Army And Marine Chiefs: Women Should Be Required To Register For Draft Just Like Men

The Army Chief of Staff and Commandant of the Marine Corps told Congress that women should be required to register for the draft just like men are.

War Against ISIS Poised To Expand Into Libya?

Get ready for an expansion of the war against ISIS into Libya, because it’s probably not far away.

Final Iowa Polling Shows It All Depends On Turnout, Plus A Projection

The final polls of the Iowa Caucus show that the outcome of tonight’s caucuses depend almost entirely on turnout at this point. Plus, a projection of who will win and the order of finish.

State Department Withholds 22 Hillary Clinton Emails For Containing “Top Secret” Information

More email headaches for the Clinton campaign, but it remains unclear if any wrongdoing occurred.

Clinton Email Server Contained Information Classified Above ‘Top Secret,’ Report Contends

New email headaches for Hillary Clinton, but it’s not clear what impact they will have on the race for President, if they have any impact at all.

Sanctions Against Iran Partially Lifted As Compliance With Nuclear Deal Is Confirmed By IAEA

Another hopeful step forward, thanks to diplomacy.

Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian, Four Others, Freed By Iran In Prisoner Exchange

Good news for Jason Rezaian and four other Americans, and another example of how diplomacy can help resolve disputes that seemed irresolvable.

U.S., South Korea Hint At Military Buildup In Response To Nuclear Test

The United States and South Korea are hinting at increased military cooperation in the wake of last week’s North Korean nuclear test.

Experts Cast Doubt On North Korean Claim That It Tested Hydrogen Bomb

Experts are casting doubt on North Korea’s claim that it tested a thermonuclear device earlier this week.

North Korea Claims To Have Detonated Hydrogen Bomb In Nuclear Test

The North Koreans claim to have made a major advance in their nuclear weapons program, but there are many reasons to be skeptical.

Tensions Rise Between Saudi Arabia And Iran In Wake Of Saudi Executions

The execution of a prominent Shi’ite cleric has led to a rapid deterioration of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

‘Militia’ Takes Over Federal Wildlife Refuge

A group led by Ammon Bundy, son of Clive Bundy, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon to protest somethingorother.

Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Shows Up In Al Qaeda Recruitment Video

The anti-Muslim rhetoric Donald Trump has been using on the campaign trail has shown up in a recruitment video for an al Qaeda off-shoot group.

After More Than Three Decades, Americans Held Hostage In Iran To Receive Compensation

After more than three decades, the men and women held hostage in Iran for 444 days will receive at least some compensation.

Boko Haram Update

Final Report Shows Tepid Economic Growth During Third Quarter

The final report to third quarter Gross Domestic Product shows that growth over the summer was, at best, tepid.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Continue To Rise In Early State Polling

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are surging in state polls as we head toward the holidays.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump’s Nuclear Ignorance

Donald Trump displays some appalling ignorance about an important part of America’s military, but his supporters are unlikely to care.

Cruz has a Plan for Fighting ISIS

Why hasn’t anyone else thought of this?

Majority Of Americans Oppose Ban On So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ According To New Poll

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose a ban on so-called ‘assault weapons,’ a marked change from two decades ago.

Another Poll Shows Republicans Support Donald Trump’s ‘Ban All Muslims’ Immigration Plan

Heading into another Presidential debate, a new poll shows that Republicans are very receptive to Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Los Angeles Public Schools Closed In Wake Of ‘Unspecified Threats’

Every public school in Los Angeles, which covers over 600,000 students, plus teachers and staff, has been closed for the day in the wake of unspecified threats.

Bowe Bergdahl To Face Court Martial For Desertion, Endangering U.S. Troops

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face a Court Martial for the circumstances that led to his being capture and held captive by the Taliban for five years.

France’s National Front Suffers Setbacks In 2nd Round Voting, But Still Seems Likely To Rise

Marine Le Pen suffered setbacks in the second round of regional voting on Sunday, but the party still seems likely to become more popular in the coming years.

Using The No-Fly List To Bar Gun Purchases Is Bad Policy, And Likely Unconstitutional

The Governors of Connecticut and New York are joining President Obama and Hillary Clinton in favor of a really bad idea.

