Obama To Delay Action On Immigration Reform Until After Election

For purely political reasons, the Administration is delaying the announcement of new executive action on immigration.

White House May Hold Off On Immigration Action Until After Election

Cowardice, or politically prudent?

Judge Tosses Chris McDaniel’s Challenge To GOP Senate Runoff Result

Chris McDaniel’s meritless, quixotic challenge to the Mississippi GOP Senate Primary is reaching it’s expected conclusion.

Republicans Still Have A Problem With Female Voters

Two prominent Republican groups point out the blindingly obvious.

Congress Must Vote Before We Expand The Attacks On ISIS

As talk begins of expanding the war against ISIS into Syria, it is becoming long past time for Congress to exercise its Constitutional function.

What Republican Wave?

So far at least, there is no evidence that 2014 will be a “wave election.”

What “Third Term Curse?”

Some have argued that there is an historical bias against political parties holding on to the White House for more than two terms. As with most commonly held ideas, that simply isn’t true.

Mitch McConnell Promising More Showdowns And Shutdowns If The GOP Wins The Senate

If Republicans win the Senate, what we’ve seen for the past three years could end up seeming tame by comparison.

The Timing of Elections Matters (Ferguson Edition)

Yet another example of how institutional choices matter.

Hillary Clinton Hurting 2014 Democratic Candidates?

Some on the left are saying that Hillary Clinton isn’t doing enough to help Democrats in 2014.

Could The House Lawsuit Against Obama Cost The GOP The Senate?

In what would be a classic bit of political irony, polling indicates that the House lawsuit against the President could make Democrats more likely to vote in November.

No, Obama Isn’t Seeking ‘Regime Change’ in Iraq

The United States is, in fact, doing the exact opposite.

Why Debating Districts Misses The Larger Point

There are plenty of other factors that help our two major parties retain power.

Will the GOP Ever Win Another Presidential Election?

It’s hard for a party to win four straight presidential elections. The Democrats may pull it off.

Obama’s Iraq Policy Is Open-Ended, Directionless, And Likely To Fail

President Obama doesn’t seem to have any idea what he wants to do in Iraq.

Democratic Incumbents In Trouble In Hawaii Primary

Trouble in paradise for two of Hawaii’s top Democrats?

The Scourge that is in-Person Voter Fraud

The numbers are shocking!

Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Have Rebels In Donetsk Surrounded

End game? Or the potential spark of a wider war?

Federal Judge Rejects Voting Rights Challenge To North Carolina Ballot Changes

A major voting rights ruling out of North Carolina.

Voter ID Laws Are A Solution In Search Of A Non-Existent Problem

There is simply no evidence of the kind of in-person voter impersonation that Voter ID Laws were designed to prevent.

Social Issues Now Benefiting Democrats

Once something that generally benefited Republicans, social issues are now becoming a wedge issue for Democrats.

House Republicans Are Dooming Their 2016 Nominee With Latino Voters

Republicans in the House seem determined to make life difficult for whomever wins the GOP nomination in 2016

Tea Party Set To Lose Its Final Two Battles In Kansas And Tennessee

The Tea Party v. “establishment” battle in the GOP has been pretty one-sided this year.

Competitive House Districts: A Rarity

Our non-competitive political system.

Hobby Lobby Is Not An Issue That Will Bring Voters To The Polls In November

Once again, we are reminded that the fact that people feel strongly about an issue does not mean it’s one that will cause them to get out and vote.

Elizabeth Warren’s Own Donors Say They Wouldn’t Support Her For President

Notwithstanding the hype, there’s one very big reason why the idea of Elizabeth Warren as a viable candidate for President doesn’t make much sense.

Obama To Take New Executive Action On Immigration?

According to some reports, President Obama may be about to make an end run around Congressional inaction on immigration reform.

Republicans Dismiss Impeachment As A Democratic Ploy, But May Still Face A Dilemma

Republicans are dismissing talk of impeachment as a Democratic fundraising ploy, but it may be they are protesting just a bit too much.

Majority Of Americans Say Children Who Have Crossed The Border Should Be Treated As Refugees

The American people don’t want to turn those migrant children from Central America away after all.

Hobby Lobby Could Be Creating New Gender Gap Problems For Republicans

The Hobby Lobby decision could end up motivating women voters to turn out to vote against Republicans in the fall.

Russia Getting Ready To Escalate In Ukraine?

Things are getting serious in eastern Ukraine.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Both Impeachment And The House’s Lawsuit Against Obama

Once again the GOP finds itself on the wrong side of public opinion.

Primary Turnout And The 2014 Midterms

Turnout to date for the 2014 primaries is at record lows, but its unclear what that tells us about November.

Russians Really, Really Like Vladimir Putin, And That Makes Ending The Ukraine Crisis Harder

Vladimir Putin has become immensely popular in Russia again, and its not hard to figure out why.

Hillary Clinton Remains The Overwhelming Choice Of Democrats For 2016

If Hillary Clinton is going to have a serious challenge in 2016, the person who will do that has yet to emerge.

Thank God For Negative Campaigning

Rather than being a bad thing, negative campaigning is an essential part of our political system.

Republicans Still Don’t Know How To Communicate With Female Voters

It appears that the GOP still has a problem communicating with women.

Afghans Agree To Changes In Government In Deal To Resolve Election Dispute

The various factions in Afghanistan have agreed, at least in principle, to alter the nation’s government as part of a deal to resolve election disputes.