Obama Holds Pennsylvania, Surprising No One But the Pundits

As most rational observers expected, President Obama has carried Pennsylvania, like every Democratic nominee four the last five cycles before him.

Presidents Do Foreign Policy, Too?

In a posting for New Atlanticist titled “Status Quo Election,” I note the near total absence of foreign affairs from a presidential campaign that’s mercifully coming to an end.

The UnSkewed Trend

In just four day the UnSkewed prediction has moved Obamaward.

“New Black Panther Party” Panic Returns

It’s time to panic over anonymous guys in Philadelphia again, at least if you work at Fox News Channel.

GOP Unlikely To Grab Senate This Year, But They’ll Have Another Shot In Two Years

The GOP’s hopes of taking over the Senate in 2012 have all but slipped away, but there is another option.

Ohio Provisional Ballots Could Leave Presidency In Doubt For Weeks

Will Ohio’s Provisional Ballot’s be 2012’s version of the Hanging Chad?

Final Gallup Poll: Romney 49, Obama 48

If we elected presidents by a national telephone survey using Gallup’s likely voter screen, Mitt Romney would be a happy man.

Dixville Notch Tie: Obama 5, Romney 5

In a silly quadrennial tradition, the residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire voted at midnight. It was a tie.

On Election Eve, The Race Is Close But Obama Has The Advantage

The 2012 Election promises to be close in the Popular Voter, but President Obama still retains an Electoral College advantage.

Romney In OH And PA On Election Day: Sign Of Confidence, Or Desperation?

The Romney campaign doesn’t seem too confident of its path to victory.

Virginia Now Leans Obama

Democrats Barack Obama and Tim Kaine have gained momentum in Virginia in weekend polling.

Did Hurricane Sandy Blunt Romney’s Momentum?

Republicans already seem to be blaming Hurricane Sandy in the event Mitt Romney loses.

Republicans, The Latino Vote, And Immigration

Republicans are going to get trounced among Latino voters tomorrow, and they only have themselves to blame.

Democrats And The White Vote

President Obama is likely to win re-election while overwhelmingly losing the white vote. Does it matter?

Ohio: Turnout vs. Suppression

Could Romney win Ohio by ginning up Republican turnout and tamping down Democratic votes?

2012 Congressional Election Predictions

OTB bloggers give their best guesses on the House and Senate races.

Interpretation, Art, and Analysis

The analyst actually wants to understand and be correct far more than he or she wants their preferences to prevail in the analysis

Paths To Victory

2012 Presidential Election Predictions

The OTB gang give their best guess at the outcome of the 2012 presidential contest.