Will The Last Republican In New England Please Turn Out The Lights?

Another part of the country that was once a Republican stronghold is now almost completely blue.

Federal Government Inadvertently Reveals Sealed Indictment Against Julian Assange

A filing in an unrelated case has apparently revealed the existence of a sealed indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

British Government In Crisis Over Brexit Deal

Theresa May’s government is barely hanging on to power thanks to Brexit negotiations that clearly seem to be headed for disaster.

Nobody “Lost” Crimea. It Was Never Ours To Lose.

President Trump recently blamed former President Obama for “losing” Crimea. It was never ours to lose.

Trump, Nationalism, And The Lessons Of World War One

One hundred years after the end of World War One, the forces that led to it are waking up from a long slumber.

Bregrets, They’ve Had A Few

British voters appear to be regretting their decision to leave the European Union, but it may be too late to stop the process.

Trump Skips Visit To American Military Cemetery

Claiming it was because of the weather President Trump chose to skip a visit to a cemetery at the site of one of the bloodiest battles involving Americans in World War One.

Angela Merkel To Step Aside As Chancellor At End Of Current Term

Angela Merkel announced yesterday that she would step aside as Chancellor at the end of her current term. What that means for the short and long term future of Germany and Europe is unclear.

Raging Measles Outbreak In Europe Tied To Anti-Vaccination Movement

Measles cases are on the rise in Europe due to the fact that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, people still believe the lies of the anti-vaccination movement.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

Faced With Evil, Trump Is A Coward And A Disgrace

Donald Trump is a coward and an apologist for evil around the world.

Trade Negotiations Are Over, But The Damage To U.S.-Canadian Relations Is Done

President Trump got his revised version of NAFTA, but Canadians are less positive about the United States than they have been in at least twenty years.

Donald Trump Still Hates Canada

President Trump is once again threatening to lower the tariff hammer on one of America’s most reliable allies and biggest trading partners.

At The General Assembly, Trump Preaches Isolationism And Evokes Laughter

President Trump’s second speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations wasn’t much better than the first, but it it did get the world laughing at us.

Trump’s Trade War Making China Great Again

Donald Trump’s trade war is helping China expand its diplomatic influence.

India’s Supreme Court Strikes Down Colonial Era Anti-Gay Law

A significant advance for LGBT rights in the world’s most populous democracy.

British Charge Russian Intelligence Officers In Connection With Novichok Attacks

British authorities have charged two members of Russian military intelligence in connection with a poisoning attack on British attack.

Stumbling Towards The Brexit

There’s no real plan and nobody appears to know what waits on the other side, but the United Kingdom continues to meander towards Brexit.

Trump Withdraws America From The World, And The World Responds

President Trump is alienating our allies and making friends with dictators, and the world is responding as you might expect they would.

New Report Estimates 2,975 People Died In Puerto Rico Due To Hurricane Maria

A new study concludes that the total death toll from Hurricane Maria was vastly higher than previously reported.

Tidal Shift Against Brexit

A new study finds that a majority of the UK population—and of UK Parliamentary seats—support remaining in EU.

The Democratic Party’s Progressive Wing Falls Short

Tuesday’s election results were a defeat for the progressive effort to remake the Democratic Party in their image.

Trump Reimposes Sanctions On Iran Previously Lifted Pursuant To Nuclear Deal

The Trump Administration has taken the latest step in a process that began in May with the withdrawal from the JCPOA. Where it takes us is anybody’s guess, but the probability of something going wrong is quite high.

The Simplest Theory of Kompromat

A basic explanation for Trump’s behavior towards Russia.

A Summary of US-Russia Relations

Senator Corker provided a pretty damning run-down last week.

Trump Reportedly Sees Joe Biden As His Biggest Threat In 2020

Notwithstanding his dismissive public rhetoric about the former Vice-President, Donald Trump apparently sees Joe Biden as his biggest potential threat in 2020.

Why Should Iran Trust The United States?

The Trump’s Administration’s rhetoric and actions have given the Iranians no reason to trust the United States going forward.

