Domestic Spying ‘Suspended’ But Almost Certainly Continues Unabated

Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.

Patriot Act Lapses, Civilization Still Stands

Many provisions of the Patriot Act lapsed at midnight, but apparently the world hasn’t ended.

With Hours Left, The Fate Of The PATRIOT Act Remains Uncertain

The Senate returns tomorrow to try to pass an extension of the PATRIOT Act before it expires, but it may not be able to do so.

Cuba Removed From List Of State Sponsors Of Terrorism

Another step forward toward ending a U.S. policy regarding Cuba that was outdated twenty years ago.

Marine Fighting for Right to Post Bible Verses in Violation of Direct Orders

A woman discharged from the Marine Corps for violating multiple direct orders is fighting to the highest military court.

Rand Paul: GOP Hawks Have Advocated Policies That Have Helped ISIS Flourish

Rand Paul is out with one of his more forceful attacks on Republican hawks to date.

Justice Department Indicts Top FIFA Officials In Corruption And Bribery Scandal

Several of the top representatives of soccer’s governing body have been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in New York.

U.S. Defense Secretary Says Iraqis Have Lost The Will To Fight ISIS

Some unusually blunt, but true, language from the U.S. Secretary Of Defense.

First Batch Of Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Reveals No Smoking Guns

The first batch of email from Hillary Clinton regarding the 2012 attack in Benghazi have been released, and they don’t reveal anything we didn’t already know.

Senate Fails To Pass PATRIOT Act Renewal

The Senate went home last night without passing a bill to renew the PATRIOT Act, which expires at the end of the month.

The Triumph Of Bureaucracy: Al Qaeda’s Job Application

Who knew terrorists had an H.R. Department?

Rand Paul Holds The Senate Floor To Talk About PATRIOT Act Renewal, Civil Liberties

Rand Paul held the Senate floor for nearly twelve hours yesterday to talk about the PATRIOT Act, but it’s unclear if he accomplished anything.

Hillary Clinton Has Her Own Questions To Answer About Iraq, Libya, And Syria

Hillary Clinton has admitted she made a mistake in supporting the Iraq War in 2002, but there are plenty of other questions she needs to answer when it comes to foreign interventions.

Marco Rubio Fumbles The Iraq War Question

Marco Rubio is the latest Republican Presidential candidate to have a problem giving a coherent answer to a few simple questions about the Iraq War.

Obama Administration To Take Steps To Cut Back On Police Militarization

President Obama is taking steps to reduce police militarization, but there’s much more that needs to be done.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sentenced To Death In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

Final justice, but far from the end of the road.

David Cameron To Propose Broad Expansion Of Powers To Crackdown On ‘Extremism’

Fresh off an election victory, British Prime Minister David Cameron is set to propose a series of new measures to crackdown on extremism that raise serious civil liberties concerns.

Saudi, U.S. Relationship Becoming More Tense

The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia has seen better days.

House Passes Bill To Restrict N.S.A. Data Mining

The House has passed a bill that would place real restrictions on the National Security Agency’s data mining program. Now, it moves to the Senate.

Jeb Bush Has His Own Iraq Quagmire

Iraq seems to becoming a political headache for yet another member of the Bush family.

Navy Secretary Doubling Maternity Leave to 12 Weeks, Lowering Weight Standards

Ray Mabus is trying to make serving in the Navy and Marine Corps more attractive to women.

Seymour Hersh’s Osama Bin Laden Claims Don’t Pass The Smell Test

Seymour Hersh is out with a conspiracy theory about the death of Osama bin Laden that just doesn’t make sense.

House Benghazi Investigation Seems More Concerned With 2016 Than Investigating Anything

Not surprisingly, the House Committee re-investigating the Benghazi attack seems more concerned with scoring political points than fact-finding.

Jeb Bush: Sure, I’d Invade Iraq Just Like My Brother Did

Like most Republicans, Jeb Bush either fails or refuses to recognize what an utter, unjustifiable disaster his brother’s decision to invade Iraq actually was.

James Clapper Tells Congress He Testified Falsely Because, ‘I Forgot’

Director of National Intelligence now tells Congress that he testified falsely about NSA spying because he forgot the program existed.

Pentagon Paid N.F.L. For Tributes To Troops

The tributes to the troops you see during N.F.L. games were most likely bought and paid for with your tax dollars.

Judge Rules Woman’s Twins Were Fathered By Two Different Men

A Judge in New Jersey has ruled that the twin children of a New Jersey woman were in fact fathered by two different men.

Jeb Bush Says His Top Middle East Adviser Is George W. Bush

Jeb Bush told a group of supporters that his brother is his top Middle East policy adviser. This strikes me as being a bad idea.

Germans Restrict Cooperation With The U.S. On Intelligence

Largely in reaction to revelations about N,S.A. surveillance, Germany has cut back on its intelligence cooperation with the United States.

Appeals Court Rules N.S.A. Data Mining Illegal

A Federal Appeals Court has ruled that the N.S.A.’s data mining program is illegal, but its ruling may not have a very big impact.

Two Gunmen Killed In Apparent Attempted Attack On Anti-Islam Event In Texas

Two men were killed last night before they could carry out what appears to be a planned attack on an anti-Islam event in Texas.

Rand Paul Says It Was A Mistake To Depose Saddam Hussein And Qaddafi

Rand Paul bucks Republican orthodoxy on Iraq, Libya, and negotiations with Iran.

U.S. Forces In Afghanistan Involved In More Than Just Counterterrorism Despite Obama’s Promises

U.S forces in Afghanistan have been involved in missions that go far beyond the counterterror mission the Obama Administration said they would be limited to.

John Boehner Admits That Congress Lacks The Votes To Stop A Nuclear Deal With Iran

Congress can’t really do anything to stop a nuclear deal with Iran, and John Boehner knows it.

Marco Rubio’s Supposed Expertise On Foreign Policy Leaves Much To Be Desired

Marco Rubio is often described as one of the GOP’s leaders on foreign policy, but a close look reveals a decided lack of substance.

David Petraeus Given Slap on Wrist for Espionage Act Violation

The former CIA Director received no jail time and a nuisance-level fine in exchange for a guilty plea to espionage charges.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.

China Warns U.S. About North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal

Chinese analysts are telling their American counterparts that North Korea’s nuclear arsenal is far more sophisticated than previously believed.

Hillary Clinton Faces New Revelations About Questionable Donations To Clinton Foundation

A new report ties undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation to a Russian company’s acquisition of controlling interest in a major uranium mining company.

House Benghazi Committee Won’t Release A Report Until 2016

Not surprisingly, the Select Committee established by House Republicans to investigate something that has already been investigated multiple times, will be in operation well into the Presidential Election season.

Cuba To Be Removed From List Of Terrorist States

Another step forward for U.S.-Cuban relations.

White House And Congress Reach Compromise On Review Of Iran Nuclear Deal

After months of resistance, the White House will allow Congressional review of any deal with Iran, but it may not hamper negotiations much in the end.

Rubio’s Israel Litmus Test For An Iran Nuclear Deal Is Foolish And Unrealistic

Conditioning an Iranian nuclear deal on recognition of Israel is foolish, unrealistic, and very bad diplomacy.

No, the Army Isn’t Refusing to Treat Combat Wounds as Combat Wounds

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge is creating a scandal where none exists.

Sen. Tom Cotton Thinks War Against Iran Would Be Easy And Painless

One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.