NFL, Players Agree On New CBA

With the Draft only 27 days away, multiple lawsuits pending, and the lockout only in force for a few weeks, the NFL announced that an agreement on a new CBA had been reached with players.

WKRP and Stupid Copyright Laws

The iconic WKRP in Cincinnati is not being syndicated or available on DVD in its original format because it’s classic rock soundtrack is hamstrung by copyright laws and music licensing fees.

No Boots on The Ground

To honor the administration’s “no boots on the ground” statements, all covert U.S. personnel in Libya will work barefoot. – Jim Geraghty

Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘Governator’ Comic Book

Arnold Schwarzenegger has mastered the worlds of bodybuilding, show business, and politics. Next, he’s going to try his hand at being a Marvel superhero.

We Can’t Afford Peace Institute With All The Wars

Politico’s Matt Wuerker illustrates the funding disparity between the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Switch From Cable to Satellite – Get a Free Gun

Customers at a Radio Shack in Montana have an opportunity to get a free gun if they switch to Dish Network.

Captain Obama: Limited Humanitarian Intervention with Gaddafi’s Face

Obama Captain America parody: I’m not punching you Gaddafi I’m having a limited humanitarian intervention with your face.

Obama’s Bracket

President Obama shouldn’t be criticized for picking his NCAA tourney brackets during wartime. But he shouldn’t get much credit, either.

Barry Bonds Perjury Trial: Why?

The federal government has spent seven years and some six million dollars pursuing Barry Bonds. Why?

Oh, Canada

Canada is leading the operation in Libya but no one is leading Canada.

Why They Fought

Humorous take on America’s wars.

Rational Discussion Flowchart

Infographic on How to Have a Rational Discussion.

Lester Bangs Letter – Sorry About the Tape

This letter from legendary music journalist Lester Bangs is making the rounds

Vikings Adrian Peterson: NFL Is “Modern-Day Slavery”

If you believe Minnesota Vikings’ Running Back Adrian Peterson, the NFL is a modern-day plantation and he’s a slave.

Biggest Full Moon in 18 Years Saturday

Earth’s moon will seem bigger Saturday night than it has since 1993. It’ll still be the same size as usual, however.

Simplest Possible NCAA Bracket

Simplest possible NCAA Tournament bracket

Ru Paul for President

Ru Paul for President 2012 bumper sticker

Clipper Players Paid For Coach’s Surgery

Players from the Los Angeles Clippers chipped in to pay for the surgery of assistant coach Kim Hughes back in 2004. It’s been a secret until now.

Gilbert Gottfried Fired From Aflac After Japan Tweets

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is the latest idiot celebrity to damage their career on Twitter.

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling Sites

Automated programs are getting very good at poker and are winning large sums on online gambling sites.

Mark Sanford for President

If the Republicans need their own Bill Clinton, how about Mark Sanford?

Teachers Unions Explained

This video “Teachers Unions Explained” isn’t particularly fair but it’s nonetheless amusing.

NFL Players Invoke Nuclear Option

No matter how the owners and players resolve their squabble, the fans are likely to get screwed.

Welcome to Wisconsin (A Division of Koch Industries)

A Welcome to Wisconsin sign with another sign saying “A Division of Koch Industries” is going around Twitter.

Count Chocula and Franken Berry

An offhand comment in my post “Obama Killed Cap’n Crunch” sparked inquiries about the fate of the General Mills line of cereals featuring monster characters.

Obama Killed Cap’n Crunch

Cap’n Crunch is going the way of Joe Camel.

Gay French Moon Dinosaur Cartoon Gay French Moon Dinosaur Cartoon

The Moon is Gay

The peculiar habit of some Indo-Europeans of assigning gender to nouns is frustrating and amusing.

Charlie Sheen Symbolizes Western Decadance

An op-ed by a Hao Leifeng in China’s Global Times argues that “Actor Charlie Sheen is a classic example of the difference in Western and Eastern values and norms.”

Charlie Sheen Fired from ‘Two and a Half Men’

Charlie Sheen was the highest paid sitcom actor on the planet. Until a few minutes ago:

Charlie Sheen’s Women

Why is Charlie Sheen seen as likable despite his serial abuse of women?

Gin and Juice – The Gourds

The Gourds perform “Gin and Juice” at Bumbershoot in Seattle, September 2007.

James Franco Does It All

James Franco is a film director, screenwriter, painter, author, performance artist and actor. And working on a PhD at Yale.

Levin Blogging

Iran Threatens Olympic Boycott Over Logo

Iran doesn’t like the logo for the London Olympics and is threatening to boycott if it isn’t changed.

An Official Statement Concerning Violence, Threats of Violence, Comparisons to Hitler, Etc.

My official statement. Please refer to this the next time somebody says something stupid.