Trump ‘Jokes’ About Shooting Migrants At The Border

Apparently, the President thinks shooting people is amusing.

Are We Headed For Another Shutdown Over Trump’s Border Wall?

Once again, a fight is set to brew over funding for the President’s border wall. Will he force another shutdown in an election year?

Democratic Candidates Leading Trump By Huge Margin Among Latino Voters

A new poll finds President Trump trailing his potential Democratic opponents by huge margins among Latino voters.

Houston Businessman Ensared By Trump’s Irrational Immigration Policies

The case of Roland Gramajo is an excellent example of what’s wrong with the Trump Administration’s immigration policy.

Federal Government Won’t Provide Flu Vaccine To Migrants Held In Border Facilities

The Trump Administration has apparently decided that it will not be providing the flu vaccine to migrants being held in facilities at the southern border.

20 Dead, 26 Injured In El Paso Mass Shooting. Hate Crime Suspected.

Another day, another mass shooting and, as is becoming all too common in this country, this one appears to have been racially motivated.

A Note on the Hurd Retirement

The odds have increased all border districts will be represented by Democrats after 2020.

Supreme Court Backs Trump On Border Wall Funding, For Now

The Supreme Court handed the President a victory last night, ruling that the Plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging his funding of the border wall did not have standing to challenge his diversion of Defense Department funds. This may only be a temporary victory, though.

Trump’s Mass Immigration Raids Netted 35 Arrests

President Trump threatened mass immigration raids. What was delivered was far less met the eye.

Ronald Reagan v. Donald Trump On Immigration

How times have changed, and not for the better.

Threatened Immigration Raids Haven’t Happened

Another case where the cruelty is the point?

Anti-ICE Protestors Replace US Flag with Mexican Flag

A symbolic gesture sure to backfire

Trump Administration To Begin Mass Deportation Raids Sunday

The Trump Administration is expected to begin mass deportation raids as early as this weekend.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Barring Emergency Funding For Trump’s Border Wall

Another court loss for Trump and his border wall.

Trump Administration Still Trying To Justify Including Citizenship Question On Census

The Trump Administration has informed Federal District Court Judges in Maryland and New York that it intends to still try to justify putting a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Whither Green Eyeshade Conservatives?

We could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

The Least of These

Christian doctrine actually has a lot to say that is of relevance to the border.

Cruelty is the Point of Trump’s Border Policy

Not a new observation, but one that should not be forgotten.

Supreme Court To Hear Appeal In Challenges To Trump’s Moves Against DACA

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal in a series of cases challenging the President’s decision to end the DACA program.

Border Bill Splits Democratic Caucus

Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered a major defeat on a signature issue.

Amid Trump-Created Humanitarian Crisis, One Photograph Speaks A Thousand Words

One photograph that has gone viral is standing as a visualization of the Trump Administration’s inhumane asylum policies.

Trump Falsely Blames Obama For Appalling Treatment Of Migrant Children

There are children being held in what amount to internment camps on the southern border under appallingly bad conditions and the President is more concerned with falsely blaming his predecessor for the problem.

Trump Backs Down On Mass Deportation Threat

With hours to go before they were set to start. the President delayed the mass deportation raids that were supposed to begin this morning.

Deportations Under Trump Down From Deportations Under Obama

Despite his claims, President Trump is actually deporting fewer people than were deported under former President Obama.

House Passes DACA Protection Bill, But Senate Republicans Will Kill It

The House of Representatives passed a bill that would extend protection to DACA beneficiaries and other Dreamers, but it’s likely to die in the Senate.

U.S. And Mexico Reach Deal To Avert Tariffs, For Now

The United States and Mexico reached a last-minute deal to avert tariffs that would have gone into effect on Monday. Whether the deal accomplishes anything substantive remains to be seen.

Federal Judge Blocks House Lawsuit Over Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge in Washington, D.C. dismissed a lawsuit against Trump “national emergency” to fund the border wall, but his ruling did not reach the merits of the lawsuit’s claim.

Looking to One Sentence about the Tariffs on Mexico

Either Trump doesn’t understand what he is talking about, or he thinks his supporters are dumb.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

Forays into Hackery (Tucker and Derschowitz)

Wherein I explore the notion that ignorance is bliss.

Trump Placing Tariffs On All Trade With Mexico

Last night, President Trump announced a new round of tariffs against Mexico for reasons that have nothing to do with trade itself.

Judge Orders Halt To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge has put at least a partial hold on President’s Trump’s effort to use a “national emergency” to fund his border wall.

Reagan And Bush In The Days When The GOP Had A Sane Immigration Policy

As Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush remind us, there was a time when Republicans weren’t xenophobic nationalists when it comes to immigration policy.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Trump On Ending DACA

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has dealt another legal setback to the Trump Administration’s efforts to end the DACA program,

Trump’s Crazy Immigration Plan

The President unveiled some incoherent ideas yesterday that have no chance of becoming law.

Congress And White House Headed For Another Shutdown Showdown?

There are several months to go before a budget must be passed but there are already signs that the White House and Congress could be headed for an impasse.

Trump Won’t Rebuild Military Bases if He Has to Rebuild Puerto Rico, Too

A months-long standoff is stopping hurricane relief.

House Sues To Stop Trump’s Emergency Declaration

The House of Representatives is asking a Federal Judge to block the President’s emergency declaration to fund his border wall.

Supreme Court Appears Poised To Uphold Census Citizenship Question

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority appears poised to uphold the inclusion of a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Climate Change and Central America

More pressures on a region already struggling.

Don’t Throw Me in that Briar Patch!

Trump and company have a cartoonish view of immigration policy.

Trump Wants to Dump Detainees in Sanctuary Cities

Stephen Miller and others wanted to punish Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats by dumping detained migrants in their districts.

The US Fertility Rate and Immigration

The US is reproducing below the replacement rate.

Line(s) of the Day: Trump’s Immigration Politics

Trump really has no plan about the border save for demagoging the issue.

United States Senator Chuck Grassley speaking at the Night of the Rising Stars in Des Moines, Iowa. United States Senator Chuck Grassley speaking at the Night of the Rising Stars in Des Moines, Iowa.

Grassley Warns Trump Against Ousting Immigration Officials

Says “He’s pulling the rug out from the very people that are trying to help him accomplish his goal.”

On Closing the US-Mexican Border

Trump’s threat will not make things better (and the notion of actually closing the border is insane).

Fox Chyron: “3 Mexican Countries”

Note to the folks at Fox and Friends: Central America is not part of Mexico.

How to Make the Border Situation Worse

Trump declares he will end aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Trump Wants Another $8.6 Billion For His Border Wall

President Trump will ask for $8.6 billion for his border wall in his Fiscal Year 2020 budget. He’s unlikely to get it.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump’s ‘Emergency’ And His Border Wall

More polling evidence that the public does not support Trump’s emergency declaration or his wall.