Marines Roll Sleeves; Soldiers Roll Eyes

Rolling up your sleeves is hard if you’re a Marine.

White House: U.S. Will Leave Afghanistan If Karzai Balks On New Troop Deal

Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign a new security agreement may result in all U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Pentagon Defies Congress with Budget Request

Poking the eye of the institution that passes your budget is a bold choice.

Do Women Make Better Military Helicopter Pilots?

One in ten Army helicopter pilot is a woman, yet men account for 97% of injuries in helicopter accidents.

Rand Paul’s N.S.A. Lawsuit: Campaign Stunt Or Real Legal Threat? Does It Matter?

If something is going to be done about an out of control National Security State, it’ll be because the American people demand it.

Americans Have Mostly Negative View Of Putin And Russia

The Cold War may be over, but the negative opinions in the U.S. regarding Russia and its leadership seem to have continued.

Soldiers and Priests: A Contrast in Professional Ethics

My latest for The National Interest, “The U.S. Military’s Ethics Crisis,” has posted.

Obama’s Kill Rules Keeping Obama From Killing

President Obama’s new rules for killing Americans with drones are proving inconvenient.

Sniper Attack On Power Station In California Raises Terrorism Threat

Ten months ago, a group of people attacked a power substation in California. Who they were and why they did it remains a mystery.

Leroy Petry, Medal of Honor Recipient, Retiring from the Army

Sergeant First Class Leroy Petry, recipient of the Medal of Honor for gallantry in Afghanistan, is medically retiring from the Army.

TSA Touts Toothpaste Tube Terror Threat

Just when it became safe to keep your shoes and tablets on, a new threat to the friendly skies has emerged: toothpaste.

Medal Fatigue

The US military needs to cull and standardize its bloated award system.

Most Americans Now See Iraq And Afghanistan Wars As Failures

Most Americans now see America’s decade of war as a failure.

War As Aspirational

Why do we persist in going to war?

Robert Gates: Invading Iraq Diverted Attention From The War On Terror

Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.

Robert Gates Hits Obama, Biden, Clinton In New Book, But Will Americans Care?

A new book by former SecDef Robert Gates is making political waves in Washington power circles, but will it matter to ordinary Americans?

Violence In Iraq Is Not Obama’s Fault, And The Future Of Iraq Is Not Our Responsibility

The Iraqis need to learn to govern themselves, and conservatives blaming President Obama for renewed violence need a history lesson.

Israel Appoints First Female Battalion Commander [UPDATED]

The IDF has finally put a woman in command of a battalion. They’re decades behind American forces.

Al Qaeda Runs Falluja Now

If you’re still not convinced that we lost the war in Iraq, this should settle the argument.

Marines Delay Female Fitness Standards

The Marine Corps’ plan to make women take the same fitness test as men has hit a wee snag.

New York Times: Time To Grant Clemency to Edward Snowden

The “paper of record” joins the call for some kind of deal with Edward Snowden.

New York Times Benghazi Story Gets Some Political And Journalistic Push Back

The New York Times Benghazi report raises as many questions as it purports to answer.

Would N.S.A. Data Mining Have Been Able To Stop 9/11?

.Many have tried to justify N.S.A. data mining on the theory that it could have prevented 9/11. Is that true?

Afghanistan Most Unpopular War Ever?

The “good war” no more.

Return to the Events in Benghazi

More details.

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To N.S.A. Data Mining

Another Federal District Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the NSA’s data mining program, this time more favorable to the NSA.

Edward Snowden Declares ‘Mission Accomplished’

In a new interview, Edward Snowden explains his motives for absconding from the country with NSA secrets.

The USA v. the FARC

Newly disclosed details about the US role in Colombia.

Michelle Howard Navy’s First Female 4-Star Admiral

Michelle Howard has become the highest ranking woman in the history of the US Navy–and the US military, period.

Does Judge Leon’s Ruling On NSA Surveillance Vindicate Edward Snowden?

Does a determination that NSA data collection practices are likely unconstitutional mean that Edward Snowden’s actions were, in some sense, justified?

Federal Judge Rules That NSA Metadata Collection Program Likely Unconstitutional

A potentially big legal setback for a big National Security Agency program.

Time To Play “Let’s Make A Deal” With Edward Snowden?

Without a deal of some kind, it’s quite likely that Edward Snowden will remain beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement or some time to come.

Just How Bad Was Security At Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service?

Apparently, the security at Tuesday’s memorial for Nelson Mandela was so lax as to be nearly non-existent.

On Veterans, Crime, Timing, and “Other Than Honorable” Discharges

For veterans who get in trouble with the law, *when* they commit a crime can have profound implications on their future. Does this make sense?

WWII Vets Lobotomy Story: Tragic But Not Scandalous

Some 2000 veterans of World War II were lobotomized by the VA. That’s awful but not outrageous.

Defense Bill To Be Rammed Through Without Debate or Amendment

Democracy was nice while it lasted.

On Iran, Diplomacy Beats Containment, And Containment Is Smarter Than Military Action

There are many choices in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program there are many choices, but some are better than others.

Biden: U.S. Won’t Recognize China’s New Air Defense Zone

The U.S. position on China’s new air defense zone is exceedingly clear. The question is where it goes from here.

No Fighter Escorts For Santa

You know the Defense budget is getting tight when we can’t spare a few measly fighter planes to escort an imaginary character.

American Public Prefers A Less Interventionist U.S. Foreign Policy

A new poll finds the American public far less supportive of the idea of the U.S. as the world’s policeman.