Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care

The British PM is very sick from COVID-19.

USA Most Prepared Country for Pandemics

Despite our poor showing against COVID-19, we have the best infrastructure in place.

Coronavirus Bailout Both Reparations and Stimulus

This is no ordinary recession.

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus…

…and confusion (and a further market tumble) ensues.

SXSW Latest Victim of Coronavirus

Conferences, sporting events, and even school has been canceled to avoid spreading the pandemic.

Coronavirus Has Been Politicized to Dangerous Effect

Republicans are half as likely to take the outbreak seriously.

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

Iran Announces End Of Restrictions Imposed By Nuclear Deal

In response to the American assassination of a top General, Iran has announced the end of yet more restrictions imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal.

Elizabeth Warren Isn’t Talking As Much About ‘Medicare For All’

“Medicare For All” is the centerpiece of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for President, but she’s not talking about it as much as she used to.

It’s Putin’s World, We’re Just Living In It

Notwithstanding Russia’s weak position vis a vis the west, It’s Putin who seems to be winning.

Brexit Takes A Big Step Forward With Win In Parliament For Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s Brexit Plan scored a big win in Parliament, which makes a January 31st Brexit essentially inevitable.

House Set To Debate And Vote On Impeachment

By the end of today, Donald Trump will most likely be the third President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

Lessons For The U.S. In The British Elections?

What lessons are there for the United States in general, and Democrats in particular, in last weeks British election?

House Judiciary Committee Releases Report On Trump Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has issued its report on the impeachment of President Trump.

The Framers Aren’t All They’re Cracked up to Be

The men who gathered in Philadelphia to write the Constitution were geniuses. But they couldn’t predict the future.

Conservatives Score Historic Win In British Elections

Boris Johnson and the British Conservative Party scored a huge win in yesterday’s General Election, while Labour walked away with its biggest defeat in a generation.

British Voters Head To The Polls In Vote That Could Finally Decide Brexit’s Fate

British voters are voting today in the third election in four years. This time, the fate of Brexit is on the ballot.

House Judiciary Committee Releases Impeachment Report

The House Judiciary Committee moved one step closer to impeachment.

Conservatives Continue To Lead In Pre-Election British Polling

With just days to go before the election, Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party appears headed for a win that should allow him to finish Brexit.

Impeachment Hearings Go To Law School

Yesterday’s hearing before the House Judiciary Committee did a good job of explaining how the facts of the Ukraine scandal meet the Constitution’s definition of impeachable offenses.

Brexit And Scottish Independence

If the United Kingdom does go through with Brexit, it could lead to an existential crisis for the United Kingdom itself.

Polls Show Tories Headed For Big Victory In British Elections

Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party are on course for a big win in December 12th’s General Election.

Impeachment Witnesses Leave Republican Defenses Revealed As Absurdities

The final two witnesses in this week’s public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee reduced the Republican talking points in the President’s defense looking as absurd as they have always been.

Chick-Fil-A To Stop Donations To Anti-LGBT Groups

Chick-Fil-A is ending its charitable giving to organizations that oppose LGBT rights, and conservatives are predictably freaking out.

Nigel Farage Gives Boris Johnson A Helping Hand. Sort of.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is helping out Boris Johnson’s Tories. Sort of.

Macron Calls NATO ‘Brain Dead’ Due To Lack Of U.S. Leadership

French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the NATO alliance is suffering brain death due to President Trump’s neglect and lack of leadership.

Brexit Could Be The End Of The United Kingdom

Brexit seems like it’s inevitable at this point, and that could set in motion a series of events that would mean the end of the United Kingdom.

Boris Johnson In Strong Shape As General Election Campaign Begins

With the 2019 United Kingdom General Election campaign just starting, Boris Johnson and the Tories look to be in strong shape. However, anything can happen in the next six weeks.

United Kingdom Sets December 12th Election Date

Brits will head to the polls for the fourth time in four years with the future of Brexit on the ballot.

European Union Agrees To Brexit Deadline Extension

With just days to go before the end of the month, the European Union has agreed to another Brexit extension. Before we get there, though, thee’s likely to be another General Election.

Parliament Hands Boris Johnson Another Brexit Defeat

Rather than getting a final vote on his Brexit deal, Prime Minister Boris johnson suffered another defeat.

U.K. And E.U. Reach New Brexit Deal, But Will It Pass Parliament.

The United Kingdom and European Union have apparently reached a new Brexit deal, but it’s unclear if Boris Johnson can get it through Parliament.

Status Of Brexit Is Clear As Mud As Deadline Nears

With just over two weeks to go until the deadline, the status of Brexit is entirely unclear.

Trump Doesn’t Care If ISIS Terrorists Return To Europe

President Trump is basically saying he does not care if ISIS prisoners return to Europe to commit terror attacks.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump On Syrian Kurds: They Didn’t Help Us At Normandy

Trump makes a particularly dumb comment about our alliance with Syrian Kurds.

Turkish Forces Cross Border Into Northern Syria, Hit Kurdish Areas

Just days after President Trump agreed to remove American forces from the scene, Turkish forces are entering northern Syria and Kurdish forces say they ar ready for war.

Boris Johnson Stumbles Toward Brexit As E.U. Rejects Latest Proposal

As the Brexit deadline approaches, Boris Johnson’s options dwindle and a hard Brexit becomes more likely.

Federal Judge Blocks California Law Requiring Disclosure Of Candidate Tax Returns

Late last week, a Federal Judge in California placed on hold a state law requiring candidates to provide copies of their tax returns.

Understanding Ukraine

Trying to nail down some basics about a very complicated situation.

Hugh Hewitt Hackery

An empty column with a seed of one good point buried in a bunch of nothing.

Boris Johnson Could Face No-Confidence Vote Next Week

Next week could be a crucial one for Boris Johnson’s future in power.

Federal Judge Blocks Law Requiring Candidates To Release Tax Returns

Late last week, a Federal Judge blocked a California law requiring candidates for President and other offices to make copies of their tax returns public.

U.K. Supreme Court Rules Suspension Of Parliament Was Unlawful

Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a huge and historic loss in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

American Public Mostly Ignoring War In Afghanistan

Eighteen years after it started, the American public seems to be mostly ignoring the war in Afghanistan. But that isn’t an excuse for not bringing it to an end.

Justin Trudeau Sets Canadian Elections For October As Scandal Continues To Linger

Canada is headed for a new election at the end of October as Justin Trudeau finds his government daling with a scandal.

Scottish Court Declares Suspension Of Parliament Illegal

Boris Johnson suffers a setback in court in Scotland, including a specific finding that he misled Queen Elizabeth II when he sought her permission to suspend Parliament.

Parliament Suspended, Boris Johnson Handed Consecutive Historic Defeats

Parliament is suspended for the next five weeks but it ended with Prime Minister Boris Johnson being handed historic defeats for an incoming Prime Minister.

Trump Continues To Use The Presidency To Enrich Himself And His Family

For Donald Trump, the Presidency has been nothing but a get richer quick scam.

Boris Johnson Loses Key Parliament Votes, But May Still Win In The End

The so-called “rebel alliance’ in the House of Commons continues to stack up wins against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but Johnson could still win in the end.

Parliament Defies Boris Johnson On Brexit

The House of Commons handed Prime Minister Boris Johnson a huge loss yesterday, throwing the short-term future of Brexit into doubt.