Johnson’s Opposition Has Few Options To Stop Suspension Of Parliament And Brexit

Parliament returns for a short period tomorrow, but there’s little time for those who hope to stop Boris Johnson’s plans to force a hard Brexit.

Reaction To Johnson’s Suspension Of Parliament Is Mostly Negative

The reaction to Boris Johnson’s move to suspend Parliament to force a hard Brexit is mostly negative, but there appears to be little that can be done to stop it.

Boris Johnson Suspends Parliament To Force Hard Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has taken a step that virtually guarantees that the United Kingdom will go ahead with a hard Brexit at the end of October.

Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck Retires At 29

Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck surprised the sports world last night by announcing an early retirement.

Tom Brady Is No Tom Terrific Says The Patent And Trademark Office

Tom Brady tried to trademark the nickname “Tom Terrific.” It didn’t go so well.

Trump Thinks Russia Should Be Readmitted To The G-7

Once again, President Trump is doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding.

Trump Is Worried About The Economy And 2020. He Should Be.

The Trump Administration and 2020 campaign are clearly worried about the state of the economy. They should be, because it could be the one thing that dooms his re-election chances.

No-Deal Brexit Would Be A Disaster For The United Kingdom

A newly released report leaked from inside the British Government notes that a hard Brexit is likely to be a disaster for the British economy.

Meet Donald Trump’s Latest Far-Right Twitter Muse

Donald Trump has found a new far-right lunatic to retweet.

Boris Johnson Headed For A Snap Election?

It looks as if Boris Johnson’s government could be looking to call for a snap election to he held in the immediate aftermath of Brexit.

You Can’t Accept Part Of Trumpism Without Endorsing The Entirety Of Trumpism

Donald Trump is a complete package, you can’t support part of it without at least implicitly endorsing all of it.

Poll Shows Scots Supporting Independence As The U.K. Stumbles Toward Brexit

Adding to the political headaches for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a new poll shows majority support for Scottish independence in Scotland as the United Kingdom stumbles toward Brexit.

Polling Shows Justin Trudeau In Political Trouble Amid Still-Unfolding Scandal

Canada must have a Federal Election by late October, and the polls are showing that Prime Minister Trudeau could be in political trouble.

Boris Johnson Is Already Facing A Political Crisis

Boris Johnson has been in office for barely a week and he’s already facing an existential political crisis.

RBG Speaks Out Against Court Packing Schemes

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t very impressed by the proposals made by several liberal politicians lately to increase the size of the Supreme Court to counterbalance the conservative tilt created by the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations.

What is American Patriotism?

There’s an inherent tension in our national ethos.

Cowboys, Yankees Ranked As World’s Two Most Valuable Sports Franchises

New estimates place the Cowboys and Yankees at the top of the list of the most valuable sports franchises in the world.

Boris Johnson Officially Becomes British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson now has the job he’s wanted since he entered politics. Whether he succeeds or fails should become readily apparent rather quickly.

Boris Johnson Wins Tory Leadership Fight, Will Become Next British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson won the fight for the leadership of Great Britain’s Conservative Party and will soon become the next British Prime Minister. That was the easy part.

Boris Johnson One Step Away From No. 10 Downing Street, Not Everyone Is Happy

As early as Tuesday, Boris Johnson could be confirmed as the winner in the race for Tory leadership. This will make him the next British Prime Minister. Not everyone in the United Kingdom is thrilled about that idea.

The Russia-Right Wing Talking Point Cycle

How insidious talking points spread in the modern media environment.

Tensions Increasing Again In The Persian Gulf

Tensions are increasing in the Persian Gulf thanks to a collection of actions by Iran, the United States, and United Kingdom.

Donald Trump, Great Britain, And The Special Relationship

The Trump Era is raising doubts about many things, including America’s most important alliance.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Susan Collins Faces Political Headwinds Back Home

Susan Collins hasn’t officially announced her intentions for 2020 just yet, but she looks like she’s running for re-election. If she does, she appears to be facing some political headwinds.

British Ambassador Resigns In Wake Of Release Of Diplomatic Cables

After diplomatic cables in which he referred to the President in frank and disparaging terms, the British Ambassador to the United States has resigned.

Hong Kong’s Leader Declares Controversial Bill ‘Dead,’ Protesters Aren’t Satisfied

The government in Hong Kong keeps conceding ground to the protests that have taken hold in the city, but the protesters have more fundamental objections.

