Newt Gingrich Apparently Can’t Debate Without His Cheering Section

Newt Gingrich was wondering where his audience was last night.

Correction of the Day

An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated whom Newt Gingrich is said to have asked for an “open marriage.” It was an ex-wife, not his current wife.

Mitt Romney’s Misleading Claims About The United States Navy

Mitt Romney is making claims about Naval readiness that are, at best, misleading.

Bill Kristol and the Mitch Daniels “Groundswell”

More Kristol speculation that makes no sense.

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Clash In Subdued Tampa Debate

Monday’s debate in Tampa was a far more subdued affair than what we saw last week.

Line of the Day

State Of The Union Address Obsolete

In a 24/7 media climate, there is no single presidential thought that isn’t endlessly aired and debated.

A Party on the Brink

Are the Republicans the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich? Or a viable contender for the White House?

Mitt Romney: A Perfectly Manufactured Nothing?

Is there any there there?

Gingrich Leads In Two New Florida Polls

It’s Day One of the Battle For Florida.

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?

The Myth Of Newt Gingrich The Great Debater

Conservatives seem to believe that Newt Gingrich can beat Barack Obama merely by debating him. They are delusional.

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

Brokered Convention Fantasy

People who ought to know better are now concocting absurd scenarios to get around a really weak Republican presidential field.

Iowa GOP Declares Santorum Caucus Winner As Iowa Beclowns Itself

This year’s Iowa Caucuses stand as Exhibit A for an argument against Iowa being first in the nation.

Palmetto State Preview

The polls are open in the South Carolina.

America Hates Newt

Newt Gingrich has amazingly high unfavorables.

John King’s Question To Newt Gingrich Was Fair, And Newt’s Past Is Fair Game

Getting to the heart of last night’s moment of kabuki theater.

Mitt Romney Is Still The Inevitable Nominee

Mitt Romney has stumbled this week, and may pay for it tomorrow, but he’s still the only candidate with a realistic chance to win the Republican nomination.

An Alternative View on Gingrich’s Debate ‘Win’

I can’t be the only one who cringed at his applause line: “To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.”

Newt Wins, CNN Loses, The Battle Of Charleston

It was another good night for Newt Gingrich in Charleston last night.

Newt’s Grandiose Thoughts

A Selection Of Speaker Gingrich’s Thoughts Over The Years

Why Rick Perry Failed

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Should Presidential Candidates Be Expected To Release Their Tax Returns?

There’s no law requiring Presidential candidates to release their tax returns. Should they be expected to do it anyway?

More on Newt Gingrich’s Academic Career

Newt constantly lays claim to the title “historian” and asserts it as evidence of his insights and as a qualification for office. As such, the quality of the claim matters.

Iowa Caucus: First in the Nation Clown Show

Toby Harnden tweets, “What a debacle for Iowa. Hard to see why candidates should take Iowa caucuses seriously in future.

Mitt Romney’s Offshore Bank Accounts

At least some of Mitt Romney”s investment money sits in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. Does it matter?

Perry Out

South Carolina Tightens As Newt Gingrich Surges

The race in South Carolina is going down to the wire.

Think You Know Who Won The Iowa Caucuses? Think Again

A recount in Iowa has changed the final numbers, but we really don’t know who won.

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

Romney’s Money Gaffe

The Republican frontrunner’s statements yesterday about his earnings and taxes went over like a platinum balloon.

Mitt Romney’s Unforced Tax Return Error

Mitt Romney has a bit of a tax return dilemma.