Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

U.S. Freezes A Portion Of Military Aid To Egypt

The U.S. sends a mostly weak signal to the Egyptian military.

Defense Department To Recall Most Furloughed Civilians Back To Work

The Pentagon is recalling up to 300,000 furloughed civilian employees on the same day that Congress voted to pay all furloughed employees when the government reopens.

Defense Civilians Could Go Back to Work

The Defense Department might open for business while the rest of government remains shut down.

DoD Needs Real Strategic Review

“No More Baby Steps,” my first piece for Defense News, has posted.

Taking Away Assad’s Spoon and Giving Him a Fork

f Assad is eating Cheerios, we’re going to take away his spoon and give him a fork.

Obama Administration vs Bush Administration on Syria

Score one for Team Bush?

Who’s Responsible For Syria Boondoggle?

Raymond Pritchett longs for the good old days of Tom Donilan, Hillary Clinton, and Leon Panetta.

How Times Have Changed: France, Not England, Joins US Coalition of Willing

Could anyone have imagined a decade ago a scenario when the United States would go to war with France by our side and England on the sidelines?

Whoever Wins, America Loses

In both Egypt and Syria, it’s damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

Syria: What Now?

As President Obama’s red line has been crossed more brazenly, he continues to sound reluctant to intervene in Syria while positioning forces to do just that.

Pentagon Gets Gay Friendly in a Hurry

Until this year, being gay could get you kicked out of the military. Now, it comes with perks.

Military Retirees May Lose Double Dip Retirement

The Pentagon is considering making military retirees ineligible for civil service pensions.

John McCain: Obama’s Secret Weapon?

The president’s 2008 rival has gone from bitter foe to go-to deal broker.

Pentagon May Cut Furlough Days

The Defense Department may have found the money to furlough its civilian workers fewer than 11 days.

White House and House of Representatives Clash on Civilian Pay

The two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are clashing on defense appropriations.

Transgender Soldiers Next Barrier

Last month, a retired Navy SEAL came out as transgender. Those still in uniform, however, must serve in silence.

If This Samantha Power Video Is The Next “Big Controversy”, Will It Be The Right Controversy?

Some thoughts on a decade old video in which Samantha Power speculates on actions to take against an unfolding genocide.

Pentagon to Take Draconian Personnel Moves if Sequester Continues

The Defense Department will freeze promotions, cut workers, and suspend training in the face of across-the-board funding cuts.

When Is A Coup Not A Coup?

Words don’t always mean what you think they mean.

SECDEF Hagel on DOMA Ruling

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has wasted no time issuing a full-throated statement endorsing today’s DOMA ruling

Military Judge: Obama’s Comments On Military Sex Abuse An “Undue Command Influence”

Did President Obama’s comments about taking a tough stand on military sexual assault constitute “undue influence” on specific cases? One military judge says that they did.

Who Should Decide What’s Secret?

While our leaders may not be fully trustworthy, they, not disgruntled low level employees, are best positioned to decide.

FISA, Blanket Searches, and the 4th Amendment

The government has your cell phone and credit card records. What can they do with that information?

Did The Pentagon Exaggerate The Effects of Sequestration?

The sequestration cuts are two months old, and it seems pretty clear that the claims of doom we heard before they went into effect were heavily exaggerated.

Ted Cruz For President?

Is someone who’s only be a Senator for just over 100 days a serious contender for the Republican nomination in 2016?

Massive Vacancies at Defense and State Departments

There are far too many appointed positions in the US government. And many of them are unfilled.

Hagel Scraps Drone Medal

Chuck Hagel has countermanded his predecessor and canceled the Distinguished Warfare Medal.

Our Cabinet Is Loaded

Many of our cabinet secretaries are independently wealthy.

The Hagel Doctrine

My latest for The National Interest, “Hagel’s Three Questions,” ponders our national security decisionmaking.

Hagel’s Uphill Fight

Examining SECDEF’s call for radical overhaul of our defense structure against the fate of similar calls past.

Hagel Halts Drone Medal

Chuck Hagel has cemented his legacy as the greatest Secretary of Defense ever.

Does Rand Paul Have A Future In The GOP?

Rand Paul’s filibuster has made him a darling among conservatives but it may not last.

Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Mattered

Rand Paul’s filibuster is one that all American’s should thank him for that.

Congress Asks Hagel To Demote Drone Medal

Congress is banding together on a bipartisan basis to fight the greatest problem facing the country: the precedence of the Distinguished Warfare Medal above the Bronze Star.

Conservative News Consumers Again Surprised By Obvious

The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.