French President Blames ISIS For Paris’s Night Of Terror, Vows French Response

France’s President blames ISIS, vows response, as death toll from Paris terror attacks stands at at least 127.

A Night Of Terror In Paris

Reports of at least up to sixty dead, a hostage situation, and attacks at multiple locations in Paris.

Ben Carson’s Incoherence And Ignorance On Foreign Policy Should Be Disqualifying

Ben Carson displays incoherence and ignorance on foreign policy issues that disqualify him from being considered a serious candidate for President of the United States.

Majority of Americans Oppose Ground Troops In Syria And Iraq

In the wake of President Obama’s to send Special Forces to Syria, a new poll finds the public doesn’t like the idea very much.

You Can Forget About Obama’s Promise To Close The Guantanamo Bay Prison

President Obama is set to sign a military spending bill that effectively guarantees that his 2008 campaign promise to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba will go unfulfilled.

Federal Judge Rules N.S.A. Mass Data Collection Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge has ruled that the N.S.A. metadata collection program is unconstitutional, but it’s unclear if the ruling will have much of an impact.

Consensus Continues To Grow That Russian Airliner Was Taken Out By A Bomb

The investigation continues, but the consensus seems to be growing that Metrojet 9268 was taken out by a bomb.

America’s ‘Alliance’ Against ISIS Exists Mostly On Paper, Not In Reality

America’s much touted international coalition against ISIS is, essentially a Coalition In Name Only.

Obama Apparently Giving Up On Quixotic Bid For ‘Middle East Peace’

President Obama has apparently come to the same realization as many of his predecessors, that trying to craft a legacy by single-handedly bring about “Middle East Peace” is largely a waste of time.

Ben Carson Made False Claims About Being Offered West Point Scholarship

Ben Carson’s campaign now admits that he fabricated a key portion of his biography.

George H.W. Bush Highly Critical Of Rumsfeld And Cheney In New Book

In a new book, former President George H.W. Bush is highly critical of two of his son’s closest advisers in the White House.

U.S. Intelligence: Russian Passenger Jet Likely Brought Down Over Sinai Peninsula By A Bomb

American intelligence officials are saying that a Russian passenger jet that went down over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula was most likely brought down by a bomb.

President Obama Likely To Leave World In As Bad A Shape As He Found It, If Not Worse

President Obama came to office inheriting the legacy of one unnecessary war, and another that had faded from memory. He will leave office with Iraq and Syria in crisis, Europe uneasy, Yemen and Libya unstable breeding grounds for terrorism, and China doing whatever it is they’re doing.

Despite Previous Promises Not To Do So, Obama Is Putting Boots On The Ground In Syria

Another day, another military escalation in the Middle East.

Obama Considering Plan That Would Get U.S. Ground Troops Closer To Front Lines In ISIS War

President Obama is reportedly considering a plan that would put American forces much closer to the ground war in the war against ISIS.

House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself

After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.

Nearly Three-Quarters Of Americans See Benghazi Committee As Primarily Political

As the House Select Benghazi Committee continues to question Hillary Clinton, a new poll finds that the vast majority of Americans view its work as political rather than part of an objective investigation.

The Benghazi Committee Gets Its Moment In The Spotlight, And So Does Hillary Clinton

What will likely be the apex of the House Select Committee’s investigation of the Benghazi attack begins and ends today with the testimony of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

U.S. And Russia Reach Deal On Syrian Airspace

The U.S. and Russia have reached a much-needed deal to avoid inadvertent confrontations over the skies of Syria.

Another Republican Congressman Accuses Benghazi Committee Of Being Partisan

Another Republican Congressman has said that the Select Committee investigating the Benghazi attack is primarily concerned with scoring political points against Hillary Clinton.

U.S. To Halt Withdrawal Of Forces From Afghanistan

The plan to withdraw nearly all American forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2016 is being put on hold.

