Why America’s Best Officers Are Leaving

The American military personnel system works against keeping the best and brightest officers in the service.

John Wheeler, Vietnam Memorial Leader, Murdered

John P. Wheeler III, chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund during the Ronald Reagan era, has been murdered.

Wikileaks, The Pentagon Papers, And The First Amendment

The lawyer who argued The Pentagon Papers case points out how Julian Assange is not Daniel Ellsberg, and how prosecuting him could have disastrous results for press freedom in the United States.

70% Of Americans See Religion’s Role In Life Declining

A new Gallup poll reflects the declining role of religion in American public, and private, life.

Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the next Edward R. Murrow? No.

Solitary Confinement as Torture

WikiLeaker Bradley Manning has been held “under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture” for seven months and counting.

Veteran Diplomat Richard Holbrooke Dies At 69

One of the most active American diplomats of the past twenty-five years has passed away.

A Primary Challenge For Obama?

Even though it will likely be unsuccessful, a primary challenge against President Obama could end up harming him enough to hand Republicans the White House in 2012.

Obama Less Popular Than Bush?!

According to a new Gallup poll, President Obama is not only less popular than George W. Bush, but the only president from the last half century less popular is Dick Nixon.

Republicans Sweep Alabama

In my former home state of Alabama, Republicans won every major contest, save the one House seat specifically drawn to ensure a Democratic victory.

Broder, Iran and the Economy

David Broder offers up some odd ideas on the relationship between a war with Iran and the economy.

Medal of Honor: The Hard Way or the Hard Way

To earn a Medal of Honor commit a multi-part act of near comic-book-style heroism and, more often than not, die. Pentagon committees then convene to determine whether your valor merits an award traditionally given for acts so brave that no one would have even thought to complain if the soldier had neglected to do them.

U.S. Military Operations Having Little Impact On Taliban

The military surge in Afghanistan appears to be having little impact on the Taliban.

Jim Moran: Military Not Public Service, Just Government Paycheck

Virginia’s answer to Joe Biden has put his foot in his mouth once again. It won’t prevent him from getting an 11th term.

War: The Missing Campaign Issue

Tom Brokaw notices something peculiar about the campaign debates: Nobody’s talking about Iraq or Afghanistan.

Wikileaks Didn’t Reveal That Many Secrets, SecDef Says

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged in a newly released letter that the Wikileaks Afghan War document dump wasn’t as damaging as the Pentagon initially claimed. So what was the uproar all about?

Schwarzenegger: Obama Will Win in 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger predicts President Obama’s re-election. Historically, that’s the safe bet.

Afghan Elections Once Again Marked By Allegations Of Fraud

Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections were marked by another round of allegations of widespread voter fraud, once again bringing to the forefront the question; what exactly are we trying to accomplish in Afghanistan ?

Medal Of Honor Awarded To First Living Recipient Since Vietnam War

Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta is the first living recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War.

Alan Simpson: Cut Veteran Disability Payments

Aging Vietnam vets are being treated for diabetes and other ailments unrelated to their service on the taxpayers’ dime. We can’t afford it.

McMahon, Buck, Bennet Win, Georgia Governor’s Race Too Close To Call

Another round of primaries last night made the playing field for November just a little bit clearer to see.

Conservatives Suddenly Love Hillary Clinton

Conservatives seem very eager for Hillary Clinton to get back on the campaign trial, but it’s not going to happen.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Democrats Splitting Over Afghanistan?

While President Obama is pushing the Afghanistan surge, large numbers of elected Democrats are demanding we get out.

WikiLeaks Documents A 21st Century Pentagon Papers ?

Will the Wikileaks document dump give even further impetus to the growing sentiment that the United States needs to leave Afghanistan ?

Taliban Monkey Terrorists

The Taliban have a new secret weapon: Monkey terrorist soldiers.

Ann Coulter Anti-War ?

Is Ann Coulter’s defense of Michael Steele’s Afghan War skepticism the beginning of conservative split, or just an attempt to pile on President Obama ?

Pentagon Tightens Media Access Rules

It’s going to be much harder for reporters to get access to the military thanks to new rules announced last night by the Pentagon.

Robert Byrd Dead at 92

Senator Robert Byrd has died at 92, after years of poor health.

Americans Growing Weary Of Endless War

The public is growing tired of America’s Longest War.