more than a legal one. For that reason, Democrats should not pursue impeachment unless they have a reasonable chance of winning.

Wittes: The President Committed Crimes

A cautious analyst makes a strong claim.

Redacted Mueller Report Provides Few New Answers

Thus far, the full(ish) release provides plenty of juicy details but no real revelations.

Legal Experts Weigh in on Barr Summary of Mueller Report

The Lawfare gang and Popehat weigh in.

Mueller’s Report: We Don’t Know Much

Predictably, news that the investigation has ended has people on both sides cheering. It’s unwarranted.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.