Is Syria Already A Quagmire For Putin?

Some analysts are already suggesting that Russia’s two month old intervention in Syria is becoming a quagmire. That seems to be a premature judgment, but it’s not accomplishing much more than anything the West is doing.

The Radicalization of Luke Skywalker

A pseudonymous government relations professional examines “The Radicalization of Luke Skywalker: A Jedi’s Path to Jihad.”

Majority Opposes Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban, But It’s A Different Story With Republicans

Polling shows that most Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslim’s from immigrating to the United States, but Republicans are far more receptive to the idea.

Kim Jong Un Claims North Korea Has Thermonuclear Weapons, But It Probably Doesn’t

North Korea’s mercurial leader now claims to have thermonuclear weapons, but analysts are saying this is likely braggadocios nonsense.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Sarah Palin has joined such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in endorsing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim immigration plan.

New Poll Appears To Show Majority GOP Support For Trump’s ‘Ban Muslims’ Immigration Plan

A new poll appears to show that a majority of Republicans support Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslims from immigrating to the United States.

FBI: San Bernardino Shooters Tashfeen Malik And Syed Farook Radicalized Years Before Marriage

The Director of the F.B.i. told Congress today that the San Bernardino shooters were apparently radicalized much earlier than previously believed.

Donald Trump Calls For Ban On All Muslim Immigration

Donald J. Trump continues to turn the dial higher and higher on his fascist demagoguery.

Paris, San Bernardino, And The Dangers Of An Anti-Muslim Backlash

As we deal with the fall out from the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, we need remember the years after September 11th, 2001 and avoid holding an entire religion responsible for the actions of fanatics.

National Front Makes Major Gains In French Regional Elections

Europe’s anti-immigrant, xenophobic far right scored major victories in France yesterday.

Obama’s Big ISIS Speech Was A Big Nothing

For an Oval Office address delivered on a Sunday night, President Obama’s speech last night sounded more like a statement read from the podium in the press room.

NATO Admitting Montenegro As Full Member For Some Reason

NATO is extending full membership to the tiny nation of Montenegro, and there doesn’t seem to be a good reason why they’re doing it.

San Bernardino Leaves Anti-Terror Policy In Disarray As Obama Prepares To Address Nation

The attack in San Bernardino has seemingly left the Administration’s anti-terror strategy in disarray, so the President is addressing the nation tonight to say, well, something I guess.

German Parliament Approves Expansion Of Involvement In Anti-ISIS Campaign

The German Parliament has approved expansion of the nation’s involvement in the campaign against ISIS, but that doesn’t make the current campaign any less incoherent.

San Bernardino Shooter Reportedly ‘Radicalized,’ Wife Pledged Support To ISIS, Before Attack

The probability that the shootings in San Bernardino were at least inspired by ISIS and/or other Jihadist terror networks is increasing.

Have There Really Been 355 ‘Mass Shootings’ This Year? Only If You’re Relying On Bad Data

No, there really haven’t been 355 ‘mass shootings’ since January 1st. Not unless you’re relying on completely unreliable data.

Our Feckless Congress Is Shirking Its Constitutional Duties On The War Against ISIS

Yesterday, the British Parliament debated the expansion of that nation’s military strikes against ISIS. For more than a year, our cowardly Congress has failed to even hold one debate or vote on America’s role in that conflict.

New Report Finds Widespread Failures At The Secret Service

A new report finds that the problems at the Secret Service are far deeper than previously known.

Suspects Dead In San Bernardino Mass Shooting, But Much Remains Unclear

The suspects in the San Bernardino shootings are dead, but that’s about all we know so far this morning.

British Parliament Approves Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria

The British Parliament has approved expansion of that countries airstrikes into Syria, but it’s unclear just how much of an impact that will have on the ground.

At Least 14 Dead, 14 Wounded In Mass Shooting In San Bernardino, California, Multiple Shooters Reported

Multiple victims, and possibly multiple shooters, reported in San Bernardino, California.

Political Rhetoric You Disagree With Isn’t Responsible For Someone Else’s Criminal Acts

Blaming political opponents for criminal acts they clearly didn’t commit or advocate isn’t a political argument, it’s demagoguery.