House Passes Doomed Spending Bill With Border Wall Funding As Deadline Looms

With just hours to go, a partial government shutdown is becoming more and more likely.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Pulls The Rug Out From Under Congress On Spending Bill

Hours before the House was set to vote on a temporary funding bill for the government, President Trump has apparently changed his mind.

Senate Overwhelmingly Repudiates Trump On War On Yemen, Khashoggi Murder

In a small, but meaningful, step, the Senate has rebuked the Administration’s policies toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

House GOP Doesn’t Have Votes To Fund Trump’s Border Wall

House Republicans reportedly don’t have the votes to fund the President’s border wall.

Fight Over Border Wall Funding Could Lead To Government Shutdown

A brewing fight over funding for the President’s border wall could throw a monkey wrench into plans to pass a budget by next Friday.

Democrats Poised To Win Back The House, But Fall Short In The Senate

With one week to go before Election Day, Democrats seem well-positioned to gain control of the House while Republicans seem likely to hold on to the Senate.

Just One-Quarter Of Americans Think Justice Kavanaugh Told The Truth In Hearing

Most Americans think Justice Kavanaugh was at least partly deceptive in his response to allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

The Link Between Trump And The Tea Party

Trumpism is a direct by-product of the poisonous populism of the Tea Party movement, and they’ve both taken over the Republican Party.

Congress Painting Trump Into A Corner On Budget

In the past, President Trump has threatened to shut down the government if the doesn’t get what he wants in the budget. The latest budget deal effectively dares him to do it.

Bad News For GOP As Trump Job Approval Dips To New Lows Ahead Of Midterms

With less than two months to go before the midterm elections, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

Does Anything Change After the Manafort and Cohen Convictions?

It’s not obvious that two more felons in the Trump inner circle will have any immediate impact.

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan Accused Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse At Ohio State

Jim Jordan, who heads the powerful House Freedom Caucus, is being accused of ignoring reports of sexual abuse by a team doctor while he was a coach at The Ohio State University.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Outrage Over Minority Rule

There is a frustration and a growing sense that the American political system is illegitimate.

Trump Tweets Put Odds Of Immigration Reform In Doubt

The odds of an immigration bill passing the House were already low. This morning, President Trump pretty much guaranteed failure.

House Republicans Have No Idea What Direction To Take On Immigration

House Republicans are supposed to vote on one or more immigration bills this week, but can’t even agree what their policy should be.

Trump Wants GOP To Make His Immigration Policies The Center Of The 2018 Campaign

Donald Trump wants Republicans to make his immigration policies the centerpiece of the midterm campaign. What could possibly go wrong?

Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump Administration Family Separation Policy

New polling shows that the Trump Administration’s family separation policy is widely unpopular, with only Republicans supporting it. That last fact, though, is why Trump is unlikely to change the policy.

House Republicans Put Forward DACA Proposal, Trump Immediately Rejects It

House Republicans put forward a plan to protect DACA beneficiaries, but President Trump appears to have doomed it already.

The Perils of a One-Man Political Party

The GOP and Donald Trump are indistinguishable now. But it’s not clear what that means.

Some Senators Are Trying To Force A Deal On DACA

A small group of Senators is engaged in a seemingly quixotic effort to save DACA before the election.

House Republican Rebels May Be Close To Forcing A Vote On DACA

The effort by a group of Republican rebels to force a vote on a DACA bill is moving closer to success, but that may end up being the easy part.

Senate Intelligence Committee Finds Russia Sought To Aid Trump In 2016 Election

Backing up the nation’s intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee said in a preliminary statement that it had concluded that Russia sought to aid Donald Trump’s campaign in the 2016 Presidential election.

Republican Rebels Trying To Force House Vote On DACA Bill

A small group of Republican rebels in the House are attempting to push legislation protecting DACA beneficiaries to a floor vote. Unfortunately, they’re not likely to succeed.

The Midterm Storm Clouds Are Gathering For The GOP

With just over six months to go before the 2018 elections, the storm clouds are starting to gather for the Republican Party.

