Israel-Iran Proxy War Expands to Yemen

The fight has now expanded to a third front.

Biden May Loosen Ukraine Constraints

There is a strong push inside the administration to allow use of US weapons to strike Russia.

Iran’s President and Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

A shocking development amidst regional turmoil.

Israel Launches Token Retaliatory Strike On Iran

It was the least they could do.

Iran’s Intent and Israel’s Next Move

Two related questions.

Iran Attacks Israel

Some initial thoughts.

U.S. Strikes Against Iranian Targets Coming

The Secretary of Defense has outlined the parameters.

Middle East Cycle of Violence Escalates

The game of tit-for-tat continues.

President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

US-UK Strike Houthi Targets

The inevitable response to attacks on international shipping.

A Bad Year For The West?

The BBC’s security correspondent thinks so.

Israel Agrees to Pause in Exchange for Hostage Release

Hamas gets rewarded for its crimes.

Iranian Proxy War Escalating

Tehran-backed forces are routinely shooting at American forces.

Israeli Ground Offensive Underway

What comes next is anyone’s guess.

US-Iran Tensions Escalate

The war in Israel is in danger of expanding.

The Fine Line Between Supporter and Co-Belligerent

America’s involvement in the Israeli and Ukrainian war efforts is more than advertised.

Ukraine Taking The War to Russia

The tables have turned.

Breaking the Ukraine Stalemate

Will taking the war to Moscow change Putin’s calculus?

House and Senate on Defense Bill Collision Course

A standoff over social issues may derail a $900 billion budget bill.

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The All-Volunteer Force at 50

Is America’s military capable of fighting the next war?

Zelensky Privately Wants to Attack Russia Targets

Leaked intelligence intercepts take us inside the Ukrainian war room.

What the Hell Are We Shooting Out of the Sky?

It’s probably not strange visitors from outer space but we can’t rule it out.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Turkey Sending Banned Munitions to Ukraine

A controversial artillery round is being used effectively against Russian forces.

Ukraine Striking Into Russia

A welcome development in a long and bloody war.

newspaper newspaper

Quick Takes

A few stories to consider.

Ash Carter, 1954-2022

A brilliant national security leader is gone too soon.

Russia Bombing Civilian Sites Across Ukraine

Putin is committing war crimes in retaliation for an attack on a legitimate military target.

Ukraine Openly Mocking Russia

Things are not going well in the special military operation.

Iran Protests Intensity Highest Since 1979

The ayatollahs face the biggest challenge to their authority in the history of the regime.

Russia Warns US Against Arming Ukraine

The proxy war is working.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Ukraine and the ‘New Rules of War’

Many and small beats large and heavy. Finding beats flanking. Swarming beats surging.

NATO Has Been Training Ukrainian Forces for Years

A fascinating report from the WSJ.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

The War After Bucha

World opinion has shifted even more against Russia. Will it matter?

Zelensky’s Plea for Help

Ukraine’s leader wants more help than he’s going to get.

Why no Airstrikes on the Convoy Headed to Kyiv?

Some speculation from the BBC.

Raid on Terrorist Leader Kills More Civilians

The American way of war kills a lot of noncombatants.

Our Victory in Iraq

The wonders of hindsight.

Joe, You Are A Stubborn Old Man

I guess you proved your point about great powers picking and choosing their battlefields.

US Retaliates for Iranian Retaliation

A proportional response.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Turkey at War with Syria and Europe

President Erdogan is playing a dangerous game.

One Year Later, Mohammed bin Salman Still Getting Off Scot-Free In Khashoggi Murder

It’s been one year since Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, never to be seen in public again. We are no closer to justice in his case than we were a year ago.

Trump Tones Down Anti-Iran Rhetoric In Wake Of Saudi Attack

As the Saudis continue to evaluate the impact of the weekend attack on a major oil facility, the Trump Administration tones down the anti-Iran rhetoric just a bit.

U.S. Points At Iran In Saudi Oil Facility Attack And Trump Hints At Military Action

While the world continues to evaluate the impact of Saturday’s attack on a Saudi oil facility, tensions in the Persian Gulf are increasing.

Major Drone Strike Hits Large Saudi Oil Facility

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for a massive attack on an important Saudi oil facility.

Trump Imposes New Sanctions On Iran. They Won’t Work.

The Trump Administration unveiled new sanctions against Iran yesterday. They’re unlikely to accomplish the entirely unrealistic goals the President claims to have in mind.

Iran Downs American Reconnaissance Drone As Tensions Continue To Increase

As if the situation in the Persian Gulf weren’t already tense enough, the Iranians shot down an American reconnaissance drone late yesterday

The Pentagon and White House are Not People and Don’t Do Things

A misleading, annoying media trope that needs to go away.

Government Shutdown Enters Day Thirty-Five With Some Signs Of New Action In Washington

As the shutdown enters day thirty-five, there are some signs of movement in Washington but no real progress.