Trump Administration Set To Raise Tariffs On European Alcohol And Food Products

The Trump Administration is set to raise tariffs on more products from Europe, including Scotch Whisky and other alcoholic beverages as well as food products and other items.

U.S. Women’s Team World Cup Win Renews Fight Over ‘Pay Equity’

The victory of the U.S. Women’s team in the World Cup has renewed a long-standing argument over pay equity, but the issue is far more complicated than it seems.

guilty pointing fingers guilty pointing fingers

Jeffrey Epstein and Guilt by Association

A weird media narrative has formed.

Iran Surpasses Another JCPOA Limit

Iran announced that it was exceeding another limitation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, upping the already tense situation in the Persian Gulf

U.S Women Win Fourth Overall World Cup, Second In A Row

The U.S. Women’s National Team won their second consecutive World Cup, their fourth overall, in a 2-0 win over The Netherlands.

Great Britain’s Next Leader Will Be Chosen By 0.03% Of The British People

The next Prime Minster of the United Kingdom will be chosen by a very small segment of both the population and the Conservative Party. Does that make sense?

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Britain’s Ambassador To The U.S.: Trump “Inept,” “Dysfunctional”

In memos to his superiors, the British Ambassador to the United States had an exceedingly frank, and negative, assessment of the current occupant of the White House.

Iran Passes Limits On Uranium Enrichment Set By JCPOA

Just over a year after the United States repudiated the JCPOA, Iran has surpassed a limit on uranium enrichment set by the JCPOA

Trump Has Few Options In Latest Iran Crisis

Realistically, President Trump has very few options when it comes to dealing with Iran and its nuclear program.

Boris Johnson To Face Jeremy Hunt In Tory Leadership Fight

The fight to determine the leader of the Conservative Party, and the next British Prime Minister, is down to two candidates, but there’s one clear favorite.

Boris Johnson Is One Step Closer To No. 10 Downing Street

As Conservative MP’s continue winnowing down the list of candidates for party leader, Boris Johnson remains the overwhelming leader. However, a surprise challenger may be on his heels.

Ahead Of Potential Crisis With Iran, Trump’s Lack Of Credibility Comes Home To Roost

As we head toward a potential crisis in the Persian Gulf, the consequences of the President’s lies are coming home to roost.

Boris Johnson Takes Strong Lead In Fight For Conservative Party Leader

Boris Johnson is one step closer to becoming the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

U.S. Formally Seeks Extradition Of Julian Assange

Beginning tomorrow in a British courtroom, the United States will begin the process of having Julian Assange extradited to the United States to face espionage and other charges.

Hong Kong Protests Turn Violent, Authorities Delay Extradition Vote

Protests in Hong Kong as police unleashed tear gas on protesters and authorities delayed a vote on a controversial extradition law.

U.S. And Mexico Reach Deal To Avert Tariffs, For Now

The United States and Mexico reached a last-minute deal to avert tariffs that would have gone into effect on Monday. Whether the deal accomplishes anything substantive remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, In Russia….

While the American media was paying attention to President travels and travails in Europe, there was another meeting taking place.

D-Day At 75

Seventy-five years ago today, American soldiers and our allies undertook an invasion that helped change the world.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

New Hampshire Repeals Death Penalty

Last week, New Hampshire became the latest state to repeal the death penalty. Thus becoming the 21st state to do so.

On Eve Of State Visit, Trump Attacks Royal Family Member, Intereferes In British Politics

Hours before departing the United States for a pomp and circumstance filled State Visit to the United Kingdom, President Trump sticks his foot in his mouth.

London Mayor Denounces Trump On Eve Of State Visit

Just a day before he is scheduled to arrive in the city for a State Visit, London’s Mayor is denouncing President Trump.

Boris Johnson Ordered To Appear In Court On Charges He Lied During Brexit Campaign

Boris Johnson, who is currently the apparent frontrunner to succeed Theresa May as Conservative Party leader and British Prime Minister, has been ordered to appear in court on charges he lied during the 2016 Brexit campaign.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party Scores Big Win In British E.U. Parliament Elections

The pro-Brexit Brexit Party and the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats both scored big wins in the United Kingdom’s E.U. elections, while the two major parties suffered big losses.