Colleges and Anti-Israel Protests

Administrations are struggling to handle the biggest wave of student protests in generations.

Prosecutors to Recharge Alec Baldwin

A bizarre miscarriage of justice.

Trump vs. Bankman-Fried

A seeming case of unequal justice.

Republicans and Democratic Backsliding

When winning is the only acceptable outcome.

Spying on Ourselves

Should we expect privacy from our own cameras?

Gay Wedding Cake Baker Back in Court

Here we go again.

Trump Tipping Point?

As more details emerge about the documents he stole, defenders are falling away.

Mar A Lago Mar A Lago

Politics, Law, and the Mar-a-Lago Search

That’s some catch, that Catch-22.

Pretextual Searches on the Interstate

Assumptions of racial animus are overshadowing a story that’s outrageous enough on its own.

Portland Mayor Tear-Gassed

Federal agents deployed nonlethal force against peaceful demonstrators.

Federal Agents Using Strong-Arm Tactics in America’s Cities

Portland may be a preview of what’s to come.

New Evidence in Arbery Shooting

The preliminary hearing revealed a damning case against the shooter of a young black man.

Rhode Island Cracking Down on New Yorkers

Gina Raimondo has apparently lost her copy of the Constituiton.

DOJ Inspector General Rebuts Trump On Russia Investigation

After a two-year investigation, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice found no basis for the conspiracy theories being pushed by the Republicans regarding the Russia investigation.

Trump Sues To Block New York Prosecutor From Seeing His Tax Returns

Donald Trump is suing the District Attorney in Manhattan to stop him from getting copies of Trump’s tax returns.

Republican Congressman Justin Amash Joins Calls For Trump’s Impeachment

Republican Congressman Justin Amash has always been a rebel within his own party, now he’s making that even more apparent.

How Did CNN Get That Video Of The Raid On Roger Stone’s House?

Many people are wondering how CNN knew to be at Roger Stone’s house in Florida this morning. It turns out that it was good old-fashioned reporting.

Yes, The Border Patrol Can Probably Stop You and Ask for Papers

The 100-mile Constitution-free zone strikes again.

Supreme Court Rules That Cell Phone Site Data Is Protected By The Fourth Amendment

In a case that pit the new rules of cyberspace against the old rules about when the Fourth Amendment protects privacy, the Supreme Court ruled today in a way that breathes new life into both privacy and the Fourth Amendment.

A Busy Two Weeks Ahead For The Supreme Court And Supreme Court Watchers

With two more weeks to go, there are plenty of “big” cases still awaiting the release of a decision.

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Heads To Jail

Donald Trump’s former Campaign Manager was sent to jail, a move that likely increases the pressure on him to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Could SCOTUS’s Ruling In Masterpiece Cakeshop Impact Trump’s Muslim Ban?

Some legal scholars are speculating that the Court’s ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop could impact the ruling on the President’s Muslim Travel Ban. This seems unlikely.

Supreme Court Places Limits On Automobile Exception To Fourth Amendment

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that a police officer violated the Fourth Amendment when he conducted a search on a vehicle parked in a Defendant’s driveway without a search warrant.

Supreme Court Upholds Fourth Amendment Rights Of Unauthorized Rental Car Drivers

The Supreme Court ruled that the mere fact that the driver of a rental car is not listed on the rental agreement is not sufficient to justify a warrantless search of the vehicle.

Two-Thirds of Americans Live in ‘Constitution-Free’ Zone

Enforcing our immigration and drug laws comes at the cost of fundamental rights.

Trump More Worried About Cohen Investigation Than Mueller, He Should Be

Donald Trump could have more to worry about regarding the investigation of Michael Cohen than he does regarding the Mueller investigation.

Police Now Have Ability to Unlock Phones

A decryption device called GrayKey is being used by all manner of government agencies.

F.B.I. Raids Office Of Longtime Trump Attorney Michael Cohen

In a move apparently connected to the Stormy Daniels affair, Federal authorities have raided the office of longtime Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Supreme Court Considers Whether Search Warrants Can Reach Data Stored Overseas

The Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether an American company can be required to turn over data stored on servers located overseas.

F.B.I. And Local Law Enforcement Had Warnings About Parkland Shooter Long Before Shooting

From the F.B.I. on down, there were multiple warnings that could have prevented Wednesday’s tragedy in Parkland, Florida.

The Nunes Memo Was A Complete Dud

Contrary to the claims that were made by conservatives and Trump supporters before its release, the memo prepared by Congressman Devin Nunes has done nothing to undermine the Russia investigation.

The Nunes Memo’s Big Lies

The two most important allegations in the Nunes memo appear to be complete lies.

Trump Claims The Nunes Memo “Totally Vindicates” Him. It Doesn’t.

President Trump is claiming that the Nunes memo vindicates him. He’s wrong.

David French: Nunes Memo ‘Clears the Decks for the Special Counsel’

National Review legal analyst David French argues that the Nunes memo actually undermines the central claim its proponents were seeking to bolster.

House Intelligence Committee Releases Memo Claiming Bias In Russia Investigation

Republicans have released the memo prepared by Congressman Devin Nunes that purports to call into question the basis for the Russia investigation. In the end, though, it amounts to much ado about nothing.

Supreme Court Hears Argument In Case Involving Fourth Amendment Rights And Technology

The Supreme Court heard oral argument yesterday in what could end up being a landmark case on the issue of the scope of Fourth Amendment rights in the 21st Century.

Former Trump Campaign Adviser Charged With Lying To F.B.I. About Contacts With Russia

A Trump Campaign official has been charged with and pled guilty to charges of lying to the F.B.I. regarding contacts with Russian officials.

Supreme Court Begins What Promises To Be A Momentous Term

Previewing the next term of the Supreme Court, which starts today.

Mueller’s Russia Investigation Closing In On Paul Manafort

Special counsel Robert Mueller could be looking to “flip” Paul Manafort, giving President Trump and those close to him something new to worry about.

Dept. Of Justice Declines To Charge Lois Lerner In Connection With I.R.S. Targeting Scandal

Despite pleas from conservative lawmakers, the Dept. of Justice will not reopen the case against former I.R.S. official Lois Lerner.

Video Of Police Arresting Utah Nurse Over Blood Test Leads To National Controversy

A Nurse in Utah stood up for her patient’s rights, and was harassed by the police for her efforts.

Supreme Court Accepts Fourth Amendment Case Involving Location Tracking Of Your Smartphone

Yesterday, the Supreme Court accepted a case that will determine whether the Fourth Amendment allows law enforcement to obtain location data without a search warrant.

F.B.I. Obtained FISA Warrant For Top Trump Adviser

A top Trump campaign adviser was the subject of a FISA warrant for at least part of last year.

The Fourth Amendment Was Meant To Protect All Of Us, Not Just The “Innocent”

When it comes to the protections of the Fourth Amendment, it doesn’t matter if you’re “guilty” or “innocent,” it protects all of us.

SCOTUS Rules DUI Blood Tests Require Search Warrant, But Breath Tests Do Not

The Supreme Court balances the Fourth Amendment against public safety concerns and, for the most part, gets it right.

Once Again, The Supreme Court Stabs At The Heart Of The Fourth Amendment

The Supreme Court has once again issued a ruling that further chips away at the protections of the Fourth Amendment.

Second Freddie Gray Trial Ends In Acquittal Of Baltimore Cop

An acquittal in one of the six Freddie Gray cases, but not an unexpected one.

Supreme Court Rules Against Seizure of Property Needed To Pay For Defense Counsel

A victory in the fight to reform civil asset forfeiture laws.