Will Ryan Be Forced Out Of The Speakership Before The Election?

Some Republicans are suggesting that Paul Ryan should be pushed out as Speaker before the November elections.

Paul Ryan Not Running For Re-Election

Paul Ryan won’t be running for re-election this year, opening up both a Congressional seat and a leadership spot.

Ranting On Twitter, Trump Says “No More DACA Deal”

In a bizarre Twitter rant, President Trump declared a DACA deal “dead,” blaming Democrats when it’s clear that it’s largely his fault.

Republicans Should Spend Less Time Worrying About Leaks, More Time Doing Their Job

Republicans on Capitol Hill worried about all the leaking coming from the Trump White House would be wise to actually do the oversight the Constitution compels them to do.

House Intelligence Committee Ends One-Sided Russia Probe, Claiming No Collusion

Ending an investigation that was flawed and tainted with partisanship from the start, the House Intelligence Committee has abruptly concluded its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Republicans In Tennessee And Kentucky Block Bills That Would Bar Child Marriage

What the heck is going on in Kentucky and Tennessee?

The Politics of DACA

If Trump is able to insist upon a package deal or no deal at all, he may muck up his chance of policy success, but it may be the Democrats who lose politically.

Yes, DACA Beneficiaries And Other Illegal Immigrants Should Be Able To Become Citizens

One of the main objections that many on the right seem to have to proposals to legalize DACA beneficiaries and other illegal immigrants is the idea that they could eventually become citizens. There’s no good reason they shouldn’t be able to do so.

Congress Moves Ahead On Budget Deal As Trump Threatens Shutdown

Congress appears to be moving closer to a budget deal even as the President tries to throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

Congress Heads Back To Work With Both The Budget Unresolved And A Shutdown Looming

After an extended break for the Republican retreat, Congress heads back to work today with just three days before a possible government shutdown.

FBI ‘Fears Lasting Damage’ from Politicization of Investigations

A confusing new report from the Washington Post.

David French: Nunes Memo ‘Clears the Decks for the Special Counsel’

National Review legal analyst David French argues that the Nunes memo actually undermines the central claim its proponents were seeking to bolster.

House Intelligence Committee Releases Memo Claiming Bias In Russia Investigation

Republicans have released the memo prepared by Congressman Devin Nunes that purports to call into question the basis for the Russia investigation. In the end, though, it amounts to much ado about nothing.

White House Chief of Staff Says Schoolteacher Who Insulted Military Should ‘Go to Hell’ While Defending Release of Classified Memo That Deliberately Distorts Facts to Impugn Integrity of FBI

John Kelly continues to throw away the good name he earned in decades of service as a Marine to serve the agenda of President Trump.

Trump’s Immigration Plan Meeting Opposition, From Republicans

The White House’s immigration plan is facing opposition in both chambers of Congress from moderate and conservative Republicans alike.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Looking Grim

The prospects for a deal in Congress on DACA are starting to look grim.

The Growing Partisan Divide Over America’s Relationship With Israel

Americans were once largely united in their opinions about Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. That’s not the case anymore.

Government Shutdown Enters Day Three With Resolution Still Uncertain

As the Federal Government shutdown moves into the work week, there are some rumors of a possible deal, but nothing concrete and the lack of trust between the two parties could make a deal hard to achieve.

Trump Calls On Senate GOP Go Nuclear On Filibuster. That’s Not Going To Happen

President Trump called on Senate Republicans to eliminate the legislative filibuster to resolve the government shutdown. That’s not going to happen.

The Government Shuts Down And Washington Plays The Blame Game

The government is shut down and Washington is playing the usual blame game. In reality, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and one of the guilty parties is the American people.

Congress Drifts Closer To A Government Shutdown

With less than two days to go, the prospects for Congress finding a way to prevent a government shutdown aren’t looking good.

Government Shutdown Looms As Friday Approaches

With only days to go, Congress seems unable to come up with either a funding deal for the Federal Government or a solution to the DACA issue.

Retirements Are Making GOP Control Of House More Precarious

The numbers aren’t looking good for Republican prospects in this year’s midterm elections.