Brent Scowcroft, 1925-2020

The National Security Advisor to Presidents Ford and GHW Bush has died.

Russia-Taliban Intel included in PDB

The President should have known about the plot. There’s a good chance he didn’t.

The Cold War Was A Sobering Influence For A Silly People

As scary as the Cold War was, it did reduce the silliness in American politics.

Trump Wants to Divest Federal Retirement Fund of China Stocks

Should public employee pensions be an asset in the administration’s foreign policy?

"Kim Jong-un visiting Berlin" by driver Photographer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Uploaded on March 30, 2017 "Kim Jong-un visiting Berlin" by driver Photographer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Uploaded on March 30, 2017

What if Kim Jong Un is Dead?

Some informed speculation.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Bernie Sanders’ Soviet Sister City

There’s nothing to see here, folks.

Dictatorships and the Democrats

Bloomberg waffles on China while Sanders has a soft spot for Castro.

Our Constitutional Crisis

To defang impeachment is an invitation for presidents to ignore the rule of law.

It’s Putin’s World, We’re Just Living In It

Notwithstanding Russia’s weak position vis a vis the west, It’s Putin who seems to be winning.

Anti-Doping Agency Bars Russia From International Sports

Russia has been barred from the 2020 and 2022 Olympics as well as other international sporting events due to widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Poll Finds Republicans Think Trump Is A Better President Than Lincoln

Further evidence that the Republican Party has turned into a cult of personalty built around Donald Trump.

Republicans Attack An American War Veteran, Have They No Decency?

Republicans used to honor the men and women who serve our country. In the Trump Era, they attack them in defense of the President.

Long Day Of Impeachment Hearings Brings More Evidence Against Trump

After a long day of hearings, the case against the President is becoming clearer and Republican defenses becoming more absurd.

Macron Calls NATO ‘Brain Dead’ Due To Lack Of U.S. Leadership

French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the NATO alliance is suffering brain death due to President Trump’s neglect and lack of leadership.

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, Thirty Years Later

Thirty years ago today, history took off in a brand new direction.

N.S.C. Aide Gives Damning Testimony About Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Yesterday’s testimony by Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman including information particularly damaging to the President and his defenses to the charges against him in the Ukraine matter.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump On Syrian Kurds: They Didn’t Help Us At Normandy

Trump makes a particularly dumb comment about our alliance with Syrian Kurds.

Trump Promised Xi That The U.S. Would Remain Silent About Hong Kong

President Trump has reportedly pledged to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the United States would not speak out against Chinese actions in Hong Kong.

The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

Thrust Into An American Scandal, Ukraine’s President Dubbed ‘Monica Zelensky’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky finds himself in he middle of an historic American scandal, and with a new nickname.

Robert Mugabe, Independence Leader Who Sent His Nation To Disaster, Dead At 95

Robert Mugabe led a nation to independence only to become a dictator who destroyed its economy, has died at the age of 95.

Trump Wants To Buy Greenland

President Trump wants to make a deal.

The Trump Administration Has Killed Human Rights Diplomacy

Under the Trump Administration, the American commitment to human rights around the world is basically dead.

The Russia-Right Wing Talking Point Cycle

How insidious talking points spread in the modern media environment.

Trump Assisting Putin In His War On Liberal Democracy

Whether he knows it or not, Donald Trump is assisting the Russian leader in his goal of undermining the foundational institutions of democracy and freedom.

Now Trump Is Attacking America’s Alliance With Japan

Not content with taking a wrecking ball to America’s trans-Atlantic alliances, the President is attacking our trans-Pacific allies as well.

Boris Johnson To Face Jeremy Hunt In Tory Leadership Fight

The fight to determine the leader of the Conservative Party, and the next British Prime Minister, is down to two candidates, but there’s one clear favorite.

Meanwhile, In Russia….

While the American media was paying attention to President travels and travails in Europe, there was another meeting taking place.

The Boys Of Pointe du Hoc

Thirty years ago, when the veterans of D-Day were still relatively young and still largely with us, President Reagan delivered one of the finest speeches of his Presidency.

The Political Reality Of Impeachment

While the drumbeat for impeachment of the President continues on the left, political reality suggests caution.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Likely Dead On Arrival

Jared Kushner’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan is still awaiting release, but it already appears to be dead on arrival.

Donald Trump Wants To Get Men On The Moon By 2024, NASA Isn’t That Optimistic

President Trump says he wants to see men back on the Moon by 2024, but NASA thinks it’s going to take longer than that.

Bill de Blasio Running For President For Some Reason

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for President, making him the 23rd candidate in an already crowded field.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is A Failure

President Trump’s foreign policy has largely been a failure, and there are specific reasons why.

Richard Lugar Dead at 87

His passing is a sad reminder of another era of the Republican Party.

Andrew Marshall Dead at 97

The legendary figure was in charge of strategic forecasting at the Pentagon for decades.

Trade Deficit Hits Record Levels Despite Trump’s Tariffs

Notwithstanding President Trump’s tariffs, America’s trade deficit hit a record level last year.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Hanoi Summit Ends Early With No Agreement

The second summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un ended early without any kind of agreement, signalling that no real progress has been made in talks between the two countries.

The Rift Between The U.S. And Europe Gets Wider And Wider

The Trump Administration continues to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe, can it ever be repaired?

The Phony Arguments Against Withdrawing From Afghanistan

The arguments against withdrawing American forces from Afghanistan are becoming weaker and weaker.

Trump’s Withdrawal From The I.N.F. Treaty Is Exactly What Putin Wants

The American withdrawal from the I.N.F. Treaty gives Vladimir Putin exactly what he wants.

After Trump’s Tariffs, American Steel Industry Faces Downturn

Despite the President’s claims, the American steel industry isn’t doing well at all.

Report Alleges That President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress

A new blockbuster report implicates the President in no less than five Federal crimes.

Trump Talked About Withdrawing U.S. From NATO, Aides Say

Donald Trump continues to appear to advocate ideas that harm American national interests and benefit Vladimir Putin. Draw your own conclusions as to why.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Formally Splits Away From Moscow

In a move that is likely to have political and international consequences, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has officially severed ties with Moscow.

China Lands Probe On The Far Side Of The Moon

China has landed a probe on the far side of the Moon, the latest step forward in an aggressive Chinese push into space.

As The #TrumpShutdown Continues, The President Digs In Even Further

As the shutdown drags on, the President is digging in his heels even further.

Trump Gives Weird History Lesson on Afghanistan and Russia

It is sincerely disturbing that the POTUS has this level of understanding of history and foreign policy.