Alaska Libertarians Say No To Murkowski Bid

Lisa Murkowski’s one chance at political survival if she loses the ongoing vote count in the Alaska GOP Senate Primary has gone out the window.

Despite Successful Endorsements, Palin’s Own Prospects Remain Dim

Sarah Palin has done pretty well at helping Republicans win primaries this year, but her own political popularity isn’t any better than it was after she left office last year.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin Draw Large Crowd To Lincoln Memorial

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin held a rally on the National Mall, but at times it sounded more like an old-time religious revival than a modern political rally.

No, Joe Miller Did Not Call Lisa Murkowski A Prostitute

The Miller-Murkowski showdown is starting to get silly.

Murkowski v. Miller Standoff Continues In Alaska

Up in Alaska, Lisa Murkowski and Joe Miller remain deadlocked and waiting for a vote count that could take two weeks to complete. In the meantime, though, the Senator is already considering other options for getting on the November ballot.

Murkowski Still Trailing Miller, Absentee Ballots Remain To Be Counted

Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski still has a mathematical chance of pulling off a victory over Joe Miller, but it’s going to take an electoral miracle at this point.

Another Primary Night Sorts Out The Field

Last night’s primaries continued the anti-establishment narrative we’ve seen so far this year, and put both of the statewide offices in Florida in play.

Murkowski Threatened By Possible Upset In Alaska GOP Primary

Before Sarah Palin endorsed him, most Alaskans had never heard of Joe Miller. This morning, he’s on the verge of upsetting an incumbent Senator in the GOP Primary.

Tea Party, Sarah Palin Endorsed Candidate Headed For Defeat In Alaska

Sarah Palin’s decision to back a long-shot candidate in the GOP Senate primary in Alaska didn’t exactly work out as planned.

Palin Taking Heat For Defense Of Dr. Laura

Sarah Palin’s decision to jump to the defense of “Doctor” Laura Schlessinger has many Republicans confused as to what her plans for the future are.

Sarah Palin Defends Dr. Laura, Gets First Amendment Wrong (Again)

Sarah Palin decided to get involved in the “Doctor Laura” Schlessinger controversy, and in the process displayed a blatant misunderstanding of the First Amendment.

Former Senator Ted Stevens In Plane Crash That Killed Five

Former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was one of nine people on board a plane that crashed in a remote area of Alaska overnight.

Andrew Sullivan Dives Right Back Into Trig Trutherism

Andrew Sullivan is back from vacation and back obsessing over the birth of a two-year old kid in Alaska.

Malapropisms, Manhattan Mosques, And Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin tweeted, and took the wrong side in a story that doesn’t even deserve to be a controversy.

DC Elites Different!

Affluent, educated people in the DC policy community hold different views than the larger American public.

Is The GOP Ready For The Tea Party ?

Some Republicans in Congress are worried they won’t be able to control the future Congressmen and Senators that the Tea Party might be sending to Washington.

Sarah Palin: Hot In The GOP, Not So Hot In America

When it comes to opinions about Sarah Palin, there is a striking difference between Republicans and Americans in general.

Gloves Coming Off As Romney Aide Attacks Palin

The Palin and Romney camps have already started trading barbs in what could be a preview of the race for the GOP nomination in 2012.

DC Highest Earning Metro Area in America

The Washington DC area has the nation’s highest incomes.

Bad Idea Of the Week: Sarah Palin For RNC Chair

The latest bad idea from some conservative pundits ? Sarah Palin for Chair of the Republican National Committee.

Sarah Palin, One Year Later

One year ago today, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska after only 2 1/2 years in office.

Endorsement By Sarah Palin Seen As A Negative, Poll Shows

“Endorsed by Sarah Palin” could become something that Democrats start using in negative campaign commercials.