Boris Johnson On The Rise In Race For Conservative Party Leader

Boris Johnson seems to be the leader in the race to replace Theresa May as Conservative Party leader. Whether that’s a good thing is another question.

While In Japan, Trump Dismisses Missile Tests That Threaten Japan

President Trump is in Japan, and while there is is dismissing the seriousness of new North Korean missile tests that threaten Japan.

Today in Terrible Electoral College Columns

No, abolishing the EC would not turn farmers into serfs.

Theresa May To Step Down As Conservative Party Leader On June 7th

Theresa May has announced she is stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party as of June 7th, starting a process that will have her out of Downing Street withing the next two months or so.

Julian Assange Indicted On Additional Counts Alleging Violations Of Espionage Act

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been indicted on seventeen counts under the Espionage Act arising out of his role in the Chelsea Manning affair.

Australia’s Ruling Conservative Coalition Scores Surprise Win

Surprising pollsters and political analysts down under, Australia’s ruling center-right coalition pulled off a big win in Saturday’s election.

May Seeks Extension Of Time To Stay In Office As Tory Hold On Power Becomes Precarious

British Prime Minister Theresa May is seeking an extension on her promise to leave office at the same time that the political future of her Conservative Party becomes increasingly doubtful.

Trump May Reverse Mattis on Academy Grads Going Pro

The President revived an old debate but added some new twists.

Trump’s Midwestern Meltdown

Recent poll numbers suggest that the President is vulnerable in the part of the country that assured his Electoral College victory in 2020, but Democrats are going to have to work hard to flip these states.

Bregrets, They’ve Had A Few

A new poll shows that a majority of the British public believes that the Brexit referendum was a bad idea. What that means for the future of Brexit is not at all clear.

A Photo for Friday: “Coventry Cathedral”

A Saturday edition.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

Sanders Takes Campaign-Killing Position on Felon Voting

Sanders’ position on felon voting is logical, yet politically suicidal.

Bill Weld Launches Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld has officially joined the race for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination

Assange Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy

The other shoe has dropped.

EU Likens Brexit to Divorce

As a no-deal Brexit becomes more likely, the EU is taking things personally.

Time for Theresa May to Go?

Many are calling for the UK Prime Minister’s ouster. But the problem is Brexit itself, not any one leader.

Spring Forward? Fall Back? Let’s Just Pick A Time And Stay There

It’s that time of year again, and once again people are asking if it isn’t time to drop the whole ritual of changing time every six months altogether.

Battle Against Latest Ebola Epidemic Not Going Well

The response to the latest outbreak of the Ebola Virus has both succeeded and failed in several response.

Reforming the Supreme Court

A novel proposal for making SCOTUS appointments more responsive to election outcomes.

Tensions Flare Between India And Pakistan

While the rest of the world looks at other events, tensions are flaring in a long-standing global hot spot.

Trump’s Electoral College Problem

Based on his job approval numbers, President Trump could face an uphill battle in 2020.

America’s Allies Refuse Trump’s Request To ‘Fill The Gap’ In Syria

After two years of spitting in their faces, President Trump is finding it hard to get America’s European allies to come to his aid.

Theresa May Still Searching For A Brexit Deal

With just over two months to go until the March 29th deadline, British Prime Minister Theresa May is no closer to a Brexit deal.

The Rift Between The U.S. And Europe Gets Wider And Wider

The Trump Administration continues to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe, can it ever be repaired?

Lyndon LaRouche, Conspiracy Kook And Perennial Presidential Candidate, Dies At 96

Lyndon LaRouche, an eight-time Presidential candidate who ran a cult-like organization that spread bizarre conspiracy theories, has died at 96.

Bernie is Doomed

Bernie Sanders is likely to run for the Democratic nomination, but it won’t be like 2016.

Supreme Court Lifts Injunction Barring Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

In what amounts to a setback, the Supreme Court has lifted an injunction barring the Trump Administration’s ban on transgender service in the military to go forward pending further legal proceedings.

Theresa May Survives No-Confidence Vote But The Future Remains Unclear

Theresa May survived the Labour Party’s call for a no-confidence vote, but the future for her and for her country remain as hazy as ever.

Kirsten Gillibrand Enters The Race For President

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is the latest Democratic entrant into the 2020 race for President.

Theresa May Likely To Survive No Confidence Vote, Next Steps Are Unclear

Theresa May is likely to survive today’s no confidence vote, but what happens after that is unclear given that changes to her Brexit deal seem unlikely.

House Of Commons Overwhelmingly Rejects Theresa May’s Brexit Deal

Theresa May’s Brexit deal suffered the worst defeat in the modern history of the British Parliament, and nobody is sure what happens next.

Brexit Faces Decisive Vote In House Of Commons

Later today, Theresa May’s Brexit deal will face a decisive vote in the House of Commons in a vote that could have implications for May’s own hold on power.

U.S. To Withdraw Up To 7,000 Troops From Afghanistan

The Pentagon is being ordered to draw up plans to withdraw roughly one-half of the American forces remaining in Afghanistan. It’s about time.

Ryan Zinke Out At Interior Department

The scandal-plagued Secretary of the Interior is leaving office at the end of the year.

Theresa May Survives Tory No Confidence Vote

British Prime Minister Theresa May survived an intra-party leadership challenge, but her political position is still far from secure.

Theresa May Faces No Confidence Vote From Fellow Tories

Theresa May is facing an unexpected challenge to her leadership even as she deals with trying to save a Brexit deal that nobody seems to like.

With Vote On Hold, Theresa May Struggles To Save Brexit

Theresa May is trying to save a Brexit deal that appears to be becoming more doomed by the day.

Europe’s Highest Court Opens A Brexit Escape Hatch For Great Britain

Europe’s highest Court appeared to hand the United Kingdom a way of escaping Brexit altogether if it chose to go that route. This will greatly complicate the domestic political situation for Theresa May.

France To Investigate Reports Of Russian Instigation In “Yellow Vest” Protests

French authorities are investigating reports that Russian interference may be helping to exploit and expand the five-week-old “yellow vest” protests.

Supreme Court Appears Willing To Uphold Exception To ‘Double Jeopardy’ Clause

The Supreme Court appears reluctant to overturn a century of case law that established a significant exception to the Double Jeopardy Clause.

It’s Beyond Time To Get Out Of Afghanistan

American troops have been in Afghanistan for seventeen years now, it’s time to bring them all home.

Trump Asks Supreme Court To Take Up Challenges To Transgender Military Ban

The Trump Administration is attempting to bypass the Circuit Courts of Appeal and get immediate Supreme Court review of the President’s ban on transgender Americans serving in the military.

European Leaders Approve Final Brexit Deal, But Its Fate In Parliament Remains Unclear

The European Union has approved the final Brexit deal negotiated with Theresa May’s government, but the final chapter has yet to be written.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Can The Scots Save Britain From A Foolish Decision On Brexit?

The Scots want to stop Brexit, but it’s not clear they have the power to stop it.

Britain Continues To Stumble Toward Brexit

As Brexit hangs by a thread in the United Kingdom, the European Union makes clear that renegotiation of the agreement that has been reached is a non-starter.

California Republicans Once Again Left Wondering What’s Next

Once again, Republicans in California find themselves looking up and seeing a lot of desolation. They need to find a way to bounce back.