Meanwhile, to Libya’s East…

Egyptian voters have approved amendments to Egypt’s constitution.

An Irony About Libya

So much for not getting invaded…

March Madness

How many Americans are really even paying attention to the actions in Libya?

If Gaddafi Stays In Power, Then What’s The Point Of Intervention?

U.S. officials are making clear that the current mission in Libya may not lead to the end of Muammar Gaddafi’s rule. If that’s the case, then why are we there in the first place?

The Triumph Of The Neocons, And The Death Of Fiscal Conservatism

With minor exceptions, all of the potential candidates for the GOP nomination in 2012 seem to have accepted the idea that defense spending, and the Bush-era interventionist foreign policy, are off the table when it comes time to talk spending cuts.

U.S. Pushing U.N. Security Council To Authorize Direct Intervention In Libya

The Obama Administration is asking the U.N. Security Council to authorize direct military intervention in Libya. The question is, why now?

Four NYT Journalists Missing in Libya

New York Times journalists Anthony Shadid, Stephen Farrell, Tyler Hicks, and Lynsey Addario have not been heard from in more than 24 hours.

Atlantis Found?

Archaeologists may have found the lost city of Atlantis. And, no, not the one in the Bahamas.

Who in Their Right Mind Would Want to be President?

Who wants that job? (And is willing to work that hard to get it?)

A Libyan No-Fly Zone Won’t Stop Gaddafi

Establishing a no-fly zone in Libya won’t stop the Civil War, and it’s likely to draw the United States further into a conflict that it needs to stay out of.

A New Constitution for Tunisia

An update on Tunisia.

New PM in Egypt

U.S. Military Intervention In Libya? Just Say No

Intervening to “help” the Libyan revolt is very tempting, but it’s a temptation we ought to resist.

Getting Rid Of Gaddafi May Not Be As Easy As You Think

Establishing a no-fly zone isn’t likely to be enough to remove the current Libyan regime from power.

Unfit For Liberty?

The uprisings in the Arab world have led some to suggest that the Middle East isn’t “ready” to be free. They’re wrong.

Egyptian Army Accepts Constitutional Amendments

Egypt takes another step towards constitutional reform.

Tear Gas in Tunis

Chaos Continues To Reign As Gaddafi Slaughters Dissenters

The situation in Libya continues to be grim as Gaddafi lashes out while power slips through his fingers.

Time To Pull Out Of Afghanistan

Nine years into a war that seems to be without end, it’s time to declare victory and go home.

Egyptian Constitution Reform Committee Set to Report

The Constitutional Reform Commitee has finished its work and will report its recommendations to the military.

Does President Obama Apologize For America? The Facts Say No

It’s a Republican meme that President Obama has “apologized” for America repeatedly. The one problem with the meme is that there aren’t any facts to support it.

Oil Hits $100 Per Barrel: Is The U.S. Economy Hanging In The Balance?

The continuing chaos in Libya could have a serious impact on the U.S. economy, especially if it spreads to other oil producing nations.