Supreme Court Rules Human Genes Cannot Be Patented

Thanks to the Supreme Court, your DNA cannot be patented.

Cigarette Ads Returning To Television

Thanks to those new electronic cigarettes, ads for cigarettes are back on television for the first time since the Nixon Administration.

Vitamin Supplements Dangerous But Government Can’t Tell You

Scientists have known for years that large quantities of supplemental vitamins can be quite harmful. Yet, the FDA is prohibited by law from telling the public.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Jumping Jack Flash Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Joint Chiefs Want to Keep Sexual Assault Prosecution Authority

If there’s one thing that our generals and admirals agree on it’s that generals and admirals should retain their power.

Drug Approval Reciprocity

Shouldn’t medical advances available in Germany be available in the United States and vice-versa?

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Ruling Against Effort To Block Planned Parenthood Funding

The Supreme Court declined to accept an appeal of a case in which Indiana’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood had been blocked by a Federal Court.

Driverless Cars A Threat To Personal Privacy?

Will drivers really be okay with Google tracking everywhere they go in their self-driving car?

Official Cause of Death Wrong at Least One Third of Time

We rely on death certificates for epidemiology studies. But they’re incredibly unreliable.

Air Traffic Control vs Anti-Poverty Programs

Think Progress continues a silly meme: “12 programs that Congress cares less about than averting flight delays.”

Valvano’s ‘Never Give Up’ Speech 20 Years Old

Jim Valvano’s famous ESPYs speech was 20 years ago today.

Bonnie Franklin, ‘One Day at a Time’ Star, Dead at 69

Bonnie Franklin, star of “One Day At a Time,” has died from pancreatic cancer at 69.

Coffee Makes You Smart, Sexy

Coffee makes you smarter, burns fat, and is good for your liver.

Social Class and Higher Education

A rich child is 45 percent more likely to earn a four-year college degree than a poor one.

FreedomWorks Staffers Follow Armey Out

It seems that FreedomWorks is imploding in the wake of Dick Armey’s sudden resignation.

How Much Should Doctors Tell You About Your Medical Future?

The case of an infant with a rare genetic condition raises an interesting ethical dilemma.

Gender Gap: Gone Yet at Record High

A recent poll has Obama and Romney tied among women. Another gives Obama a 33 point edge.

Alex Karras, Football Star and Actor, Dead at 77

Alex Karras has died after a long illness. He was 77.

Debunking A Myth: Reagan Was Leading Carter Long Before That Final October Debate

Ronald Reagan was leading Jimmy Carter long before the two men met in Cleveland on October 28th, 1980.

Mitt Romney Vows To Continue The Same Failed War On Drugs Obama Is Fighting

When it comes to issues like medical marijuana, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are reading from the same playbook.

Arlen Spcter Hospitalized with ‘Serious Illness’

Former US Senator Arlen Specter is reportedly hospitalized with “a serious illness.”

Lance Armstrong Stripped of Titles, Banned For Life, For Doping

Lance Armstrong joins a long line of the greatest athletes of his generation whose glory was fueled by performance enhancing drugs.

2,000 Deaths Later, Americans Have Put Afghanistan Behind Them

The candidates aren’t talking about the war in Afghanistan very much, but that’s mostly because the American people don’t want them to.

Director Tony Scott Commits Suicide

“Top Gun” director Tony Scott is dead, aged 68, after an apparent suicide.

Why 2012 Is So Nasty And Likely to Get Nastier

Dan Balz summarizes what has been “A most poisonous campaign” and is likely to get much worse before it gets over.

Obama’s War on White People

Victor Davis Hanson thinks President Obama plans to win the back the White House by alienating the white man.