Federal Judge Upholds Individual Mandate By Eviscerating The Constitution

Judge Gladys Kessler upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, but she did so by essentially ruling that the Interstate Commerce Clause means whatever Congress wants it to mean.

Affordable Care Act Ruled Constitutional

The Affordable Care Act has been ruled Constitutional in Holder v. Mead.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

Elections Have Consequences

Republicans won the right to govern Wisconsin. What does that mean for Democrats?

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

Donald Trump at CPAC: Running For President (Maybe)

Donald Trump sounds like a man running for president.

Moderate Democrats Turning Against PPCACA’s Individual Mandate

Four Senators who just happen to be up for re-election next year are silently looking for alternatives to the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

Tribe on SCOTUS and the PPACA

Predicting (after a fashion) what the SCOTUS will do with the PPACA and a return to the Commerce Clause and the activity/inactivity disucssion.

How Antonin Scalia May Save The Individual Mandate

A 2005 concurring opinion from Antonin Scalia may be the piece of legal reasoning that ultimately saves the Affordable Care Act in the Courts.

Caption Contest Winners

The Government IN InAaction Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Second Federal Judge Declares Health Care Reform Law Unconstitutional

A second Federal District Court judge has declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.

Republicans Propose $2.5 Trillion Spending Cuts

The Republican Study Committee has come up with some significant budget cuts.

Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

Civility to Republicans’ Advantage?

Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?

The Health Care Debate Underscore the Fundamental Problem with the GOP

The current approach of the GOP to health care is not dissimilar to its approach to fiscal policy: not a lot of substance.

House Republicans To Take Up Repeal Of ObamaCare 1099 Reporting Rules

There appears to be bipartisan support for repealing one of the most egregious tax rules in last year’s Affordable Care Act

SCOTUS Sending A Signal On The Commerce Clause And ObamaCare?

The Supreme Court’s refusal to take up the appeal of a far-reaching Commerce Clause case may indicate rough times ahead for challenges to ObamaCare

Caption Contest Winners

The Pelosi Estates Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Deficits, the CBO and H.R. 2

When determining the effects on the deficit of a certain legislative action, both revenues and spending have to be accounted for. Indeed, you can’t determine whether there is a deficit, surplus or balanced budget without both variables.

Democrats Filibuster Reform Package: On The Whole, A Good Idea

The filibuster reform package that Senate Democrats unveiled yesterday has much to recommend to it. Unfortunately, it’s probably doomed.

House Will Take Up Repeal Of ObamaCare Before State Of The Union

The next round in the health care reform wars is about to start.

2011: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts are calling for bipartisanship in the New Year.

The Constitution, Politics, And The Eternal Hamiltonian-Jeffersonian Battle

Constitutional ambiguity is as old as, well, it’s as old as the Constitution itself

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

Ohio Congressman Sues Pro-Life Group After Election Defeat

Ohio Congressman Steve Driehaus is suing a pro-life PAC for “defamation” and “loss of livelihood” over its role in his defeat in the 2010 Elections.

ObamaCare and the Lexicon of American Politics

Is “ObamaCare” a slur or a breezy and descriptive nickname?

ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate, And The Power Of Congress, Face A Test In Florida

The new health care law’s individual mandate was the subject of another bruising court battle yesterday, but the real question in the room was what, if any, are the limits on Congressional authority?

The Individual Mandate And America’s Ongoing Debate Over The Role Of Government

The battle over the individual mandate is really just nothing more than the latest round in a batter that has been ongoing for 221 years.

Why The Supreme Court Is Likely To Uphold ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate

Despite yesterday’s victory for opponents of the Affordable Care Act, the prospects in the Supreme Court are not good.

Federal Judge: Health Care Law Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge in Virginia has handed the first legal defeat to the President’s health care reform package.

Obama “the most Left-leaning President ever elected”?

Is Obama really the most liberal President ever? Not really.

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Health Care Reform Law

Another Federal Judge dismisses a Constitutional challenge to the health care reform law, and demonstrates just how unlikely it is that any of the lawsuits against the law will be successful.