Al Qaeda Runs Falluja Now

If you’re still not convinced that we lost the war in Iraq, this should settle the argument.

Refer Madness Among The Acela Corridor Crowd

The latest news on the marijuana legalization front has led David Brooks and others to go into a completely pathetic panic.

North Carolina Man Charged With Violating Law Already Held To Be Unconstitutional

Watch your language in Wilson County, North Carolina.

Federal Judge Rules That NSA Metadata Collection Program Likely Unconstitutional

A potentially big legal setback for a big National Security Agency program.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The That’s No Moon Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Apple’s Fingerprint ID May Make It Easier For Cops To Search Your Phone

Apple’s new fingerprint sensor. A cop’s best friend?

Federal Judge Finds NYPD’s “Stop And Frisk” Policy Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge has declared the NYPD’s “stop & frisk” policy to be unconstitutional.

Teaching Prevention is Not ‘Blaming the Victim’

The Air Force is telling airmen to take common sense steps to “avoid becoming a victim” of sexual assault.

FBI Review Says That Boston Bombing Could Not Have Been Prevented

In the end, it doesn’t appear that the Boston Marathon bombings could have been prevented by law enforcement.

Despite Bankruptcy, Detroit Subsidizing New Red Wings Stadium

Detroit is bankrupt, but that isn’t stopping the Red Wings from getting $400 million in taxpayer subsidies for their new stadium.

18 bodies in the past 30 minutes in the #MartyrRoom in the #Rabaa makeshift hospital! Not including other hospitals 18 bodies in the past 30 minutes in the #MartyrRoom in the #Rabaa makeshift hospital! Not including other hospitals

Egyptian Government Massacres More Peaceful Protestors

The US backed Egyptian government is massacring supporters of the ousted democratically elected government.

Victor Davis Hanson’s Prejudice And Race In America

We’ve still got a long way to go.

New Jersey Supreme Court: Warrant Required To Track Via Cell Phone GPS

New Jersey’s highest court gets it right.

Obama: Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me

President Obama has once again weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case in a personal manner.

ACLU: Police Can Read, Track, And Store Your License Plate Number Wherever You Go

New technology brings the day of round the clock tracking of citizens who’ve done nothing wrong ever closer.

Moral and Legal Culpability are not the Same (A Trip Back to the Beginning)

Going back to the very beginning can be useful.

Civil Rights Charges Against George Zimmerman Would Be Completely Inappropriate

Evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias is completely lacking, which means the Federal Government should stay out of this case entirely.

“Border Security” And GOP Political Pandering

There are many fallacies contained within the GOP’s insistence that immigration reform must begin and end with “border security.”

George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty On All Charges

George Zimmerman was acquitted on all charges by a Florida jury late Saturday night.

Did The Egyptian Military Set Morsi Up To Fail?

Certain aspects of Egyptian civic life have improved rapidly in the wake of the military coup, raising at least some questions about the events leading up to it.

Rise of the Warrior Cop

The paramilitarization of American law enforcement has had deadly consequences.

Police Take Over Private Home, Giving Rise To Possible Third Amendment Violation

A case from Nevada provides another example of police abuse, and a possible claim arising under the long-forgotten Third Amendment.

Military Coup Underway In Egypt [Update: Morsi Deposed]

if reports are to be believed, there is a coup d’etat underway in Egypt.

Brazilian Protesters Turn Their Anger Toward Soccer

Even the national sport is arousing the anger of the protesters in Brazil.

Edward Snowden Did Not Commit Treason

Edward Snowden has likely violated many laws, but, absent additional facts, treason is not one of them.

Border Security, Or Just Immigration Reform Obstructionism?

Opponents of immigration reform are using “border security” as a shield to hide their true desire to kill the very idea of immigration reform.

FBI Admits It Uses Surveillance Drones In The U.S.

Thanks to one question from one Senator, we learned yesterday that the FBI has used surveillance drones inside the United States.

West Virginia Teen Faces Jail Time For Wearing NRA T-Shirt To School

An absolutely ridiculous criminal case out of West Virginia.

Syrian Rebels Today, Syrian Taliban Tomorrow

Radical Islamists now dominate the Syrian opposition. And you’re arming them.

SCOTUS Fumbles On The Fifth Amendment

Yesterday, the Supreme Court narrowly decided a case on the right against self-incrimination that is likely to do great harm to individual rights.

Americans Don’t Have Much Confidence In The News Media

Public trust in the news media, along with many other institutions, continues to fall. That’s troublesome for many reasons.