Prop 19 Loses Big

Despite the Democrats sweeping quite literally every statewide office in California, Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization ballot issue, lost by 10 points.

Demographics: 2010 vs 2008

The 2010 electorate was whiter, older, and more conservative than that of 2008.

Republicans Sweep Virginia?

In my home state of Virginia, which has two Democratic Senators and went for Barack Obama in 2008, Republicans are poised to take four House districts held by Democrats in the last Congress.

Republicans Sweep Alabama

In my former home state of Alabama, Republicans won every major contest, save the one House seat specifically drawn to ensure a Democratic victory.

Republicans Win House Big; Tea Party Costs Them Senate

The enthusiasm for Tea Party candidates likely helped the House Republican wave. But it also likely cost the GOP four Senate seats that it would otherwise have won — and thus the majority.

Election Hangover Caption Contest

Time for the Election Hangover OTB Caption TV Series ContestTM

Let’s see how many other TV series will be launched due to this election cycle.

Reid Leads Angle

DeMint Answers my GOP/Tea Party Question

Senator DeMint provides the basic answers to my Tea Party/GOP questions from earlier today.

GOP Takes the House

GOP to take the House.

This Just in: Voters not Happy

Exit polls reveal a shocking bit of information: voters aren’t happy with either party.

Times Paywalls a Bust?

After three months, Rupert Murdoch’s strategy of walling off the Times websites isn’t looking so smart.

Schwarzeneger Bans Welfare Cards for Psychics, Pot, Bingo, and Tatoos

The governator has terminated the use of welfare cards at medical marijuana shops, psychics, bail bond establishments, bingo halls, cruise ships and tattoo parlors.

More on Tea Party v. the GOP

A question about the next Congress.

Realignment Elections

While Matt Yglesias is right that talk about “Realignment” after a single election is ridiculous, there have indeed been realigning elections in U.S. history.

Tea Party = Racism?

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson takes a look at the Tea Party movement and claims to find racism.

Robert Plant’s Second Act

Harvard’s Jack Hamilton extols “Robert Plant’s Second Act” for the Atlantic. In so doing, he gives us an interesting look at the more important First Act.

When Will Full Body Scans Become Mandatory?

We’re probably just one big scare away from mandatory full-body scans.

Guess Which Candidate Got The Most Press Coverage In 2010

She didn’t gain national prominence until late August, and she’s going to most likely lost by a wide margin tonight, but Christine O’Donnell received more coverage from the media than any other candidate running in 2010.

Democracy At Its Best

A Chicago voter is less than thrilled with the political slate for which he’s voting today.

Gary Johnson To Launch Presidential Bid In February?

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson To Launch Presidential Bid In February?

Democrats Losing = Racism?

Is the public anger at Obama really just papered over racism?

Which Candidates are Tea Partiers?

Who are the Tea Party candidates and who will be the Tea Party office holders?

The 2010 Midterms: A View From Across The Pond

The British press takes a look at America’s Midterm Elections.

GOP Victory/Tea Party Victory: Is There a Difference?

Ok, so we’ve been talking about the Tea Party for months. What will that label means once we actually have elections and move on to the governing bit?

Bloomberg: Independent President “A Good Idea”

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg thinks a President independent of either political party would be a good idea. Is he right?

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

Caption Contest Winners

The TKO Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Alcohol More Lethal Than Heroin and Cocaine!

Perhaps the dumbest study ever published in the Lancet compares the negative effects of alcohol and illicit drugs without controlling for incidence.

Young Voters Feel Abandoned By Obama

The younger voters that flocked to Barack Obama two years ago feel let down. They need to grow up.

One Polling Chart To Rule Them All

If you’re looking for a reason why the GOP is likely to do very well tomorrow, voter response to the “right track/wrong track” question is a very good guide.

Copyright Stupidity

Too many copyright owners are stupidly invoking their rights to keep short clips off of YouTube and other services, losing potential customers in the process.

Sarah Palin’s Twitter Account

Ezra Klein argues that Sarah Palin’s Twitter account isn’t very popular. But that misses the point.