Trying an Impeached Former President

The legal debates are unsettled but we can all agree that Rand Paul is a moron.

Liz Cheney’s Statement on Impeachment

The #3 Republican in the House will vote to impeach.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

Another Republican Helps Spread Putin’s Ukraine Conspiracy Theories

Ted Cruz is the latest Republican Senator to repeat discredited Kremlin-backed conspiracy theories about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.

Republicans Afraid To Speak Out Against Trump Are As Bad The Trump Cultists

Those Republicans who recognize how bad President Trump is for he nation but are afraid to speak out against him are as bad as the true believers of Cult45.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Putin

Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.

White House Rejects Invitation To Participate In Impeachment Hearings

After arguing for a month about an “unfair” impeachment process, the WHite House is saying ‘no thanks’ to an invitation to participate in the next round of impeachment hearings.

House Backs Rules For Impeachment Inquiry

Today the House of Representatives approved the procedures for the impeachment proceeding against the President.

Republicans Grow Increasingly Desperate In Defense Of Trump

The GOP’s efforts to defend the President are becoming more desperate and pathetic by the day.

Republicans Silent On Trump White House’s Use Of Private Communication

The same Republicans who were outraged over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server are silent about the use of private apps by Trump officials.

GOP Committee Mocks Congressman For Seeking Marriage Counseling

Welcome to Donald Trump’s Republican Party.

Trump And The GOP Have Continually Lied About The Budget Deficit And The Economy

President Trump and the Republican Party have spent the last three years lying about the Federal budget deficit and the economy.

Republicans Think They Can Win Back The House By Focusing On The Deficit And Health Care

Despite having utterly mishandled both areas when they actually held power, Republicans think they can win back the House of Representatives by focusing on the budget deficit and health care reform.

Netanyahu Throws Peace Process Out The Window

Faced with an election next week, Israel’s Prime Minister is pushing a settlement plan that would be an utter disaster.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

Trump Considering Commuting Blago’s Sentence

President Trump says he’s thinking about commuting the sentenced of Rod Blagojevich, who has served seven years of the fourteen-year sentence he received for public corruption.

Will Hurd’s Retirement Is A Warning Sign For The GOP

The only African-American Republican in the House of Representatives is retiring, and that should worry Republicans nationwide.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Congress And The Country Prepare For Mueller Time

On Wednesday, much of official Washington, and likely a good part of the country itself, will pause to watch what are likely to biggest hearings since the late 1980s.

House Votes To Condemn Trump’s Racist Statements On Party-Line Vote

For the first time in a century, a chamber of Congress has voted to condemn a sitting President. That won’t stop this President.

Why Republican Leaders Won’t Condemn Trump

Some agree with him. Many others are cowards. But there’s more to it.

House Passes Defense Spending Bill That Seeks To Limit Trump’s War Powers

The House of Representatives passed a defense spending bill that seeks to limit Presidential authority when it comes to striking Iran and aideing the Saudi war on Yemen.

Supreme Court Dismisses Virginia Legislature’s Effort To Challenge Racial Gerrymandering Ruling

The Supreme Court rejected an effort by the Virginia House of Delegates to overturn a Federal Court ruling that the state’s district lines constituted gerrymandering by race. But they didn’t rule on the merits of the appeal.

House Votes To Allow Contempt Proceedings Against Barr And McGahn

With the Trump Administration continuing to stonewall investigations, the House of Representatives is seeking to ramp up the pressure.

Justin Amash Quits House ‘Freedom’ Caucus

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash has quit a group he helped found nine years ago after they voted to condemn him for advocating for the President’s impeachment.

Republican Senators Standing Up To Trump On Mexico Tariffs

The President’s foolish tariffs against Mexico are finally causing many Republican Senators to stand up against him.

Trump’s Stonewalling Increases Pressure On Democrats To Pursue Impeachment

As the Administration continues to stonewall legitimate requests from Congress for documents and witnesses, pressure is growing on Speaker Pelosi to authorize the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

Justin Amash Doubles Down Against Trump As GOP Aligns Against Him

Justin Amash doubled down on his criticism of the President and his call for impeachment even as he came under fire from fellow Republicans.

House Passes Equality Act, Extending Civil Rights Law To LGBT Americans

The House has passed legislation that would extend the protections of the Civil Rights Act to LGBT Americans, but it is probably doomed in the Senate.

Attorney General Opens Another Investigation Into Origins Of Russia Probe

Attorney General William Barr has opened a new investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation, a move that seems suspiciously political.

Democrats’ Progessive Wing Less Powerful Than Thought?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other firebrands aren’t steering the ship. Yet.

Congress Passes Resolution to End Support for War in Yemen

The Constitution’s invitation to struggle over foreign policy continues.

House Votes 420-0 to Demand Public Release of Mueller Report

Sometimes symbolism is important. This is one of those times.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

House Passes Measures To Strengthen Gun Background Checks

Last week, the House passed two bills to strengthen the laws regarding background checks for guns, but they’re not likely to even make it to the floor of the Senate.

House Passes Bill To Block Trump’s Emergency, With Minimal GOP Support

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border. Now the matter goes to the Senate.

Republicans Face A Choice: Do They Support The Constitution, Or Trump?

Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.

Racist Republican Congressman Steve King Is Unrepentant And Running For Re-Election

Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

Republicans Shift Focus To Freshman Democrats

The right has spent a seemingly inordinate amount of time focusing on relatively powerless Members of Congress.

Another Shutdown? White House Says Maybe, Senate Republicans Aren’t So Sure

The White House isn’t ruling out the idea of a second government shutdown, but Senate Republicans have other ideas.

Democrats United In Opposition To Trump’s Shutdown Offer

Not surprisingly, the President’s proposed shutdown deal is not being received well by Democrats on Capitol Hill.

As Shutdown Continues, Concern Turns To Its Economic Impact

As the shutdown drags on, it’s beginning to have an impact on the economy.

Steve King Stripped Of Committee Assignments Over Racist Comments

The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?

The Biggest Obstacle To Ending The Shutdown Is Donald J. Trump

If you’re looking for the biggest obstacle to a resolution to the government shutdown, look no further than President Donald J. Trump.

As Shutdown Continues, Republicans Begin To Fear Defections

As the shutdown drags on, Republicans are beginning to fear that members in the House and Senate may begin to fall away from supporting the President.

No Progress In Talks To End Shutdown

As the shutdown continues, there’s little sign of progress on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

As 2018 Ends, There Appears To Be No End In Sight For The Government Shutdown

As 2018 draws to a close, there’s no sign that the government shutdown will end any time soon.

Government Shutdown Set To Last Until At Least After Christmas

There was no progress on resolving the government shutdown today, and little hope that anything will happen before late next week.

Federal Government Enters Third Partial Shutdown Of 2018

The government entered its third shutdown of the year with little sign of an immediate resolution.