What Social Contract?

Does America have a social contract? If so, is it broken?

What Explains The Rise In Public Distrust In Government Institutions?

Far from being an existential crisis, the recent rise in public distrust in government is easily explained.

Political Fantasy World

It never ceases to amaze me how many smart people manage to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that their political philosophy has massive support.

Ron Paul: American Foreign Policy Is The Primary Motivation For Terrorism

Ron Paul is again making the argument that American foreign policy has contributed to terrorism. He’s more right than wrong.

Jon Huntsman: Moderate Who’s Really Conservative?

That a popular two-term governor of Utah is being rejected by likely Republican primary voters as insufficiently conservative shows just how extreme American politics has gotten.

Rick Perry: We Need President Military Respects

Rick Perry declared, “One of the reasons that I’m running for president is I want to make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States.”

Michele Bachmann: Still A Debt Kamikaze, Still Completely Wrong

Michele Bachmann is claiming that the debt downgrade proves she was right about not raising the debt ceiling.

Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?

Watching the news and reading the op-eds makes it clear: America is doomed.

Mark Hatfield Dead at 89

Former Oregon governor and long-time US Senator Mark Hatfield has died.

Fight Brewing Over Defense Cuts

The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.

Is The Left Losing Patience With Obama?

Some on the left are upset with the President, but does it really matter?

John F. Kennedy The Worst President Of The 20th Century?

Thomas Ricks makes the case that JFK was the worst President of his century but his argument misses the mark.

American Boots on Ground in Somalia

Leon Panetta has been brought in to oversee significant cuts to the U.S. Defense budget. Meanwhile, we’re in six wars.

Vietnam Draft Lottery Had Lasting Impact

The draft ended in 1973. It’s effects still linger today.

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

What Obama Could Learn From Nixon

One foreign policy analyst argues that President Obama should look to Nixon’s Vietnam withdrawal strategy for ideas on Afghanistan.

Sex Selection Abortions Lead to 160 Million ‘Missing’ Girls

160 million girls are “missing” owing to selective abortion and cultural preferences for male children.

Republican Party Politics And The Isolationist Canard

A few Republicans have picked up on John McCain’s criticism of critics of the Libya mission as being “isolationist.”

Federal Judge: Copying An Entire Article Can Be “Fair Use” Under Copyright Laws

For the second time in two weeks, copyright lawsuit mill Righthaven has suffered a loss in Federal Court.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Ex-Spy Says Bush Administration Tried To Use CIA To Discredit Blogger

An ex-CIA agent says that someone in the Bush White House tried to use the agency to “discredit” Iraq War critic Juan Cole.

President Obama To Congress: War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply To Libya

The Obama Administration tells Congress that it doesn’t need to comply with the War Powers Act because the Act does not apply to the mission in Libya.

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

Why Obama’s Osama Bounce Didn’t Last

President Obama’s approval numbers shot up after Osama bin Laden was killed two weeks ago. They’ve already settled back to where they were

Gingrich: 2012 Biggest Election Since 1860

Newt Gingrich says the coming presidential election will be the most important since the Civil War.

War Powers Act and Illegal Wars

Is the war in Libya illegal?

Desert Storm Syndrome

Technology has saved the lives of countless American soldiers. But it’s made going to war easier.

Are Republicans Facing A Backlash Over Ryan Plan And Medicare Changes?

There are signs that the Ryan Plan isn’t playing well with the public.

Libya Mission: Creeping

One can almost hear the pitter-patter of American boots in the distance.

Military-Academic Conflict

America’s war colleges have some problems but we can’t close them.

War Isn’t for Everyone

My first piece for The American Conservative, which they’ve titled “War Isn’t for Everyone–The military needs civilian control, not citizen soldiers,” is in the May issue.

Samantha Power: Patriot’s Nightmare?

The re-emergence of Obama foreign policy advisor Samantha Power to prominence has brought critics to the forefront

Afghanistan’s Tet Offensive?

Todays’ horrific attack on the UN complex in Mazar-i Sharif may well the the Tet Offensive of Afghanistan: a relatively minor event that permanently changed the American public’s view of the war.

Libya Exit Strategy

Tom Ricks doesn’t understand why we need an exit strategy in Libya.

Is Dissent Permissible During Wartime?

When America’s leaders make the decision to engage in military action abroad, has the time for debate ended, or is it more important than ever that those with doubts about the policy speak out?

Congress, The President, And War Powers Under The Constitution

Operation Odyssey Dawn has resurrected the eternal battle over what limits there are, and should be, on the President’s ability to use military force without Congressional authorization.

War! Huh Good God Y’all

Is Libya a war? Hell yes, Libya is a war.

New Media Sucks; So Did Old Media

While there are doubtless flaws with the journalistic values and culture of the New Media, we too often contrast today with a Golden Age of Media that never existed.

Psyops Against Our Own?

Did a unit in Afghanistan engage in an IO operation against U. S. senators?

Obama Derangement Syndrome And The American Right

The American right has become infected with the notion that Barack Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil. That won’t be healthy in the long run.

Reflections On Ronald Reagan At 100

Ronald Reagan would have turned 100 today. Here are some thoughts on his legacy.