The Civil Cold War

The United States is as politically polarized as it was in 1865.

Manchin-Toomey Background Checks Bill In Trouble

The prospects for gun control appear to be dimming.

The Background Check Deal: Grandstanding Or Good Idea?

The Manchin/Toomey proposal on background checks isn’t perfect, but it isn’t horrible either.

Snowquester Disappoints

Much touted snowstorm set the DC area atwitter, only to fall short of expectations and yield derision.

Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

Republicans Still Sticking Their Heads In The Sand

The GOP seems to be drawing all the wrong lessons from the 2012 elections.

Guns and Tribalism

Josh Marshall explains what it’s like to be a non-gun person in a very pro-gun culture.

No Labels in Need of a Label

No Labels is attempting to relaunch itself after amounting to exactly nothing in the 2012 cycle. Let me save you the trouble: They won’t matter in 2014 or 2016, either.

Nick Saban Has Been Nick Saban A Very Long Time

In “Eyes on the Prize,” Chuck Culpepper looks at Saban’s first season as a head coach, with Toledo, way back in 1989-90. It seems that Nick Saban has been Nick Saban for a very long time.

Mid-Atlantic Braces For Sandy

The Mid-Atlantic region is under the gun.

Romney Mine Visit Cost Miners a Day of Pay

Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine to promote jobs in the industry, unwittingly showing why a job in the industry sucks.

Is Algebra Hurting America?

Andrew Hacker argues that, while quantitative skills are “critical for informed citizenship and personal finance,” making kids master algebra to graduate high school has disastrous consequences.

Do High Taxes Chase Out The Rich?

A new study suggests that taxing millionaires sends millionaires to somewhere that doesn’t tax millionaires.

Big Ben Renamed ‘Elizabeth Tower’

London’s iconic clock tower, known affectionately as “Big Ben” for some 150 years, has been renamed “Elizabeth Tower” in honor of QE2’s 60 years as royal figurehead.

Rick Santorum Gets It Wrong On The Role Of Religion In Politics

Rick Santorum would do well to listen to the words of the last Catholic to be President of the United States.

Obama Crusin’ For A November Bruisin’?

Things aren’t all sunshine and roses for the Obama 2012 campaign.

Alabama Wins 14th National Championship; Playoff Needed

There’s no perfect system for choosing a champion but we can do better than this.

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

Mark Richt Broke NCAA Rules By Being Decent

Mark Richt, head football coach of the University of Georgia Bulldogs, inadvertantly broke NCAA rules by paying coaches and other employees extra money out of his own pocket.

Herman Cain Rising: New Frontrunner, Or Flash In The Pan?

Is Herman Cain for real, or is this rise int he polls just another boomlet destined to fade away?

Laura Bush Leading on Education and Internationalism

Steve Clemons highlights former first lady Laura Bush’s continuing work in promoting education and international engagement.

When Is A Candidate’s Religious Faith A Political Issue?

Is it every appropriate to ask candidates about their religious faith? In some cases, yes it is.