China Will Continue Buying Iranian Oil

There’s a big hole in the latest sanctions against Iran.

Wisecrack of the Day

There Are No “Europeans”

The problem with Europe may not be the Euro, but the fact that there really aren’t any Europeans.

EU Bars Claim That Water Prevents Dehydration

From Europe, a case of regulation gone nuts.

Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

We’re running out of excuses.

Europe’s Democracy Problem

My latest for The Atlantic: “For Europe, Some Fear a Conflict Between Union and Democracy”

Greece’s Dangerous Gamble

The Greek referendum could be a disaster for the global economy. And might be the right thing to do.

Two To Three Weeks To Prevent A Meltdown In Europe?

It’s time to start being concerned about Europe.

Mitt Romney’s National Security Team

Ahead of his big foreign policy speech, Mitt Romney has unveiled his “Foreign Policy and National Security Advisory Team” which “will assist Governor Romney as he presents his vision for restoring American leadership in the world and securing our enduring interests and ideals abroad.”

NATO Support Endures

NATO is still seen as essential by 62 percent of both EU and U.S. respondents, demonstrating that the transatlantic military bond is still, despite a rough decade, firmly entrenched in American and European views of the world.

Poll: Americans Say Asia More Important To U.S. Interests Than Europe

A new poll shows that Americans are starting to look East.

Libya Exposes Transatlantic Contradictions

My first piece for CNN has been posted at Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square.

Horrifying Graphic of the Day

Overfishing may mean a near term future in which there are no more fish in the sea.

The Military Still Runs Egypt

Remember Egypt?

Postal Service Nears Collapse

Business Week’s cover story examines the coming implosion of the US Postal Service as we know it.

President Obama’s Address to Parliament

While President Obama has had some amusing gaffes on his trip to London, including getting the year wrong in the guest book and an awkward toast to the Queen, his speech to Parliament today hit all the right notes.

NPR’s Leadership Problem

NPR is a collection of local stations, not a single station. And it’s run that way.

What Should The U.S. Do About Libya? Most Americans Say Nothing

Calls are coming from both sides of the aisle for the U.S. to do “something” about the situation in Libya. It would be better if we didn’t get involved.

Somali Pirates Seize American Yacht

The ongoing saga of piracy off the coast of Somali is about to get Americans’ attention again, as a yacht containing four U.S. citizens has been hijacked.

The Eschatological Stylings of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck seems to have more in common with End Time preachers than he does with a serious political analyst.

What If Roe v. Wade Were Reversed? Europe Offers A Guide

A somewhat surprising court decision from the European Union gives a glimpse of what the situation in the United States would be if Roe v. Wade were overturned.

International Sitrep

A capsule look at the world situation as 2010 draws to a close.

NATO’s New Strategic Concept: Active Engagement, Modern Defense

The long awaited new strategic concept, launching what has been termed “NATO 3.0,” has been published under the banner “Active Engagement, Modern Defense.”

Hungary’s Environmental Disaster

The disaster that began last Monday in Hungary continues to unfold.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 9/11 Truther

If it’s September, it must be time for Mahmoud Ahmadinjad to stand up before the United Nations General Assembly and say something completely insane.

Turkey’s Islamist Democracy

Turkey reformed its constitution over the weekend, in what Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised “will go down in history as a turning point in Turkish democracy.” But there’s strong disagreement over which way it’s headed.

Should We Be More Like Germany?

What do the critics mean when they say that the United States should be more like Germany?

Our Greek Cousin