Republicans Are Talking About Eliminating Birthright Citizenship Again

Republicans on Capitol Hill are talking about fundamentally changing what it means to be an American, and it’s a bad idea.

John Boehner Admits That Congress Lacks The Votes To Stop A Nuclear Deal With Iran

Congress can’t really do anything to stop a nuclear deal with Iran, and John Boehner knows it.

Republicans Largely Out of Step With The Rest Of America On ‘Religious Freedom’ Laws

Another poll shows that Republicans are largely out of step with public opinion on the question of whether businesses should be free to refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings.

Ted Cruz And Steve King Are Attacking The Rule Of Law In Defense Of “Traditional Marriage”

Ted Cruz and Steve King think the Court should be prevented from hearing any case involving same-sex marriage. Because they know they’re losing.

Senate Republicans Preparing To Fix Obamacare If SCOTUS Strikes Down Subsidies

Senate Republicans are working on legislation to fix the PPACA’s subsidies if the Supreme Court rules against the Federal Government in June.

After Railing Against Loretta Lynch, Ted Cruz Misses The Vote On Her Confirmation

For months, Ted Cruz said the nomination of Loretta Lynch must be blocked. Then, he failed to show up when the Senate voted on her nomination.

House Benghazi Committee Won’t Release A Report Until 2016

Not surprisingly, the Select Committee established by House Republicans to investigate something that has already been investigated multiple times, will be in operation well into the Presidential Election season.

Have Republicans Given Up In The Fight Against Obamacare?

Five years after it became law, the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act appears to be over.

161 Days Later, The Senate Still Hasn’t Voted On Loretta Lynch’s Nomination

The confirmation of a new Attorney General has been held up nearly six months for what amounts to no legitimate reason.

White House And Congress Reach Compromise On Review Of Iran Nuclear Deal

After months of resistance, the White House will allow Congressional review of any deal with Iran, but it may not hamper negotiations much in the end.

Sen. Tom Cotton Thinks War Against Iran Would Be Easy And Painless

One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.

Will Democrats Help Scuttle Obama’s Iran Deal?

Democrats like New York Senator Chuck Schumer could end up being the ones that scuttle the Iranian nuclear deal.

Reactions To Iran Nuclear Deal About What You’d Expect

The Iranian nuclear accords are barely 24 hours old and some people have already made up their mind about them.

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez Indicted On Corruption Charges

As expected, New Jersey’s senior Senator has been indicted.

Citing Fifth Amendment, Justice Department Declines To Prosecute Lois Lerner For Contempt

The Justice Department will not pursue contempt charges against Lois Lerner because it has determined that she did not waive her rights under the Fifth Amendment.

Harry Reid Doesn’t Regret Spreading False Charges About Mitt Romney’s Taxes

Harry Reid made outlandish claims about Mitt Romney during the 2012 election. He probably knew they were lies when he made them. And he doesn’t care.

Harry Reid Retiring From Senate

After nearly 20 years in office, Harry Reid announced early today that he would not seek reelection in 2016.

Israel Spied On Geneva Iran Talks, Shared Information With Congress

Yet another probable rift between the U.S. and Israel over Iran.

Rand Paul Tries To Explain Why He Signed The Cotton Letter To Iran, And Fails

Rand Paul now says he signed the Cotton Letter to strengthen the Administration’s bargaining position.

Senate GOP’s Letter To Iran Likely To Achieve Exactly The Opposite Of What It Intends

Senate Republicans have done more harm to the goal of stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons than they have done good.

Senator Bob Menendez To Reportedly Face Federal Corruption Charges

A powerful Democratic Senator looks like he’s about to be in a whole lot of trouble.

Republican Congressional Leaders Skipping Selma Anniversary

Another tone deaf action from leading Republicans.

After Two Month Stand Off, House Passes Clean DHS Funding Bill

As expected, Republicans have caved in the showdown over funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

Republicans Suddenly Discover They’re Against The Filibuster

Now that they control all of Congress, some Republicans are suddenly deciding that the filibuster should be repealed.

Supreme Court Justices Skeptical Of Non-Legislative Redistricting

The Supreme Court seems likely to strike down state laws that take redistricting completely out of the hands of state legislatures.

Congress Punts DHS Funding Bill For Seven Days

Another lesson in incompetence in governing from House Republicans.

Will The GOP Pay A Political Price For The DHS Shutdown Showdown?

Polling indicates that the American public opposes the GOP position on DHS funding, but that’s unlikely to change many minds on Capitol Hill.

President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Pipeline Bill

As expected, President Obama has vetoed the bill that would have authorized the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Republicans Ready To Cave On DHS Funding?

With three days to go, there are signs the GOP is ready to give up on its showdown over DHS funding.

Most Americans Oppose GOP’s Decision To Invite Netanyahu To Speak Before Congress

By a wide margin Americans think it was wrong of the GOP to invite Israel’s Prime Minister to speak to Congress.

Obama To Seek Authorization For A War That He Already Started

President Obama will ask Congress to authorize a war he started six months ago.

Netanyahu Reportedly Considering Canceling Speech To Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apparently realizing that speaking to Congress may not be a good idea after all.

Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress Becoming Even More Of A Partisan Football

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu’s speech to Congress is becoming even more partisan, much to the apparent chagrin of the Israelis.

Democrats Consider Boycott Of Netanyahu Speech To Congress

Some Congressional Democrats are considering skipping a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a Joint Session Of Congress.

House Votes To Repeal Obamacare Again

The House voted to repeal the PPACA for the 56th time, but it’s clear that this vote will end up being a pointless as all the others.

Why Congress is AWOL on National Security Policy

Has the legislative branch abdicated its responsibility in US foreign policy?

Code Pink Scum interrupt Henry Kissinger Code Pink Scum interrupt Henry Kissinger

John McCain Calls Hearing Protesters ‘Low-Life Scum’

John McCain is not a fan of Code Pink.

Congress Is Making The U.S.-Israeli Relationship Even More Partisan

By inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress, Republicans are damaging the U.S. relationship with Israel.

Boehner Says House Republicans Likely To Sue Obama Over Immigration

Get ready for another pointless House lawsuit against the President.

Senate Republicans May Eliminate Filibuster For Supreme Court Nominees

For some reason, Republicans want to change filibuster rules even though it’s unclear that they’ll still hold the Senate after 2016.

House Republicans Drop Abortion Bill Vote At Last Minute, And It Was Smart Politics To Do So

The House was set to vote on a ban on abortion after 20 weeks that never would have become law today but they pulled the bill. Conservatives are annoyed, but it was smart politics in the long run.