Hippie VW microbus Hippie VW microbus

The Good Old Days

Back when people were kinder and man’s word was his bond.

Ash Carter, 1954-2022

A brilliant national security leader is gone too soon.

Masking and Endemic COVID

Most Americans are choosing to live a normal life in abnormal times.

The Identity Politics of Identity Politics

Who gets to claim Latino heritage?

Madeleine Albright, 1937-2022

A trailblazing diplomat has died at 84.

Nick Kristof Ineligible to Run for Oregon Governor

Apparently, New York and Oregon are not the same place.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki looks on as Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice delivers remarks during a briefing Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Chandler West) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki looks on as Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice delivers remarks during a briefing Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Chandler West)

Susan Rice, Comma Queen

President Biden’s domestic policy chief is a stickler for grammar.

Nicholas Kristof Is Exploring a Run for Oregon Governor

The two-time Pulitzer winner is considering a career change.

Biden’s Team Shaping Up

Some square pegs are being forced into some round holes for the sake of inclusion.

Kamala Harris or Susan Rice?

Joe Biden has either narrowed down his choice for running mate down to two women or he hasn’t.

A White Guy in His 70s Will Be President in 2021

The women, minority, and non-geriatric candidates have been all but eliminated from the race.

The Buttigieg-Klobuchar Dustup

It got somewhat ugly at the kids’ table.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Kamala Harris’s Failure Had Nothing To Do With Her Race

Kamala Harris didn’t fail because of her race, she failed because she was a bad candidate.

Buttigieg vs Booker

Two youngish Rhodes Scholars turned mayors are getting covered differently.

Richard Lugar Dead at 87

His passing is a sad reminder of another era of the Republican Party.

Everything Isn’t Sexism

It’s possible to conclude that Pete Buttigieg is smarter than Elizabeth Warren for reasons having nothing to do with sex.

Darryl Williams Becomes West Point’s First Black Superintendent

A milestone for the nation’s oldest service academy, founded in 1802.

Missouri Governor Resigns Amid Allegations Of Affair, Blackmail, And Sexual Assault

The Republican Governor of Missouri is resigning amid growing accusations related to an extramarital affair, blackmail, and sexual assault.

Nick Kristof and the Perils of Parachute Journalism

A well-meaning journalist brushes off critiques by experts in the field. He owes it to his readers to keep learning.

Ben Carson, Political Ignoramus

While a brilliant and accomplished man, he’s absolutely clueless about politics and world affairs.

Bobby Jindal Is Running For President For Some Reason

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal enters the Presidential race today, but it’s hard to see how he even manages to become a plausible candidate.

Bobby Jindal To Enter Presidential Race June 24th

Once seen as a rising Republican star, Bobby Jindal’s impending Presidential bid now looks like it’s over before it begins.

Sinking MSNBC to Shuffle Lineup Yet Again

MSNBC’s attempt to be the liberal Fox News isn’t working.

Air Force Academy Gets First Female Superintendent

Lieutenant General Michelle Johnson will be the first woman to lead a service academy.

Susan Rice To Replace Tom Donilon As National Security Adviser

Denied her chance at being Secretary of State, Susan Rice will be moving to a position that is arguably just as important in shaping American foreign policy.

John Nagl Next Haverford Headmaster

John Nagl, who became famous as a leading counterinsurgency theorist and practitioner, is taking on a new challenge: grooming young boys for life.

Yes, Barack Obama Inhaled. So What?

A new book about the President details his marijuana use in High School and at Occidental College.

Nicholas Katzenbach Dead at 90

Nicholas Katzenbach, a central figure in the civil rights fights of the 1960s, has died.

Cal Thomas, Rachel Maddow, and Civility

Cal Thomas made a tasteless joke at Rachel Maddow’s expense. He describes the lesson in civility he learned.

Why America’s Best Officers Are Leaving

The American military personnel system works against keeping the best and brightest officers in the service.

Supreme Court Confirmation Crisis?

Are we nearing the point where presidents won’t be able to fill Supreme Court vacancies?



NYT Magazine has an illuminating piece entitled, “Professor Nagl’s War.” It’s especially interesting to me because I knew John Nagl when he was an 18-year-old cadet on the West Point debate team. He was a very impressive fellow then and has certainly gone on to do well for himself.