Modest Growth In Jobs Report Makes Its Election Impact Unclear

A mostly positive, but mixed, jobs report drops five days before Election Day

Preparing to Evaluate the Predictions

Making note of some of the predictions and such as we approach November 6th.

Math, Damned Math, and Statistics

How Obama can have a 75 percent chance of winning an election despite being essentially tied in the polls:

Romney Running Out Of Time In Ohio And Elsewhere

Mitt Romney has ground to make up if he’s going to catch the President and there’s not much time left to do it.

Presidential Race ‘Tight’ in Meaningless National Polls [UPDATED]

A week out from the election, President Obama is a heavy favorite to win re-election. But the major press continues to pretend otherwise.

On Postponing Elections

Under the right circumstances, it would be possible to postpone a Presidential election.

Chris Christie Praises Obama Sandy Response

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been working tirelessly to ensure Barack Obama is a one-term president but has been effusive in praising Obama’s leadership during Hurricane Sandy.

Romney Has An Advantage Among Independents

Mitt Romney has an advantage among self-identified Independents that makes writing him off at this point inadvisable.

White House Website Politicization

I was struck by the degree to which looks like an Obama campaign site.

The Politics of Hurricane Sandy

Naturally, most of us are asking: What does this mean for next Tuesday’s election.

The Central Problem in the Polling Debate?

Too many people ignore (and incorrectly define) the “independents” in a given sample.

Andrew Sullivan: If Romney Wins Virginia And Florida, It’s The Return Of The Confederacy

Equating opposition to the President with racism is absurd.

The Race Might Not Be Over On November 6th

There are several circumstances under which we may not know who won the 2012 election for some time after November 6th

Summing up the Polling Debate

Dean Chambers of UnSkewed fame, puts the polling debate into sharp perspective.

Third Quarter GDP Growth Clocks In At 2.0%

Another mostly disappointing report on the state of the economy.

Most Random Constitutional Amendment Ever?

Congressman Steve Israel has proposed an amendment to the Constitution to award 29 bonus electoral votes to the popular vote winner.

Rasmussen’s 2012 Polling Has Had A Republican Bias All Year

As in 2010, Scott Rasmussen’s polling in 2012 has shown a distinct bias in favor of Republicans.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Defense Planning

One of the few areas of disagreement was how big our military should be.

Barack Obama’s College Transcripts

Donald Trump has yet again duped the media into giving him attention by hyping a “bombshell” that turned out to be a nothing-burger.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.