Terrorist Attacks Strike Brussels

A series of bomb attacks across Brussels has left at least 26 dead, and dozens more injured.

United Kingdom Sets ‘Brexit’ Referendum Vote For June 23rd

Britons will go to the polls in June to decide the future of their country’s relationship with the rest of Europe.

National Front Makes Major Gains In French Regional Elections

Europe’s anti-immigrant, xenophobic far right scored major victories in France yesterday.

NATO Admitting Montenegro As Full Member For Some Reason

NATO is extending full membership to the tiny nation of Montenegro, and there doesn’t seem to be a good reason why they’re doing it.

The Vote Could Be As Much As Two Years Away, But Support For A ‘Brexit’ Seems To Be Growing

A vote is still as much as two years away, and support for staying in the E.U. still has the most support, but support for the idea of a British exit from the European Union has grown in the past several months.

Is Portugal Europe’s Next Greece?

The election of an anti-austerity government in Portugal is raising some concerns.

Francois Hollande’s Quest For A United Front Against ISIS May Be Doomed To Fail

France’s President has spent the week trying to forge and agreement on an anti-ISIS policy, but the two nations that matter the most also disagree the most.

Chief Suspect In Paris Attacks Killed In Police Raid, French Authorities Report

French officials have confirmed that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the man believed to be the plotter of last Friday’s attacks in Paris, was killed in a police raid early Wednesday morning. This doesn’t mean authorities in France or elsewhere in Europe are any less concerned about future attacks, though.

No, Americans Should Not Feel Guilty For Showing Solidarity With France

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, some people have argued that American solidarity with France, in contrast to seeming disregard for tragedy elsewhere, is something we should feel bad about. That argument is ridiculous.

Thanks To Pandering And Fearmongering, Syrian Refugees Are Now Pawns In American Politics

Syrian refugees have quickly become political footballs in the United States in the wake of the Paris attacks, and it’s become an exceedingly shameful display of pandering and fearmongering by a group of largely Republican politicians.

The GOP Candidates And The Attacks In Paris

The initial responses of the Republican candidates for President to the attacks in Paris are about what you’d expect, but it’s far too early to tell what impact the events of the weekend will have on the race for President here in the United States.

The Paris Attacks Have Made The Syrian Refugee Crisis Much More Complicated

The news that at least some of the men who were involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris were among the refugees who have arrived in Europe since the summer is likely to complicate an already complicated situation.

French Suicide Bomber Posed as Refugee

This was not only predictable but predicted.

U.S. To Increase Number Of Syrian Refugees Accepted Into The Country

The U.S. is set to ramp up its contribution to dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis, but there’s a lot more we can do.

After Final Senate Vote Fails, The Iran Nuclear Agreement Is A Done Deal

The final effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal failed in the Senate yesterday, meaning that the deal will now move forward.

British Labour Party Takes A Strong Tilt Left In Leadership Election

Britain’s Labour Party has taken a hard tilt left with the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Debate Is Basically Over

President Obama now has enough votes in the Senate, and probably the House, to ensure that Congress cannot block the nuclear deal with Iran.

United Nations Security Council Approves Iranian Nuclear Deal

The U.N. Security Council has approved the Iranian nuclear deal, and now the ball is in Congress’s court.

Why Does Europe Want To Keep Greece?

It’s easy to see what Greece thinks it still needs Europe, it’s more of puzzle why Europe thinks it needs to hang on to Greece.

Greece Reaches Deal With Europe That’s Quite Similar To The One Voters Rejected

Greece reached a new deal with European bankers that seems oddly similar to the one that voters rejected just a week ago.

Greek Voters Reject Bailout Deal, Greece Still Largely Screwed

Greek voters rejected the latest bailout package, but that only seems likely to make things even worse for them.

Greek Prime Minister Appears To Concede, But Europe Holds To A Hard Line

Greece’s Prime Minister seemed to give in to some of Europe’s demands today, but bankers are continuing to hold to the strict conditions they set last week.

Greek Banks To Remain Closed Monday As Debt Negotiations Head To The Wire

The Greek Government is basically shutting the banking system down tomorrow as negotiations over its debt problems continue.

The British General Election And The Future Of The United Kingdom

With the election behind him, David Cameron’s biggest problems may be yet to come.

European Commission Plan Would Require All E.U. Members To Accept Migrants

A plan to distribute migrants from the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa across the entire European Union seems destined to cause political conflict.

David Cameron And Britain’s Conservative Party Score A Surprising Win

After weeks of polls predicting a political stalemate or worse, British voters delivered a strong win for David Cameron and the Tories.

‘P5 Plus 1’ Talks Reach Framework Of Agreement On Iran’s Nuclear Program

Talks in Geneva have reached a framework agreement regarding Iran’s nuclear program that, if it’s complied with, appears at first glance to be about the best deal available under the circumstances.

ISIS Has Arrived In Libya, Just How Big A War Are We Looking At?

ISIS apparently now has a foothold in Libya, and is making inroads in Yemen.

Russia’s Economic Problems Just Getting More Grim By The Day

For a year that started out with regaining long-lost territory in Ukraine, 2014 is not ending so well for Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Russian Government Projects Sanctions, Declining Oil Prices, Will Lead To Recession In 2015

Russia’s own government is projecting that its economy will slip into recession next year. How that will impact Putin’s current belligerence remains to be seen.

German Public Backs Sanctions Against Russia Even If They Hurt Germany

A new poll finds that a majority of Germans support sanctions against Russia, even if those sanctions end up hurting the German economy.

Russian Troops Have Entered Ukraine Again, NATO Says

The Ukraine crisis, which never really went away, is back,

Sweden Will Recognize Palestine

Sweden is set to recognize Palestine as an independent state.

Google Being Targeted Over Leaked Celebrity Nude Photos

Attorneys for celebrities caught up in the leak of nude photographs are targeting Google.

Scottish Independence Becoming More Likely?

With just nine days to go, it’s anyone’s guess how the Scottish Independence vote will turn out.

Russia Has Invaded Ukraine

A major escalation.

Scottish Independence Losing In The Polls

If recent polling is to be believed, the bid for Scottish independence is going to go down in flames.

Scottish Independence Referendum A Nailbiter

Scottish independence may be more likely than many think.

New Sanctions Announced Against Russia, But It’s Unclear Russia Will Care

The U.S. and Europe have announced a new round of sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, but it’s not clear that the Russians will be motivated to change course.

Ukraine Is A Test For Europe. Does It Have The Will To Even Make The Effort To Pass?

What the West does in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine is largely up to Europe, not the United States.

Implementation Of Europe’s ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ About As Absurd As You’d Expect

Judging by the early results, the so-called “Right To Be Forgotten” recently created by Europe’s highest court is creating more problems than it will solve.

Barriers to US-Europe Trade Deal Remain

A US-EU free trade zone is a no-brainer. But the devil is in the details.

Germany Lowers Retirement Age

How long should we expect people to work?