Jon Huntsman Pushes Back Against Calls To Resign In Wake Of Trump’s Helsinki Disaster

Jon Huntsman, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, is rejecting calls that he should resign in the wake of what everyone seems to agree was a disastrous summit meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Trump Invites Putin To D.C. For A Second Summit

The Trump Administration is inviting Vladimir Putin to Washington, D.C. for a second summit in the fall. What could possibly go wrong?

Early Polling Finds Public Lukewarm On Kavanaugh Nomination

Initial polling on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court find the public more divided than they have been for other recent SCOTUS picks, but that’s unlikely to impact the fate of his nomination.

Trump Sells Out To Putin

President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was an even bigger disaster than anticipated.

No Matter What Comes Out Of Helsinki, Putin Has Already Won

Even if all he gets out of the Helsinki Summit is a handshake and a photograph, Vladimir Putin has already won.

Mueller Probe Indicts 12 More Russians For Election Meddling

The Office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued indictments against twelve Russian intelligence officials for election-related hacking, and in the process has shown most of the arguments made by the President and his surrogates regarding the Russia investigation are nonsense.

Trump’s Embarrassing Visit To The United Kingdom

Not surprisingly, the President’s visit to the United Kingdom wasn’t exactly diplomatic, or even borderline polite.

Brexit Dispute Leaves British Government In Disarray

With Brexit negotiations proceeding slowly, Theresa May loses her Brexit Minister and, more significantly, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who is likely to become one of her leading critics inside the Conservative Party going forward.

Poland’s Right-Wing Government Purges Government Critics From Judiciary

The right-wing government in Warsaw has purged more than one-third of the members of the Polish Supreme Court in a crackdown on political opponents.

Trump Continues To Drive A Wedge Between The United States And Its Allies

Donald Trump continues to do something that Russian and Soviet leaders likely only thought possible in their wildest dreams, drive a wedge between the United States and its NATO allies.

Central African Ebola Outbreak Appears To Be Contained

An Ebola outbreak that started last month in Central Africa appears to be contained. You can thank an aggressive vaccination campaign for that.

White House Plans Supreme Court Pick By July 9th

The White House is hoping for a relatively quick turnaround time to pick a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Trump Continues To Help Putin Drive A Wedge Through The Heart Of NATO

President Trump reportedly trashed the NATO alliance in conversations at the G-7 Summit, something that should make Russian President Vladimir Putin quite happy.

Canada Is One Step Closer To Marijuana Legalization

Pending the mere formality of approval by the Governor-General, Canada will soon become the largest nation in the world where recreational use of marijuana is legal.

Ahead Of Singapore Summit, The U.S. And North Korea Still Seem Very Far Apart

With the start of the Singapore Summit just hours away, it’s not at all clear what the respective parties can possibly agree to other than what amounts to a photo opportunity.

Trump Is Achieving Putin’s Goal Of Driving A Wedge Between The U.S. And Its Allies

Thanks to Donald Trump, the happiest man in the world right now is Vladimir Putin.

Trump Blows Up The G-7

Hurricane Trump hit the G-7 this weekend, and the damage it left behind will take years to clean up.

Warriors Win NBA Title, As Expected

There have been dynasties in American team sports before. But this one feels different.

Anthony Bourdain: An Appreciation Of A Life Well Lived, And Cut Short Too Soon

Anthony Bourdain was a renowned chef, writer, television host, and storyteller. He also suffered from demons that ultimately caught up with him.

The US, Russia, and the EU

The actions of the Trump administration are helping Russian-EU relations (to the detriment of the US).

Reviving National Anthem Fires, Trump Revokes Eagles White House Invite

President Trump waded back into the National Anthem debate when he revoked the invitation of the Philadelphia Eagles to come to the White House today.

Trump’s Nixonian Response To The Russia Investigation: ‘L’etat c’est moi’ (‘I am the state’)

President Trump’s attorneys have put forward a shockingly expansive view of the powers of the President.

Trump Summit With Kim Jong Un Is Back On For June 12th

Just over a week after he called it off, President Trump announced this afternoon that the June 12th Summit in Singapore was back on.