Dead Children Make For Bad Laws: The Case Against “Caylee’s Law”

The result in the Casey Anthony case is leading, inevitably, to a host of new proposed laws.

Hybrid Cars, Rare Earth Elements, and Supply

President Obama wants a million hybrid cars on the road by 2015. That’s easier said than done.

Is Mitt Romney’s Religion Still An Issue? Or, Why We Need To Separate Religion And Politics

Some people still think Mitt Romney’s religion is a relevant issue.

Why 2012 Republican Field is So Weak

The Republican candidates of 2012 are so weak because of GOP losses in 2004 and 2006 Senate and gubernatorial races.

Frank Buckles, Last American WWI Vet, Dies at 110

The last American veteran of a conflict which ended nearly a century ago has died.

Quorum Rules

A commenter asks, “Why does Wisconsin have a quorum rule if not for situations like this?”

Moderate Democrats Turning Against PPCACA’s Individual Mandate

Four Senators who just happen to be up for re-election next year are silently looking for alternatives to the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

Mortgage Interest Deduction Favors Blue States

The home mortgage interest deduction benefits Democrat-voting states most! Is the fix in?

America’s OTHER Largest Army in the World

The hunters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia alone would comprise the largest army in the world.

Republicans Courting Manchin Party Switch

Republicans are making some big promises to try to lure West Virginia Senator-elect Joe Manchin to cross the aisle.

Jim Webb: The Last Of The Reagan Democrats

Virginia Senator Jim Webb is the last of a dying breed of Democrats, but his party may need him if it wants to remain competitive anywhere outside of a Blue State.

Money Can’t Buy Elections After All

During the just concluded election season, eleven self-funded candidates spent a total of $ 286 million trying to win elections. Only two of them actually won.

Republicans Win House Big; Tea Party Costs Them Senate

The enthusiasm for Tea Party candidates likely helped the House Republican wave. But it also likely cost the GOP four Senate seats that it would otherwise have won — and thus the majority.

Johnny Carson as Carnak Johnny Carson as Carnak

2010 Election Predictions

We’ve been talking about the 2010 elections since, oh, the day after the 2008 elections.   Now, it’s time for final predictions.

The Election May Not End On Election Night

Thanks to races in as many six states that may be decided by absentee and write-in ballots, we may not know the outcome of the 2010 Elections for several weeks after Election Day.

Less Than Two Weeks Out, Republicans Poised For Big Gains

Voters head to the polls in thirteen days, and current indications are that they’ll be handing a big victory to the Republican Party.

Prospects Of Republican Senate Dim

It’s looking less and less likely that the GOP will gain control of the Senate, but they’re going to come awfully close,, and that might be just as good from their point of view.

Could Republicans Win the Senate?

Polls show the Republicans easily retaking the House but falling short in the Senate. But 2006 showed us that wave elections can produce shocking outcomes.

Voters See Democrats As More Extreme Than Republicans

More bad news for Democrats as a new poll shows that voters are more likely to consider them extreme than Republicans.

American Life Within Living Memory

It’s worth reminding ourselves, in a country where so many are trying to figure out the best way to keep excess fat off our bodies, how recently abject poverty was widespread here

Republican Rout in November?

Even with some key seats trending Democrat, Republicans are primed to take over both Houses of Congress come November 2.

The Unfortunate Return Of Dick Morris

After several years in the wilderness, Dick Morris has returned as a Fox News analyst and, bizarrely, adviser to several Republican candidates for Congress.

Democrats Punt On Tax Cut Extention

The Democratic Party seems to have decided that the best way to begin the final leg of the midterm election campaign is with a legislative cave-in of epic proportions.

Odds Of GOP Senate Takeover Less Likely After Delaware Primary

Christine O’Donnell’s victory in Delaware Tuesday has made it less likely that the GOP will be able to take control of the Senate, but they still have an excellent shot of making substantial gains that will transform Congress’s Upper House.

Charlie Cook: The Senate Is In Play

For most of the year, a GOP takeover in the Senate seemed beyond the realm of possibility. That’s no longer the case.

Secret to Wealth Discovered!

Americans who earn a lot of money disproportionately live in a tiny number of states and are married to other high-earners.

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.

Tea Party, Sarah Palin Endorsed Candidate Headed For Defeat In Alaska

Sarah Palin’s decision to back a long-shot candidate in the GOP Senate primary in Alaska didn’t exactly work out as planned.

Against the Electoral College III: Policy Implications

How does the Electoral College influence policy and campaigning?

Democrats Likely Keeping Byrd’s Seat

Democratic Governor Joe Manchin appears to have no serious challengers for the late Robert Byrd’s Senate seat.