As Far As Europe Is Concerned, The Debate Over The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Over

Congress is set to debate the Iran nuclear deal next month, but as far as Europe is concerned the debate is already over.

The Dangers of Relying on Airpower Alone

My latest for War on The Rocks, “The Inter-Service Wars Are Looking Like Calvinball,” has posted.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal, But It Will Likely Go Into Effect Anyway

Another poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the Iranian nuclear deal, but the effort to defeat it in Congress is still likely to fail.

Hillary Clinton’s Server and Sensitive Compartmented Information

Clinton’s wanton disregard for the rules had predictable consequences.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.

Trump Leads In Iowa, While Walker Declines

Donald Trump is leading in Iowa, and very few things make sense anymore.

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Server After New Classified Emails Are Revealed

Hillary Clinton has turned over her private email server in the wake of reports about highly classified information in her email.

Chuck Schumer Comes Out Against The Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran nuclear deal will probably survive it’s test in Congress in the end, but Chuck Schumer just made the Administration’s job a little more difficult.

Obama’s Rhetoric On The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Needlessly Confrontational

President Obama’s confrontational approach to opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal ignores legitimate questions.

Lindsey Graham Promoted Twice As Absentee Reservist

Lindsey Graham recently retired as a colonel in the Air Force Reserves after 33 years of service. He missed most of the last twenty.

American Public Turning Against Iran Nuclear Deal According To New Polls

Recent polling has shown the American public to be highly skeptical, at beast, of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That may not be enough to kill it in Congress, though.

Our Ally Turkey Joins Fight Against ISIL, Killing Our Allies Against ISIL Rather Than ISIL

Turkey has finally joined in the US-led coalition against ISIL. Unfortunately, it’s killing the main ground force fighting ISIL.

US Military Ends Transgender Ban

The Defense Department is working to fully integrate transgender troops.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Released November 21st

After 30 years in prison, Jonathan Pollard will be released later this year.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

U.S. Considering Releasing Jonathan Pollard?

Reports are circulating that the Obama Administration is considering releasing Jonathan Pollard, and many are seeing it as an effort to placate Israel in the wake of the Iran deal.

Federal Inspectors General Call For Criminal Investigation Of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

Did Hillary Clinton mishandle classified information while Secretary of State? Two Inspectors General want to find out.

Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Indicted On Federal Hate Crimes Charges

Dylann Roof has been indicted in Federal Court for completely unnecessary reasons.

Afghan Army Not Doing So Well Against The Taliban

The Afghan Army isn’t doing so well against the Taliban right now.

Majority Of Americans Support Iran Nuclear Deal

Good news for the President.

Today in “Asked and Answered” (Sowell on Iran Deal Edition)

Any discussion of the Iran deal has to be about realistic alternatives, not fantasies.

United Nations Security Council Approves Iranian Nuclear Deal

The U.N. Security Council has approved the Iranian nuclear deal, and now the ball is in Congress’s court.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Katherine Archuleta OPM political hack Katherine Archuleta OPM political hack

Political Hack Resigns As OPM Director

The unqualified hack who led OPM while China stole 21 million sensitive personnel files has finally resigned.

U.S. And Cuba To Reopen Embassies After 54 Years

For the first time since 1961, there will soon be an American Embassy in Havana, and a Cuban Embassy in Washington. It’s well past time that this happened.

The Confederate Flag Has Always Been About Hate, Not “Heritage”

The people who continue to claim that the Confederate Flag is about anything other than hatred, racism, and a nation that celebrated slavery are lying to you and to themselves.

Changes To U.S. Hostage Policies Are Less Than Meets The Eye

The Administration announced changes to the way the government handles hostage situations, but it really doesn’t amount to much.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Apologizes For Boston Marathon Bombing, Is Sentenced To Die Anyway

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev appeared in public for what is likely the last time in his life, apologized for the crimes he committed, and was unsurprisingly sentenced to death by a Federal Judge.

What Gun Laws Would Help?

David Frum calls for several measures to reduce gun violence.

Does The United States Really Have More Mass Shootings Than Other Countries?

PolitiFact rates President Obama’s claim that other countries don’t have mass shootings at rates comparable to America”Mostly False.”

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Yes, Dylann Roof Is A Terrorist

A word that has come in recent years to be used to refer chiefly to Muslim fanatics obviously applies to a man who murdered nine people because they’re black.

Was China OPM Hack Fair Game?

Was this simply ordinary intelligence collection? Or something more insidious?

MARSOC Now Officially ‘Marine Raiders’

Marine special operations forces have called themselves “Raiders” for years. Now it’s official.

Supreme Court Says Texas Can Ban Confederate License Plates, Endangering Freedom Of Speech

The Supreme Court ruled that states don’t have to grant license plates that display the Confederate flag. Their decision has the potential to seriously harm the First Amendment.

Putin Using Fear Of ISIS To Enhance Russian Influence In Central Asia

A well-founded fear of ISIS seems to be drawing many of the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia closer to Moscow.

U.S. Poised To Store Military Equipment In Eastern Europe, Baltics

In what seems to be a clear signal to Russia, the U.S. is considering pre-positioning military equipment in nation’s very close to Russian borders.

Hillary Clinton “Re-Launches” Presidential Campaign

Hillary Clinton opened a new phase in her campaign for President yesterday with a speech in New York City.

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Appeals Court Tosses Military Tribunal Convictions Of Gitmo Prisoners

A Federal Appeals Court In Washington has ruled that the military tribunal convictions of one group of Guantanamo Bay detainees was unconstitutional.

Americans Say Civil Liberties Trump Terror Threats, Politicians Don’t Care

The American people don’t believe that liberty should be sacrificed in the name of security, but their leaders largely don’t care.

Supreme Court Slaps Back Congress In Jerusalem Passport Case

In a case that took seven months to decide, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Presidency’s broad authority in foreign affairs, and inserted itself just a little bit in the thorny politics of the Middle East.

Air Force Says ISIS Has Poor OPSEC, Demonstrating Poor OPSEC

An Air Force general is bragging about a targeting technique being used against ISIS.

Senate Renews, Modifies, Patriot Act

The Senate passed a bill that renews, and modifies, the Patriot Act