Did Wikileaks Help Bring Down A Corrupt Arab Leader?

Information made public by Wikileaks appears to have played a role in sparking the protest movement that has brought down the President of Tunisia.

SCOTUS Sending A Signal On The Commerce Clause And ObamaCare?

The Supreme Court’s refusal to take up the appeal of a far-reaching Commerce Clause case may indicate rough times ahead for challenges to ObamaCare

James Clyburn Uses Arizona Shootings To Call For Return Of “Fairness Doctrine”

The political firestorm that has erupted in the wake of the shootings in Arizona is drifting, inevitably, into calls for more government control over the content of speech.

Political Vitriol and Political Violence

The relationships between inflammatory rhetoric and political violence is complicated.

Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care, Part II

We really need a better understanding of mental health disorders in this county, and events like those over the weekend underscore this fact.

SCOTUS Refuses to Hear Birther Case

Orly Taitz, Queen of the Birthers, loses in court (again).

Gun Control and the Tuscon Shooting

Should we limit the number of rounds guns can hold in order to minimize shooting sprees?

Democratic Congressman Says He Will Introduce Bill To Ban “Crosshairs” Maps

The debate over heated political rhetoric has now led one Pennsylvania Congressman to suggest that some speech should be banned. This must stop now.

Thankfully, Attempts on the Lives of Members of Congress are Rare

Thankfully, attacks on members of Congress are a rarity.

The Palin “Target” Graphic

Graphic by Sarah Palin’s PAC had Gabriel Giffords’ district in the crosshairs

Some Details About the Shooter

More breaking news on the shooting-in this case, about the shooter.

Federal Judge Killed in Today’s Shooting

Note: while this post is brief, the news is of such significance that I felt it should be a headline story rather than relegated to a “quick pick”.

Whites Leaving Democratic Party

The Republicans are increasingly the party of white America. That’s short term good but long term bad for the GOP.

Anti-Immigrant Groups Begin Assault On Birthright Citizenship

Anti-Immigrant groups are beginning their assault on the 14th Amendment, but don’t expect it to go anywhere.

Antonin Scalia: The Constitution Does Not Bar Discrimination Against Women

In a new interview, Justice Antonin Scalia says that the 14th Amendment does not bar discrimination against women, whether it’s done by public or private entities. He couldn’t be more wrong.

John Wheeler, Vietnam Memorial Leader, Murdered

John P. Wheeler III, chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund during the Ronald Reagan era, has been murdered.

Husband Charged For Reading Wife’s Emails

A Michigan man faces five years in prison for reading his wife’s email.

Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria

Anti-Christian Terrorism: Blame Bush!?

Andrew Sullivan makes a rather bizarre charge offhandedly: “Who among the neocons would have thought that one of George W. Bush’s final legacies would be bringing pogroms, bombings and genocide to Christians in his new zone of freedom?”

Prison Smartphones

Despite federal laws banning even prison officials from bringing phones inside, tens of thousands of inmates have smartphones.

Today In Religious Liberty: Jefferson Writes Of The “Wall Of Separation”

208 years ago today, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to The Danbury Baptist Association that has resonated through the years.

2011: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts are calling for bipartisanship in the New Year.

What If Roe v. Wade Were Reversed? Europe Offers A Guide

A somewhat surprising court decision from the European Union gives a glimpse of what the situation in the United States would be if Roe v. Wade were overturned.

Stripping for Freedom

Aaron Tobey stripped to his underdrawers in a Richmond, Virginia airport in support of the 4th Amendment.

Constitution: An Invitation to Struggle

Like it or not, the U.S. Constitution has always been a political document, evolving depending on the players on the stage.

More Tales of Keeping Us Safe at Airports

The TSA’s crusade to fondle whomever they please continues.

Jury Nullification In Action: Montana Jury Pool Refuses To Convict For Marijuana Possession

A case in Montana brings to the forefront a power most prospective jurors aren’t aware they have.

The Non-Existent Conflict Between DADT Repeal And Religious Liberty

With DADT Repeal now on its way to being fully implemented, the right is now claiming that it poses a threat to the religious liberties of military chaplains. As with their other arguments, this one is totally without merit.

Kodak Claims Patent for Online Photos. No, Really.

So, Kodak is suing Shutterfly because it claims to have invented the idea of putting pictures on the Internet.

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Neither Side Happy

The Federal Communications Commission is using a statute from the 1930s to try to regulate the technology of the 21st Century. It’s a mistake.