2013: The Year Marriage Equality Won

The year that will soon ended will go down in history as the year that the same-sex marriage debate changed forever.

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To N.S.A. Data Mining

Another Federal District Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the NSA’s data mining program, this time more favorable to the NSA.

Appeals Court Refuses To Stay Judge’s Order In Utah Same-Sex Marriage Case

Same-sex marriage remains the law of the land in one of the most conservative states in the nation, at least unless the Supreme Court says otherwise.

Santa Shot in DC

A man dressed as Santa was shot in the back with a pellet gun while handing out presents to underprivileged children in Southeast DC. Naturally.

Judge Orders Criminal to Write ‘Boys Do Not Hit Girls’ 5000 Times

A Montana man has been ordered to write “Boys do not hit girls” 5000 times after a brutal assault against his girlfriend.

Edward Snowden Declares ‘Mission Accomplished’

In a new interview, Edward Snowden explains his motives for absconding from the country with NSA secrets.

Federal Judge Rules Ohio Must Recognize Out Of State Same-Sex Marriage, Sometimes

A limited ruling out of Ohio with wide ranging implications.

A Legal Argument That Could Bring ObamaCare Crumbling Down

There’s a potentially fatal legal argument looming out there for the PPACA.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Utah’s Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

A victory for same-sex marriage in an unlikely place.

Administration Creates Yet Another Partial Delay Of Obamacare Provision, Rule Of Law Suffers

Once again, the Administration has unilaterally changed the Affordable Care Act.

New Mexico Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage, Caps Off Big Year For Marriage Equality And Liberty

A 17th state legalizes gay marriage. There’s no turning back.

Does Judge Leon’s Ruling On NSA Surveillance Vindicate Edward Snowden?

Does a determination that NSA data collection practices are likely unconstitutional mean that Edward Snowden’s actions were, in some sense, justified?

Federal Judge Rules That NSA Metadata Collection Program Likely Unconstitutional

A potentially big legal setback for a big National Security Agency program.

New Beatles Material Being Released Solely To Extend Rights Under Copyright Laws

An example of how copyright laws have been perverted to protect corporate interests rather than encourage artistic creativity.

On Veterans, Crime, Timing, and “Other Than Honorable” Discharges

For veterans who get in trouble with the law, *when* they commit a crime can have profound implications on their future. Does this make sense?

What’s At Stake In The Birth Control Mandate Cases

Politics aside, the challenges to the PPACA’s birth control mandate raise important legal issues.

Report: Julian Assange Will Not Be Prosecuted In Connection With Manning Case

The Justice Department is reportedly not planning to prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in connection with the Bradley Manning case.

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Challenge To ObamaCare’s Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a pair of cases that implicates both the First Amendment and two Federal Laws.

Senate Goes (Partly) Nuclear, Limits Filibusters For Some Nominees

It wasn’t a Thermonuclear move, more like something the size of Hiroshima, but today the Senate took an historic move nonetheless.

Will Another Senate Showdown Over Filibusters Lead To The ‘Nuclear Option’?

After the GOP blocked a series of Obama judicial nominees, Democrats are again threatening to go nuclear on filibuster reform.

Supreme Court Turns Aside Challenge To NSA Data Mining

An unusual challenge to the NSA’s data mining program reaches its expected end in the Supreme Court.

Is President Obama’s “Administrative Fix” Even Legal? Probably Not

The Imperial Presidency didn’t start with Barack Obama, but his PPACA “fix” does much to expand it into questionable new territory.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The That’s No Moon Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

With Republican Help, ENDA Passes Senate

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed the Senate yesterday but it’s unlikely to go much further.

Is Prayer At The Start Of A Legislative Session Constitutional?

Do prayers opening legislative sessions violate the First Amendment? The Supreme Court is set to decide that issue.

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage About To Get More Difficult

The battle for marriage equality has scored a number of victories in a short period of time, but that’s about to change.

Senate Set To Pass ENDA, House Set To Ignore It

Legislation to ban discrimination in employment against gays and lesbians is set to make major gains in the Senate.

Federal Court Rules PPACA Contraceptive Coverage Mandate Unconstitutional

Another Federal Court has declared the PPACA’s contraceptive coverage mandate to be unconstitutional.

Pentagon Accused Of Moving Slow On Same-Sex Spouses Based Overseas

For some same-sex couples with a military spouse, living together on base is proving difficult to implement quickly.