Malaysian Air Flight 17 Inquiry Finds Plane Most Likely Taken Down By Russian Missile

A Dutch inquiry has largely confirmed what was widely believed about the fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.

Obama Administration Abandoning Program To Train And Equip “Moderate” Syrian Rebels

In the wake of failure that could have been easily foreseen, the Obama Administration is ending a program to train so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels.

Taking Sexual Assault Prosecution Away From Military Commanders

In which I change my mind on an important topic.

Obama Considering Plan To Keep U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Past 2016

President Obama is reportedly considering a plan that would keep up to 5,000 American troops in Afghanistan past the withdrawal date he had already set.

President Obama’s Empty Rhetoric On Guns

In the wake of yesterday’s shootings in Oregon, President Obama took the airwaves to offer the same empty rhetoric he has on this issue in the past, and to make the false claim that there are simple solutions to what is a very complex problem.

Neither The United States Nor Russia Have A Coherent Policy In Syria

With Russia now launching its own airstrikes in Syria, it’s become obvious that U.S. policy in the Syrian Civil War is irrational and contradictory. And Russia’s policy isn’t any better.

Kevin McCarthy Inadvertently Tells The Truth About The House Benghazi Committee

The man who will likely be the next Speaker of the House accidentally acknowledged the real motivation behind the Select Committee investigating, yet again, the Benghazi attack.

Taliban Capture Major Afghan City For First Time Since 9/11

The Taliban dealt a major defeat to a numerically superior Afghan Army force, raising questions about just how well Afghanistan can defend itself on its own.

Of Course the Pope is Political

When did “politics” become a dirty word?

U.S. To Increase Number Of Syrian Refugees Accepted Into The Country

The U.S. is set to ramp up its contribution to dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis, but there’s a lot more we can do.

After Final Senate Vote Fails, The Iran Nuclear Agreement Is A Done Deal

The final effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal failed in the Senate yesterday, meaning that the deal will now move forward.

Foreign Policy At The Republican Debate

With the exception of Rand Paul, the foreign policy discussion at last night’s debate was about as bad as you’d expect.

Donald Trump’s National Security Speech Was As Substance-Free As The Rest Of His Campaign

What was promoted as major foreign policy speech by Donald Trump turned out to be more substance-free stream-of-consciousness rambling from an egomaniac.

Texas 9th Grader Arrested For Building A Clock

A Texas 9th Grader named Ahmed Mohammed was arrested because school officials and police refused to believe that the clock he built wasn’t a bomb.

Senate Democrats Succeed In Filibuster Of Vote Against Iran Nuclear Deal

Senate Democrats successfully blocked a final vote on the Iran Nuclear Deal, meaning that Congressional debate on the matter is effectively over.

Defending of Crazy Talk

A controversial article arguing prominent war critics should be targeted as enemy combatants is worth discussing.

House Conservatives Push For Pointless Delay In Iran Nuclear Deal Vote

Some House Republicans are trying to delay the vote on the Iran Nuclear Deal with an argument that has no merit whatsoever.

Democrats Now Have Enough Support To Block A Final Vote On The Iran Nuclear Deal

At least on paper, Senate Democrats now have enough votes to block the Senate from voting on a resolution disapproving of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Much About Foreign Policy

In an interview, Donald Trump reveals that when it comes to foreign policy he has no idea what he’s talking about.

South Carolina To Seek Death Penalty For Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof

Prosecutors in South Carolina announced that they will seek the death penalty for Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Debate Is Basically Over

President Obama now has enough votes in the Senate, and probably the House, to ensure that Congress cannot block the nuclear deal with Iran.

Iran Nuclear Deal Now Virtually Certain To Survive Congressional Attack

Senate Democrats are now just one vote away from being able to block a veto override, meaning that the effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal will most certainly fail.

Senate Democrats May Be Able To Filibuster The Vote To Block The Iran Nuclear Deal

If the Administration gets its way, efforts to block the Iran nuclear deal may come to a quick end in the Senate.