Twitter to Start Charging For Vowels!

In one of the lamer April Fools’ jokes in a while, Twitter has announced Twttr

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF. Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF.

American Charged With Using Weapon of Mass Destruction that Isn’t a Weapon of Mass Destruction

An American fighting with Syrian rebels faces life in prison for firing an RPG against a government we’re trying to oust.

Permanent Underemployment?

The economy has been steadily recovering from the Great Recession. But the jobs may never come back.

Relief From Runaway Browser Tabs

A new Chrome extension will close all of your tabs and give you a linked list of all your previously open pages.

FAA May End Stupid Electronic Device Restrictions

Passengers may soon be able to use approved electronic devices during all phases of airplane flights.

News Industry In Crisis But News Reporting Better Than Ever

Matt Yglesias has a smart push-back against the lamentations of the decline of journalism.

CIA Amazon Cloud

The CIA will soon be storing our nation’s most sensitive information with a private company.

Sequester Could Devastate Scientific Research

The head men of the three most prestigious US national laboratories say the sequester will devastate scientific research in this country for decades to come.

Not The Singularity: New Blog, Old Bloggers

Longtime blogger Steve Hynd has launched a new group blog called Not The Singularity.

Journalism Doesn’t Pay

There’s no money in wri

Child Cured of HIV

A baby born with AIDS eighteen months ago has reportedly been cured.

Sergey Brin Says Smartphones ‘Emasculating’

Google’s Sergey Brin says swiping a phone feels silly, so we should wear dorky goggles around all day.

Mathematicians Solve Problem Solved Long Ago By Tradesman

Our eggheads isn’t as smart as they thinks.

Yahoo Bans Telework

Apple Sued over iPad Planned Obsolescence

A Brazilian group is suing Apple for making its iPads better too quickly.

Meteorite Strikes Central Russia, Up To 500 Injured

A bolt out of the blue.

Ezra Klein’s Meteoric Rise

How he went from Juicebox Mafia member to the most important young journalist in DC.

Republican Obsolescence: Ideas, Not Technology

NYT Magazine asks “Can the Republicans be Saved From Obsolescence?”

Distinguished Warfare Medal for Armchair Warriors

American troops may now earn the fourth highest combat medal from the comfort of their desk chair.

Let’s Eliminate The State Of The Union Address

It’s time to end this absurd annual spectacle.

John Karlin, Telephone Innovator, Dies at 94

John Karlin, an industrial psychologist for Bell Labs that you’ve probably never heard of, has died aged 94.

Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.

Fake Space Monkey?

Republicans Still Sticking Their Heads In The Sand

The GOP seems to be drawing all the wrong lessons from the 2012 elections.