What Really Motivates The “Pro-Life” Movement?

At least some segments of the “pro-life” movement seem more concerned with policing morality than they do with protecting life.

Trump Administration Continues To Misrepresent What North Korea Agreed To

The Trump Administration continues to misstate what the DPRK agreed to regarding its nuclear program. That’s why talks between the two nations are stalled.

Slower May Jobs Growth Adds To Fears Of Economic Downturn

May’s Jobs Report came back with disappointing jobs growth, suggesting that the economy may be slowing down.

Joe Biden Comes Out Against Hyde Amendment

After coming under attack from within his own party, former Vice-President Joe Biden has changed his position on the Hyde Amendment.

Donald Trump And The Legacy Of D-Day

Donald Trump has betrayed the legacy and the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought their way onto the beaches of Normandy.

Biden Under Fire For Support Of Hyde Amendment

Former Vice-President Biden has come under fire for his longtime support for the Hyde Amendment.

The Boys Of Pointe du Hoc

Thirty years ago, when the veterans of D-Day were still relatively young and still largely with us, President Reagan delivered one of the finest speeches of his Presidency.

Trump’s Mexico Tariffs And Republican ‘Profiles In Courage’

The GOP Senators standing up against the President’s tariffs on Mexico are being called courageous. I’m wondering what took them so long to stand up.

D-Day At 75

Seventy-five years ago today, American soldiers and our allies undertook an invasion that helped change the world.

Trump Underperforming In Texas

A new poll of Texas voters shows President Trump doing worse than expected against potential Democratic challengers. Should Republicans be worried?

Biden Not Only Democrat Lifting Language for Websites

The original ‘scandal’ was silly. The follow-up is sillier.

Republican Senators Standing Up To Trump On Mexico Tariffs

The President’s foolish tariffs against Mexico are finally causing many Republican Senators to stand up against him.

The Political Reality Of Impeachment

While the drumbeat for impeachment of the President continues on the left, political reality suggests caution.

More Tales from the Trade War

This time: India.

John Kasich Appears To Rule Out A Primary Challenge Against Trump

John Kasich hasn’t shut the door completely, but recent comments seem to make it clear he’s not likely to take on the President for the Republican nomination.

New Biden Plagiarism Scandal

While mildly embarrassing, it’s unlikely to have much impact on the race.

White House Continues To Stonewall While Congress Begins To Push Back

The White House is continuing to stonewall legitimate Congressional investigations, but Congress is starting to push back.

[Clarence Thomas] [Clarence Thomas]

Justice Thomas Quashes Retirement Rumors

Justice Clarence Thomas is seemingly putting to rest any reports that he’s considering retiring in the near future.

Trump’s Tweeting Losing Its Impact? One Study Says Yes

According to one new study, President Trump’s tweets aren’t having the same impact they used to.

Federal Judge Blocks House Lawsuit Over Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge in Washington, D.C. dismissed a lawsuit against Trump “national emergency” to fund the border wall, but his ruling did not reach the merits of the lawsuit’s claim.

House To Vote To Hold Attorney General In Contempt

The House of Representatives will vote to hold the Attorney General in contempt next week but it may not mean anything.

Republican Apocalypse … Now?

David Brooks joins the long line of commenters predicting the GOP’s demise.

Illinois Set To Become 11th State To Legalize Marijuana

Further progress for advocates of marijuana legalization from the Land of Lincoln.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Likely Dead On Arrival

Jared Kushner’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan is still awaiting release, but it already appears to be dead on arrival.

The Pentagon and White House are Not People and Don’t Do Things

A misleading, annoying media trope that needs to go away.

Majority Of Americans Support Transgender Rights On Bathroom Access, Other Issues

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans support equal rights for transgender Americans, with only Republicans disagreeing with that position.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

New Hampshire Repeals Death Penalty

Last week, New Hampshire became the latest state to repeal the death penalty. Thus becoming the 21st state to do so.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

More Hackery: This Time from Hugh Hewitt

His colum in WaPo isn’t very good.

On Eve Of State Visit, Trump Attacks Royal Family Member, Intereferes In British Politics

Hours before departing the United States for a pomp and circumstance filled State Visit to the United Kingdom, President Trump sticks his foot in his mouth.

Larry Hogan Rules Out Primary Challenge Against Trump

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has ruled out what would essentially be a quixotic primary challenge against President Trump.

Looking to One Sentence about the Tariffs on Mexico

Either Trump doesn’t understand what he is talking about, or he thinks his supporters are dumb.

Navy Confirms White House Request To ‘Hide’ USS John McCain

The Navy is confirming that it did receive a request from the White House to keep the USS John McCain “out of sight” during the President’s visit to an American base in Japan.

Russian Trolls Using Social Media To Spread Anti-Vaccine Propaganda

A new report indicates that Russian social media trolls are involved in spreading anti-vaccination propaganda in the United States and elsewhere.

Hickenlooper Denounces Socialism, Gets Booed

Bernie Sanders supporters are a wee bit sensitive.

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Forays into Hackery (Tucker and Derschowitz)

Wherein I explore the notion that ignorance is bliss.

Trump’s Steel And Aluminum Tariffs Are A Failure

It’s been just about fifteen months since President Trump imposed tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. Not surprisingly, those tariffs have not had the effect the President claimed they would.

12 Killed In Shooting At Virginia Beach Municipal Complex

A dozen people died late yesterday in a workplace shooting at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.

Roy Moore Hits Back At Trump’s Call For Him To Stay Out Of Senate Race

Republicans nationwide are trying to discourage Roy Moore from running for Senate again. Roy Moore doesn’t care.

Kamala Harris Wants To Use Federal Authority To Monitor State Abortion Laws

Kamala Harris is trying to jump-start her Presidential campaign with an idea for a new law, but it’s probably unconstitutional and would never get through Congress.

A Critique of Mueller that Misses the Point

Perhaps NRO’s Charles W. Cooke needs to read the report (and do a better job of putting Mueller’s statements in context).

Biden Continues To Lead Democratic Field, Sanders Slips

Just over a month after he entered the race, Joe Biden has a commanding lead over his fellow Democrats while Bernie Sanders has several candidates hot on his heels.

Trump Placing Tariffs On All Trade With Mexico

Last night, President Trump announced a new round of tariffs against Mexico for reasons that have nothing to do with trade itself.

Thad Cochran, Longtime Congressman And Senator, Dead At 81

Thad Cochran, who represented Mississippi in Congress for 45 years, has died at the age of 81.

New Poll Shows Strong Support For Abortion Rights In Wake Of New Laws

New polling shows support for abortion rights rising amid a plethora of new laws aimed at striking down Roe v. Wade

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach? That Is The Question

I continue to be opposed to impeachment of the President, but I’m slowly moving in that direction thanks primary to the Administration’s own actions.

The Power of the Spoken Word

Yesterday’s press event with Robert Mueller underscores the importance of congressional testimony.

Warren Rises In The Polls, Threatening Sanders

Quietly, Elizabeth Warren has been campaigning and putting out policy proposals while also appearing to gain ground on her closest rival, Bernie Sanders.

White House Aides Asked Navy To ‘Hide’ USS John McCain During Trump Visit

White House aides asked the Navy to keep the USS John McCain “out of sight” while the President visited a Navy base in Japan earlier this week.

Democrats to Raise Qualification Bar for Third Debate

The party’s presidential wannabes have until September 12 to demonstrate a pulse.

Justin Amash Doubles Down On His Charges Against Attorney General Barr

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash doubled down on his assertion that the Attorney General was deliberately misleading Congress and the American public.