Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster

Some interesting tidbits.

world languages thank you world languages thank you

Stop Trying to Make French Happen

Paris is fighting a losing battle over the prominence of their language.

Far Right Politics Spreading Across the West

The trend shows no sign of abating.

Corporations and Pride Month

Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Sometimes both.

The free high-resolution photo of pedestrian, road, traffic, street, city, new york, cityscape, downtown, taxi, transport, red, nyc, usa, yellow, lane, yellow cab, art, infrastructure, metropolis, urban area , taken with an unknown camera 03/26 2017 The free high-resolution photo of pedestrian, road, traffic, street, city, new york, cityscape, downtown, taxi, transport, red, nyc, usa, yellow, lane, yellow cab, art, infrastructure, metropolis, urban area , taken with an unknown camera 03/26 2017

Why So Many Die on American Roads

Traffic deaths are going down in most of the world. Not here.

The Qatar World Cup and Broad Drawing Conclusions From Unique Events

Sports fans enjoy watching sports. How much does politics impact that?

American Excess Deaths from COVID

We did much better in 2020 and worse since 2021 than we thought.

Biden Pleads for Regime Change in Russia

The President commits a Kinsley gaffe.

Hitting Russia Where It Hurts

Sanctions are already taking a toll. But the West could do more if it had the will.

‘Freedom Convoy’ Ends in Windsor, Moves to Paris

The anti-vax-and-other-stuff protest is spreading to Europe.

Omicron Cometh

Yet another COVID-19 strain has emerged.

Saving American Democracy

The Politician’s Syllogism rears its ugly head.

DC Statehood and Power Politics

More voice, more votes, more representation.

Disdain for the Less-Educated?

Is shunning those without college degrees the last acceptable prejudice?

Sweden No-Lockdown Plan a Mistake

The architect of the plan admits he was wrong.

Undercounting COVID Deaths

The counting methodology is flawed and that’s assuming honest reporting.

There’s No Generational War Brewing Over Coronavirus

Young people acting selfishly is a fact of life.

Trump Doesn’t Care If ISIS Terrorists Return To Europe

President Trump is basically saying he does not care if ISIS prisoners return to Europe to commit terror attacks.

Turkish Forces Cross Border Into Northern Syria, Hit Kurdish Areas

Just days after President Trump agreed to remove American forces from the scene, Turkish forces are entering northern Syria and Kurdish forces say they ar ready for war.

What is American Patriotism?

There’s an inherent tension in our national ethos.

D-Day At 75

Seventy-five years ago today, American soldiers and our allies undertook an invasion that helped change the world.

Temper Tantrums Abound As Shutdown Continues

As the government shutdown continues, Washington is coming to resemble a fight between toddlers. Except the toddlers have the excuse of not knowing any better.

France To Investigate Reports Of Russian Instigation In “Yellow Vest” Protests

French authorities are investigating reports that Russian interference may be helping to exploit and expand the five-week-old “yellow vest” protests.

Archbishop Alleges Popes Benedict And Francis Covered Up Sexual Abuse Reports

A top Vatican official is alleging that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI were both aware of previously unknown allegations of sexual abuse and chose to allow them to be covered up rather than bringing them to light.

Trump Continues To Drive A Wedge Between The United States And Its Allies

Donald Trump continues to do something that Russian and Soviet leaders likely only thought possible in their wildest dreams, drive a wedge between the United States and its NATO allies.

Former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci Dies At 87

Frank Carlucci, who served as President Reagan’s last Secretary of Defense, has died at 87.

U.S. Navy Reviving Atlantic Fleet

Seven years after deactivation, the U.S. Second Fleet will be patrolling the North Atlantic again.

Mike Pompeo and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

The new Secretary of State is an improvement over the worst Secretary of State in history.

Trump’s New Transgender Troop Ban Is As Unconstitutional As The First One

The President’s new attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military is as legally defective as the original ban was.

Defense Secretary Mattis Leaning Toward Allowing Transgender Troops To Remain In The Military

The Defense Department will reportedly recommend to President Trump that transgender members of the service currently serving in the military be allowed to continue serving.

Catalan Voters Headed Back To The Polls

Two months after a referendum that supported independence from Spain, Catalan voters head to the polls for a new round of parliamentary elections that remain up in the air.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lies 1,628 Times. The Truth Dies.

Since taking office, President Trump has made an average of 5.5 false claims per day.

American-Backed Forces Capture Raqqa, But ISIS Is Far From Defeated

The capital of the purported caliphate declared by ISIS has apparently fallen, but that doesn’t mean the end of ISIS. In fact, it may make the group more dangerous.

Trump Slump? International Travel To U.S. Suffers Noticeable Drop Since January

Commerce Department figures report a measurable drop in international travel to the United States since the start of 2017.

Trump Administration Set To Formalize Transgender Military Ban

The Trump Administration has reportedly finalized its order to the Defense Department regarding a ban on military service by transgender soldiers.

Transgender Troops Sue Trump Over Military Ban

Just about two weeks after being announced, the President’s proposed ban on military service by transgender troops is being challenged in Court.

Trump Announces Ban On Transgender Military Service

A step backward on civil rights from a President who claimed he would be a friend to the LGBT community.

Macron’s Centrist Party Scores Big Wins In French Legislative Elections

The political party formed by French President Emmanuel Macron just about a year ago scored big wins in yesterday’s first round of legislative elections.

Donald Trump’s European Vacation

Donald Trump’s first overseas trip went about as badly as you’d expect it would.

Senior White House Official Is ‘Person Of Interest’ In Russia Investigation

The Russia investigation seems to be getting closer to the Oval Office.

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

At Least Three Dead, Twenty Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In London

An apparent terror attack outside Parliament in London.

Scientists Have Discovered An Entire System Of Earth-Like Exoplanets

A major announcement from NASA in the search for possible life outside the Solar System.

Trump: Fear-mongering in Florida

The President gathered supporters around him, and blatantly lied to them, so as to increase support for his policies.

Russian Ambassador To Turkey Assassinated In Ankara

The situation in the Middle East just potentially became much more complicated.

Investigators Conclude Flight MH-17 Shot Down By Missile Brought Into Ukraine From Russia

A new report concludes that Malaysia Air Flight 17 was brought down by a missile brought into Ukraine from Russia.

Egyptian Airliner With 66 On Board Crashes In Mediterranean Sea

An EgyptAir jetliner with 66 on board disappeared from radar just before beginning its decent into Cairo.

Twitter To Live Stream All Ten Thursday Night N.F.L. Games

All of next season’s Thursday Night N.F.L. games will be streamed live for free via Twitter.

Terrorist Attacks Strike Brussels

A series of bomb attacks across Brussels has left at least 26 dead, and dozens more injured.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali Dead at 93

The godfather of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine has passed.