Happy New Year From Outside The Beltway!

2017 was quite a year. 2018 promises to be just as interesting.

House And Senate Republicans Pass Tax Cut Bill

Republicans passed their tax bill yesterday. What that means for the economy and the 2018 midterms is another question.

House Passes Tax Reform Bill On Party-Line Vote

House Republicans passed their tax reform bill. That was the easy part.

House Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Bill

House Republicans unveiled their tax reform bill today, but its fate is far from clear.

John Boehner, Without A Filter

It’s been two years since John Boehner stepped down as Speaker, and he’s got a few things to say about his former colleagues and the state of American politics.

House Republican Tax Plan Already Unpopular

House Republicans haven’t released their tax bill yet, but it’s already unpopular.

Donald Trump Is A Culture Warrior, Not A President

Donald Trump’s entire modus operandi involves pushing divisive cultural hot buttons.

Republicans Reluctant To Act On ‘Bump Stocks,’ Hoping The ATF Will Act For Them

After initially signaling support for a bill banning ‘bump stocks,’ Republicans in Congress now appear to be hoping someone else will act for them.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Admitting Defeat On Health Care Reform

At least for now, Republicans seem to be giving up on repealing and replacing the PPACA. That’s not going to make the base happy.

Republicans In Congress Open To Banning Bump Stocks

Don’t hold your breath, but the Las Vegas shooting may actually prompt Congress to do something.

Is Roy Moore’s Victory The Opening Battle In A Republican Civil War?

Roy Moore’s victory in Alabama is raising fears of a wider battle in the Republican Party heading into 2018.

Republicans Unveil Broad Outlines Of Tax Reform Package

Republicans finally unveiled the outlines of a tax reform package yesterday, but the devil is in the still to be determined details.

Republicans To Introduce Tax Reform Package By The End Of September

Republicans will introduce a tax package by the end of the month, but whether they can actually pass anything is another question entirely.

Not So Fast On That Transgender Ban, Joint Chiefs Say

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are making clear that President Trump’s tweets are not official policy. At least not yet.

McConnell Pulls The Plug On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

With the defection of two more Senators, the latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act has gone down in flames.

Senate Returns To Work No Closer To A Health Care Deal

The Senate is back from its recess, but no closer to a health care bill that has any realistic chance of passing.

Another Deplorable Trump Twitter Tirade

Once again, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to attack women, embarrass himself, and embarrass the nation he purports to represent.

Line of the Day (Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 Edition)

No wonder they wrote it in secret and want to move quickly to a vote…

Congress Facing Another Debt Ceiling Crisis

In addition to everything else on its plate, Congress will have to revisit raising the debt ceiling again sometime this summer.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Poll Numbers Remain Bad, And They’re Getting Worse

The polls are looking worse and worse for Donald Trump.

Republican Greg Gianforte Wins Montana House Seat Despite Assault Charge

Greg Gianforte assaulted a reporter. Now he’s going to Congress, but the outcome of the election really shouldn’t be a surprise.

Congressional Budget Office Score Of Health Care Bill Is More Bad News For GOP

The latest CBO score for the American Health Care Act is bad news for Republicans.

Montana GOP House Candidate Charged With Assault After Body Slamming Reporter

The Republican candidate in today’s Special Election in Montana has been charged with assaulting a reporter.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Republican Health Care Bill According To New Poll

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the American Health Care Act.

Republicans Face Health Care Blowback At Town Halls

Republicans are finding that their constituents aren’t very happy about the passage of the American Health Care Act.

Momentum On GOP Health Care Reform Bill Set To Slow Down Significantly In The Senate

The American Health Care Act may have sailed through the House, but the Senate is another story.

The Power of Primaries

As usual, an attempt to explain congressional behavior brings us back to the issue of our basic institutions. The way we elect congress matters.

House GOP Passes American Health Care Act On Party Line Vote

By the barest of margins, the House passed its bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but the future of that bill is highly uncertain.

House To Vote On Obamacare Repeal Bill Today

After failing twice in a month, House Republicans apparently think they have the votes to pass their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

House Republicans Making Yet Another Push To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

House Republicans are making yet another push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but they once again may not have the votes.

The First 100

An assessment of the 45th President’s first 100 days.

House Drops Plan For Immediate Vote On Health Care Reform

Once again, the GOP punts on ‘repeal and replace’ because they don’t have the votes.

Passage Of Republican Health Care Bill Looking Less Likely

The Freedom Caucus may be mollified, but moderate Republicans and the Senate aren’t. Meaning that repeal and replacement of Obamacare is becoming less likely.

Trump Administration Introduces Tax Plan, But Comes Up Short On Details

The Trump Administration is out with a tax plan, but it’s seriously lacking in details.

Trump Declares War On House Freedom Caucus

Donald Trump has basically declared war on the people who blocked the AHCA from passing last week.

Republicans Claim That Obamacare Repeal Is Still On The Table, Don’t Believe Them

Republicans are saying that repealing the PPACA isn’t off the table, but practically speaking it probably is.

Trump Fails The Leadership Test

The failure of the AHCA shows that Donald Trump doesn’t know the slightest thing about leadership or how to be President.

Republican Obamacare Replacement Bill Pulled From House Floor

A major legislative defeat for Paul Ryan, the House GOP, and President Trump.

Republican Obamacare Replacement Heads To An Apparent Final Showdown

The Trump Administration has issued an ultimatum, but the fate of the American Health Care Act is still very much up in the air.

House Republicans Struggling To Get Votes To Pass Obamacare Replacement Bill

With a vote tentatively scheduled for this evening, House Republicans appear to lack the votes to pass the American Health Care Act.

Some Observations On The Debate Over Health Care And Insurance, Part II

Part Two in a series of observations about health care and health insurance in light of the introduction of the House GOP’s health care plan. This post examines several ideas advanced by conservatives, and the reasons they aren’t complete answers to the problems we face.

Congressional Budget Office Score Is Bad News For GOP’s American Health Care Act

The Congressional Budget Office delivered some bad news yesterday to House Republicans on their replacement for Obamacare.

Policy Analysts From Left, Right, And Center Criticize House GOP Obamacare Replacement

Health care policy analysts seem united in their assessment of the House GOP’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act, and it’s overwhelmingly negative.

Republicans Introduce Obamacare Replacement That Leaves Much To Be Desired

Whether you call it TrumpCare, RyanCare, or GOPCare, the Republican replacement for the PPACA isn’t very impressive.

Is the GOP Serious about Governing?

Can the GOP govern? Do they want to or know how to? (Does it matter?).

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Supporters Starting To Lose Faith?

One month in, some Trump supporters are starting to wonder if he will actually deliver on what he promised.

House GOP Votes To Gut Independent Congressional Ethics Board (Update: GOP Pulls Rules Change At Last Minute)

On the eve of the 115th Congress, House Republicans voted to gut a key office charged with investigating Congressional ethics.