From “Don’t Tread On Me” To “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Are the American people finally waking up to the absurdity of TSA security theater? One can only hope they are.

Webb – Allen Rematch in 2012?

Virginian Republicans have heard of George Allen and not Eric Cantor, Ken Cuccinelli, Bill Bolling, Tom Davis, or Bob Marshall.

What’s a Lame Duck Congress to Do?

Some Republican Senators-elect are imploring Harry Reid not to consider any treaties during the lame duck session.

The Senate’s Most Conservative Member: Eliminating Earmarks Won’t Save One Dime

Okahoma’s James Inhofe has a message for the Tea Party movement — don’t be fooled by the “War On Earmarks.”

Earmark Reform Isn’t Just Symbolism

Eliminating earmarks is good policy and good politics.

Republicans Still Not Getting Specific On Spending Cuts

They’ve won the elections, but Republicans still aren’t getting specific about exactly where they’d cut Federal spending.

What If Hillary Were President?

Dana Milbank asks, “Would we be better off under a President Hillary Clinton?” His affirmative answer isn’t very convincing.

Republican Plan for 2012

Shockingly, Mitch McConnell and other Republicans are hoping to increase their numbers in Congress and take back the White House.

What Should the GOP House do Now?

Ok, what strategy should Speaker Boehner pursue?

Democrats Losing = Racism?

Is the public anger at Obama really just papered over racism?

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

I Love Lucy – Cheap

Amazon is making the complete “I Love Lucy” television series — a whopping 5394 minutes of entertainment on 34 discs — available for one day only at $84.99.

The 112th Congress: A “Do Nothing Congress”?

Republicans are promising two years of gridlock and obstructionism if they take control of Congress, but is that really what the people who are likely to vote for them next week really want?

Federal Judge Allows Multi-State Lawsuit Against Health Care Reform Law To Proceed

A Federal Judge in Florida has handed a significant, albeit procedural, victory to the opponents of ObamaCare.

Reductio ad Wickard

A federal judge has ruled that ObamaCare’s individual mandate is Constitutional and thus brings to fruition the inevitable, ridiculous result of Wickard v. Filburn.

Federal Court Upholds Constitutionality Of Health Insurance Mandates

The new health care law’s individual mandate has survived it’s first legal challenge, and that’s not really a surprise.

McDonald’s Health Plan ObamaCare Casualty? Good!

Among the unintended but not unforeseen consequences of the new health care law is that companies who were previously offering some health coverage may stop altogether. In some cases, that’s just as well.

Mickey Kaus To Newsweek

Another new media star is coming to the rescue of an old media dinosaur. Put it’s probably too late.

Mitch Daniels Making Opening Moves For 2012 Run

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels appears to be quietly putting together the beginnings of a campaign for President of the United States. Don’t count him out by any means.

Frum on the State of Right-of-Center Think Tanks

David Frum assesses the current state of right-of-center think tanks and the significance thereof.

Andy Griffith Down 25 Points

Beloved comedian and character actor Andy Griffith’s popularity in his home state has plummeted since making commercials endorsing ObamaCare and some Democratic candidates.

Republicans Need To Ask For A Mandate

If Republicans stick to their current (apparent) game plan and just run on not being Democrats, they will have neither a mandate to repeal Obamacare, et al, nor the will.

Public Opinion On Health Care Reform Turning Negative Again

The perfect storm of a bad economy and a new, massive, unpopular government entitlement program may be combing to cause serious damage to Democrats in November.

White House Unloads On “Professional Left”

The White House seems to be getting annoyed at the criticism coming it’s way from the left.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.

Krugman vs. The Actuaries on Medicare

Paul Krugman’s Medicare projections don’t line up with what the actuaries are telling us.

White House Dismisses Missouri Vote On Health Insurance Mandate

The Obama Administration is dismissing the results of a referendum in Missouri that purports to strike down health insurance mandates.

Missouri Voters Pass Referendum Barring Health Insurance Mandates

Missouri voters became the latest to express displeasure with the new health care reform law yesterday.

Federal Judge Denies Motion To Dismiss Virginia’s ObamaCare Lawsuit

A Federal District Court Judge has allowed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s health care reform law filed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to proceed.

ObamaCare Becoming More Popular ? Don’t Be So Sure

A new poll claims that the health care reform law is now supported by a majority of Americans. Don’t believe it.

Is Discrimination Against Christians Legal?

Can a public university expel a student for a religiously-motivated aversion to homosexuality?

ObamaCare: Repeal and Replace? Or Repeal and Veto?

House Republican leaders want to repeal ObamaCare. But, even if the GOP takes over Congress, Obama will still have the veto.

How ObamaCare Could Kill Small Businesses With Paperwork

Yet another “hidden” provision of ObamaCare is revealed to hold nasty surprises for America’s small business owners.

It’s Not An Health Insurance Mandate, It’s A Tax !

In Court filings the Obama Administration is arguing that the health insurance mandate is a tax, and if they’re right the legal challenges to ObamaCare are dead.

The Inevitable Barack Obama Comeback

Reports of Barack Obama’s political death are greatly exaggerated and wildly premature.